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The Nonmind

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The Nonmind

The Nonmind Image.png

Main Scenario Progress: 275 / 953 (28.9%)


Heavensward Progress: 34 / 138 (24.6%)


Alphinaud is eager to make contact with the Gnath.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Alphinaud places your collective offerings at the trading post, and you are soon approached by three curiously affable Gnath. They seem well pleased with the goods, and your party is invited to their nearby hive to trade. Enter Loth ast Vath, and speak with the Vath fleetfoot you met earlier.
  • You enter the grounds of the Vath hive, and the Gnath you spoke with at the trading post directs you to the hive's chosen leader. Approach the Vath storyteller and barter for information.
  • The storyteller welcomes you to the hive, and willingly relates the circumstances that led to the summoning of his tribe's predictably crystal-hungry primal. Unfortunately, nothing the Vath leader tells you offers any clue as to how you might go about defeating the insatiable creature...


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: Well, everything appears to be in order. Assuming no one has any objections to my choice of presentation, I shall place our offerings at the trading post as instructed. Were I of the Gnath, I think I would be suitably impressed.

Alphinaud: Well? How long must we wait? Should we have sounded a signal or some such? 
Estinien: Calm yourself, Master Alphinaud. Our offering has not gone unnoticed. 
Vath Fleetfoot: <click> <click> Long has it been since hunters last came to trade, bearing gifts that filled the air with such delightful scents. 
Excited Gnath: Landtrap nectar! 
Exultant Gnath: Caelumtree fruit! 
Gnath Trio: And nanka flesh! 
Vath Fleetfoot: What delectable foods you have brought for us. Our meager existence is much enriched by your bounty. 
Vath Fleetfoot: <click> <click> Come, hunters. Come to our hive if you would trade. Cramped and stifling our homes are, but the rancid incense keeps the dragons at bay. 
Excited Gnath: Cramped! 
Exultant Gnath: Stifling! 
Gnath Trio: And horribly smelly! 
Vath Fleetfoot: But better to live in stench than be cracked and crunched by dragon jaws, yes? Come, come, it is not far. 

Optional Dialogue

Ysayle: These Gnath seem harmless enough. Almost jovial, even. I would prefer, however, that we conclude our business with them as soon as possible.
Alphinaud: Can those truly be Gnath? Were it not for their appearance, I would think them wholly unrelated to the savage creatures that attacked us on the road.
Estinien: ...Strangely friendly, are they not? Or mayhap just strange.

Speaking with the Vath fleefoot

Vath Fleetfoot: <click> <click> Your presence has been announced to the storyteller. You must speak to our chosen leader in words, for we are Vath. We are the Nonmind.

Optional Dialogue

Vath Fleetfoot: <click> <click> The storyteller awaits you. If you wish to trade, then it is to him that you must speak.

Speaking with the Vath Storyteller (Cutscene)

Vath Storyteller: <click> <click> Welcome to our hive, hunters. You have brought delicacies much sought after by our people, and we are much pleased. What would you have in return? 
Alphinaud: Honored elder─pray allow me to begin by thanking you for welcoming us into your home, and for accepting our humble offerings. My companions and I are come in search of knowledge─specifically, knowledge of your people's god. 
Vath Storyteller: Knowledge alone? What strange hunters you are! But if it is words you desire, then words you shall have! We are the Vath─the Nonmind─and to speak is our fate! 
Vath Storyteller: You will hear the tale of the Gnath's god─of the god the Onemind summoned into our midst. 
Ysayle: The “Onemind”...these are the Gnath who reside in the main colony? 
Vath Storyteller: Yes, they are one. Connected. But let us begin the story at its beginning... 
Vath Storyteller: Some moons ago, a single dragon flew in from the east, bleeding and weak. It fell from the sky and into the hive, where it was swarmed by my brethren. And with spear, and spell, and musket, the dragon was slain. 
Estinien: 'Twas likely one that had fled battle with my kinsmen. I should commend you for finishing the job. 
Vath Storyteller: Dragons are fierce and terrible adversaries. The Onemind would always cower when their winged shadows passed over the ground. But no longer─they had learned that a battle-weary Dravanian was easy prey. 
Vath Storyteller: Thus did the Overmind decide to heed the words of the black-robed men. The Onemind would call forth our god, and unleash His blades upon the dragons...
Vath Storyteller: Dravanian lands would become Gnath lands, and ever larger would grow our domain. 
Vath Storyteller: But our god ever hungers. The price He demands in crystals far exceeds the rewards for this war. We of the Vath despise and revile His insatiable existence!