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The Path Forward

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The Path Forward

Main Scenario Progress: 489 / 953 (51.3%)


Stormblood Progress: 110 / 162 (67.9%)


Lyse is not willing to let this opportunity pass you by.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Lyse is not willing to let this opportunity pass you by.


Accepting the Quest

Lyse: There's no time to lose, [Forename]! General Aldynn needs to know what we saw! 


Storm Officer: We will have our retribution. It is but a matter of time. 
Pipin: So long as the imperials hold Castrum Abania, we will not be able to march on Ala Mhigo.
Serpent Officer: We have lost so many men already—if we suffer another defeat like that, this campaign is over.
M'naago: I'm relieved the two of you made it back in one piece. I mean, I always am, but it's a little different now, isn't it?
Alphinaud: Well? Did you learn anything of value?
Alisaie: You look like you've got something important to say...

Reporting to Raubahn

Raubahn: You are returned. I only hope you bring good news. 
Lyse: We scaled the cliffs of Nyunkrepf's Hope and spied smoke rising from Castrum Abania's main cannon. 
Lyse: I think Marshal Tarupin's right—they didn't fire again because they couldn't. The cannon seems to have been disabled somehow.  
Alphinaud: Then we must attack Castrum Abania at once! 
Raubahn: Hm. It could still be a trick. But if it isn't, we may not get a better opportunity. 
Alphinaud: Bluntly, General, if it is a trick, it is an utterly baffling strategy. Had the imperials wished to wipe us out, they could simply have kept firing. 
Pipin: Be that as it may, we need not risk everything to seize it. I say we dispatch a small contingent to infiltrate the castrum and secure control of the weapon. 
Pipin: If the enemy is preoccupied with repairs, we may be able to take them unawares. If, on the other hand, it is indeed a trick, our token force will prove an elusive target—and we will at least know the cannon is operational. 
Alphinaud: Either way, it seems well worth the risk. But how are we to infiltrate the castrum? 
Pipin: ...In anticipation of a day such as this, men and women under my command have labored long to cultivate a network of informants throughout Gyr Abania—including Radiata. 
Pipin: Radiata is home to many who hold menial positions at Castrum Abania and other nearby installations. With the aid of our allies there, I believe we can secure a route into the fortress. 
Lyse: The Resistance will handle this. You may have recruited these informants, but they'll be just as happy working with fellow Ala Mhigans. At the end of the day, it's our land—our responsibility. Let us do right by Conrad. 
Alphinaud: I should be glad to accompany her, General—as would Alisaie and [Forename], I am sure. 
Raubahn: Well then. If you are all in agreement, I see no reason to refuse you. 
Raubahn: We will make ready to march on Castrum Abania. Go, and may Rhalgr watch over and keep you. 


Pipin: Perhaps you recall the night we first met outside the Sil'dihn ruins, under such unfortunate circumstances? I had just returned from a meeting with my Ala Mhigan agents. As I said before, we have been preparing for this day.
Raubahn:  Had Alphinaud not volunteered you, I would have asked. If anyone can see this mission through, it's you. 
Alisaie: ...I suspect a handpicked contingent of the Ala Mhigan Brigade's finest would have been equally, if not more, qualified...but what do I know.
M'naago: Hm! I knew the Alliance had spies in Gyr Abania, but in Radiata? Impressive...
Lyse: Thanks for standing by me, [Forename]. together, we'll make Conrad proud!

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: My apologies for speaking on your behalf. It would seem my sister's forthright manner is rubbing off on me...I confess, my decision to volunteer was not wholly motivated by concern for Lyse, nor less Ala Mhigo. 
Alphinaud: ...Castrum Abania is the largest facility in the Peaks, you see, and so the likelihood that Krile is being held captive there is quite high... 
Alphinaud: Dealing with that cannon remains our main objective, of course, but if there is even a chance that Krile might be rescued in the process, I would never forgive myself if I did not take it.