The Journey Continues
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The Journey Continues
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Eulmore (X:11.6, Y:12.2)
- Quest line
- Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 80
- Required items
- 1 Faded Crystal of Light
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Nothing Unsaid
- Next quest
Unto the Morrow
- Patch
- 5.3
Main Scenario Progress: 677 / 960 (70.5%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 136 / 157 (86.6%)
“His business concluded, Alphinaud turns his attention to yours.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Speak with Urianger at the Bookman's Shelves.
- Deliver the faded Crystal of Light to Seto.
- Speak with Urianger.
Quest Acceptance
Alphinaud: Forgive me. I realize now that I never asked you what business brought you here. Can I be of assistance? Alphinaud: ...Alisaie said that, did she? Well, as you can see, I am quite all right now─unlike her, by the sound of it. Ahem. Perhaps you might consider visiting Urianger next? Alphinaud: Given his conversance with the idiosyncrasies of the fae folk, I doubt it will be an issue, but a small part of me worries that they may not relinquish him willingly. As such, I would feel better if you were to wwlook in on our friend─assuming you have the time, of course.
Speak with Urianger at the Bookman's Shelves
Urianger: Ha! That I should have the pleasure of welcoming a guest, even as mine own occupation draweth to a close. What bringeth thee hither, my friend? Urianger: So thou wouldst grant the Exarch a final tour of the realm which hath been his home these hundred years? A noble gesture. Urianger: As for Master Alphinaud's concerns, thou may'st rest assured that all is well here. Far from detaining me, our fae friends have agreed to assist in the transportation of these tomes unto the Cabinet of Curiosity. Naught more remaineth to be done. Urianger: Regardless, 'tis well that thou didst come, for I had been meaning to show something to thee. Urianger: An object I chanced to find after thy victory over Elidibus. Urianger: Though it hath lost its radiance, 'tis unmistakably a Crystal of Light. One that did, in all likelihood, once belong to Ardbert. Urianger: Having been interred with his body, it would have remained upon his person after his possession by Elidibus. Urianger: And when his mortal form was─forgive mine indelicacy─consumed by thy foe to fuel his transformation, I posit that the crystal did tumble free. Urianger: Save that which doth abide in thee, it is all that remaineth of our friend. And if thou art willing, I would have thee deliver it unto Seto. I can think of no worthier recipient than he─and no more fitting a bearer than thee. Urianger: As ever, thou wilt find the amaro in Wolekdorf. My thanks, Jack.
Deliver the faded Crystal of Light to Seto
Seto: Ah, full glad am I to see you safe and well. Rumors spoke of strange, spectral foes bent on your destruction... Seto: But with the sky returned to normal, I assume all is well again. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? (Trade Faded Crystal of Light) Voice Over Cutscene Start Seto: Is that...Ardbert's crystal? Seto: So it is. It has changed...but I would know it anywhere. However did you come by it? Seto: ...Then even in death, his enemies found a way to profit from his sacrifice. It grieves me to think of his body being used for evil ends... Seto: But thanks to you, his honor is restored, and he may finally find peace. Seto: No words can express my gratitude. I will keep this crystal safe to the end of my days. Seto: Rest easy, my friend. You have earned it. How Will You Respond? * Tell me, does anything strike you as different about my soul? ◀ * Close your eyes. Seto: Your soul? Hm... Seto: How can this be? (Ardbert appears before Seto) Ardbert: Seto, my old friend. You've grown! Seto: Oh! Oh, Ardbert! How I've missed you! Seto: I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe... Or even console you. Seto: Had I only learned to speak sooner, I would have told you how much you meant to me. How much I cared. Ardbert: I knew. I always knew. Ardbert: But I'm happy to hear it nonetheless. Thank you, Seto. My partner in crime. Seto: I see... His journey continues. Seto: Then I will not yet bid him rest. With you, he may look forward to many more adventures. Seto: It has been a while since last I flew. Perhaps I too will go on a little adventure. Ride the winds, seek the horizon... Yes. I think perhaps I will.
Speak with Urianger
Urianger: Ah, thou art returned. Tell me, how did Seto receive thine offering? Urianger: ...Remarkable. 'Twas fated that thou shouldst be the one to undertake this task, I think. Urianger: As Ardbert liveth on in thee, so too shall he and his comrades live on in the hearts of the people of Norvrandt. Urianger: And their tale, now rightly told, shall inspire new Warriors of Light for generations to come.