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Strong and Unified

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Strong and Unified

Quest giver
The Peaks (X:15.7, Y:35.4)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 108,000
Gil 631
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Main Scenario QuestThe First of Many
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Main Scenario QuestHells Open
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Side QuestUndeserved Praise
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Main Scenario Progress: 483 / 953 (50.7%)


Stormblood Progress: 104 / 162 (64.2%)


M'naago would rather not keep General Aldynn and the others waiting.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • M'naago would rather not keep General Aldynn and the others waiting.



Alisaie: So that's why the village was unharmed...
Lyse: I don't know why the imperials would abandon Ala Ghiri without a fight, but I'm glad they did.
Alphinaud: Rather cowardly of them. Uncharacteristically so...

Accepting the Quest

M'naago: Well, you heard the Flame General. Looks like we've got a meeting to attend! 


Serpent Officer: On behalf of the Elder Seedseer, I thank you for your swift and decisive action against the primal menace. We are not unaware of the danger it posed to our fair nation.
Storm Officer: The imperials underestimated us once, and they paid dearly for it. They may not be so easily deceived next time—but if we cannot fool them, we will simply have to break them!
Pipin: Everything appears to be in order. Very good, very good.
Conrad: Enjoy your time with M'naago and her kin? Aye, that's what I want to hear. Too many soldiers forget the importance of time away from all this.

Speaking with Raubahn (Cutscene)

Raubahn: That everyone? Then let us begin. 
Raubahn: Ala Ghiri is ours, and for a mercy we took it without losing a single man. But we dare not grow complacent—Specula Imperatoris will not be so easily won. 
Alphinaud: If I may, General—should we not pause to consider the imperials' motivations? For Zenos to surrender a fortified settlement of strategic importance without so much as firing a shot is...inexplicable. 
Raubahn: We searched the village and found no traps or other signs of sabotage. Suspicious though it may be, I will not refuse this gift from our enemy. 
Raubahn: The path to Ala Mhigo is through the east—through Specula Imperatoris and Castrum Abania. It bears repeating, however, that the latter is home to a massive cannon with unparalleled range and destructive power. 
Pipin: Which means that we will need to strike Specula Imperatoris quickly, both to limit their ability to locate our forces in the field, and to utilize the installation as a shield against attack, as they would doubtless not risk damaging the towers. 
Alphinaud: I see.... Then we have no choice but to accept what we have been given. 
Conrad: Aye, that's the way of it. I've no doubt that Zenos has got something planned, but we'll just have to deal with it when the time comes. 
Raubahn: To the assault, then. The main host will commence a direct assault on Specula Imperatoris. During this time, I would hold the Scions in reserve at Ala Ghiri to deal with any imperial forces that may be dispatched in response.  
Alphinaud: Understood. 
Lyse: Wait a minute! We should be fighting with you and the Resistance! 
Lyse: I understand you don't want to rely too much on [Forename] after what she's/he's been through, but at least let the rest of us do our part! 
< What will you say? >
< If she wants to fight, I say let her fight! >
< ...Don't do anything too reckless, all right? >
< If she wants to fight, I say let her fight! >
Lyse: Thanks. I knew you would understand. 
< ...Don't do anything too reckless, all right? >
Lyse: I won't. I promise I'll do what Conrad says. 
Alphinaud: ...Mayhap it would be best if I accompanied you. Alisaie can stay with [Forename]. 
Alisaie: Oh, go if you must. The two of us can take care of ourselves. 
Raubahn: You have your orders. Dismissed! 


Meanwhile, deep within an imperial research facility...

Fordola: head... 
Zenos yae Galvus: Let us see... 
Zenos yae Galvus: So...she lives. Impressive... or merely lucky. 
Though that too may prove a useful trait. 
Fordola: My lord...what have you done to me...? 
Aulus mal Asina: Though we Garleans are intellectually and physiologically superior in almost all respects, we lack the hereditary traits required for the reliable manipulation of aether—hence our unique inability to wield magicks. 
Aulus mal Asina: This deficiency, for want of a better word, saw us subjected to decades of oppression by the lesser races, and we were eventually driven to seek shelter in the cold northern reaches of Ilsabard.  
Aulus mal Asina: Fortunately, said region was replete with vast deposits of ceruleum, which proved instrumental int he development of magitek: a revolutionary technology conceived to compensate for our disadvantage. 
Aulus mal Asina: It was with magitek that we grew strong—that our nation became an empire. Yet ultimately, this was an extrinsic solution to an intrinsic problem. What I wanted was not a crude device to be used in lieu of magic. 
Aulus mal Asina: Through modification of the Garlean genome, I argued that it might be possible to enhance a subject's ability to manipulate aether, effectively empowering them to wield magicks. Alas, my theories were met with consternation in the imperial court. 
Aulus mal Asina: Only Lord Zenos, with commendable foresight and wisdom, deigned to support my research. 
Fordola: ...You gave me this treatment? But I'm not Garlean. 
Zenos yae Galvus: Ala Mhigan, through and through. 
Zenos yae Galvus: What you have been granted is far greater than mere magic. Before that lesser light, it is as a second sun. 
Aulus mal Asina: I am informed that Ala Ghiri was recently occupied by the Resistance, and that an attack on Specula Imperatoris is considered imminent. This could provide and ideal opportunity to test her performance in the field. 
Zenos yae Galvus: Your...Skulls, was it? They have joined the garrison at the watchtower?  
Fordola: ...Yes, my lord. By your leave, I would rendezvous with them and lead a counterattack against the insurgents. 
Zenos yae Galvus: No. Even were you to leave now, you would not arrive in time. 
There is another duty I would entrust to you.. 
Thancred: ...Found you. 

Speaking with Alisaie

Alisaie: So full of fire and eager, weren't they? Well, I wouldn't worry too much. They're strong and they have each other. 
Alisaie: At least he spared me the trouble of having to speak up. I wasn't about to let Lyse go alone...