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Fish ADS Mounts A Nocturne for Heroes A Rank Abalathia's Skull Abalathia's Spine Abilities Ability Icon Ability actions Abyss Accessories Accessories by class type Accessories by gear slot Accessory Sets Accessory usable by all classes Achamoth Achievements Achievements added in patch 1.0 Achievements added in patch 2.0 Achievements added in patch 2.05 Achievements added in patch 2.1 Achievements added in patch 2.16 Achievements added in patch 2.2 Achievements added in patch 2.21 Achievements added in patch 2.25 Achievements added in patch 2.28 Achievements added in patch 2.3 Achievements added in patch 2.35 Achievements added in patch 2.38 Achievements added in patch 2.4 Achievements added in patch 2.45 Achievements added in patch 2.5 Achievements added in patch 2.51 Achievements added in patch 2.55 Achievements added in patch 3.0 Achievements added in patch 3.01 Achievements added in patch 3.05 Achievements added in patch 3.07 Achievements added in patch 3.1 Achievements added in patch 3.15 Achievements added in patch 3.2 Achievements added in patch 3.21 Achievements added in patch 3.25 Achievements added in patch 3.3 Achievements added in patch 3.35 Achievements added in patch 3.4 Achievements added in patch 3.45 Achievements added in patch 3.5 Achievements added in patch 3.51 Achievements added in patch 3.55a Achievements added in patch 3.55b Achievements added in patch 3.56 Achievements added in patch 3.57 Achievements added in patch 4.0 Achievements added in patch 4.01 Achievements added in patch 4.05 Achievements added in patch 4.1 Achievements added in patch 4.11 Achievements added in patch 4.15 Achievements added in patch 4.2 Achievements added in patch 4.25 Achievements added in patch 4.3 Achievements added in patch 4.31 Achievements added in patch 4.35 Achievements added in patch 4.36 Achievements added in patch 4.4 Achievements added in patch 4.45 Achievements added in patch 4.5 Achievements added in patch 4.55 Achievements added in patch 4.56 Achievements added in patch 5.0 Achievements added in patch 5.01 Achievements added in patch 5.05 Achievements added in patch 5.08 Achievements added in patch 5.1 Achievements added in patch 5.11 Achievements added in patch 5.15 Achievements added in patch 5.2 Achievements added in patch 5.21 Achievements added in patch 5.25 Achievements added in patch 5.3 Achievements added in patch 5.31 Achievements added in patch 5.35 Achievements added in patch 5.4 Achievements added in patch 5.41 Achievements added in patch 5.45 Achievements added in patch 5.5 Achievements added in patch 5.55 Achievements added in patch 5.57 Achievements added in patch 6.0 Achievements added in patch 6.01 Achievements added in patch 6.05 Achievements added in patch 6.08 Achievements added in patch 6.1 Achievements added in patch 6.11 Achievements added in patch 6.11a Achievements added in patch 6.15 Achievements added in patch 6.2 Achievements added in patch 6.25 Achievements added in patch 6.28 Achievements added in patch 6.3 Achievements added in patch 6.31 Achievements added in patch 6.35 Achievements added in patch 6.4 Achievements added in patch 6.45 Achievements added in patch 6.48 Achievements added in patch 6.5 Achievements added in patch 6.51 Achievements added in patch 6.55 Achievements added in patch 6.58 Achievements added in patch 7.0 Achievements added in patch 7.01 Achievements added in patch 7.05 Achievements added in patch 7.1 Achievements added in patch 7.11 Achievements added in patch 7.15 Achievements added in patch 7.16 Achievements added in patch 7.2 Achievements by patch Achievements that award items Achievements that award titles Achivement Acid Bubble Acrolith Action formatting templates Action properties Action types Actions Actions Guides Actions and traits needing patch Actions by type Actions unlocked by quest Actuator Adamantoise Adarkim Tribe Administrator Adventurer Plate Images Adventurer Plate images Adventurer Plates Adventurer Squadrons Adventurers' Guild Adventuring Forays Aestheticians Aetherfishing Aetherochemical Spills Fish Aevis Agelyss Wise Ahriman Airborne mounts Airship Airship Aftcastle Airship Deployment Sector Airship Forecastle Airship Hull Airship Rigging Ala Mhigan Resistance Ala Mhigo Alacran Album Alchemist Alchemist's Primary Tools Alchemist's Secondary Tools Alchemist Armor Alchemist Icon Alchemist accessory Alchemist actions Alchemist chestwear Alchemist footwear Alchemist handwear Alchemist headwear Alchemist legwear Alchemist quests Alchemist recipes Alchemist ring Alchemist traits Aldenard Alder Springs Aldgoat Aldgoat Billy Aldgoat Nanny Aleport Alexander Quests Alexandrian Axe Beak Alkonost All Saints' Wake (2013) All Saints' Wake (2014) All Saints' Wake (2015) All Saints' Wake (2016) All Saints' Wake (2017) All Saints' Wake (2018) All Saints' Wake (2019) All Saints' Wake (2021) All Saints' Wake (2022) All Saints' Wake (2023) All Saints' Wake (2024) All Saints' Wake Events All Saints' Wake Events quests Allagan Automata Allagan Empire Allagan Node Allagan Tomestone Tokens Allagan Tomestones Allied Beast Tribe quests Allied Society Quests Allied Tribal Quests Alpaca Alpha Quadrant Alte Roite Always Available Alzadaal's Legacy Alzadaal's Legacy (Zone) quests Alzadaal's Path Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern Amalj'aa Amalj'aa Daily Quests Amalj'aa Main Quests Amaro Amaurot (area) Amaurotine Amh Araeng Amh Araeng FATEs Amh Araeng Fishing log Amh Araeng quests Amphiptere Anala Ananta Ananta Daily Ananta Daily Quests Ananta Main Quests Anchag Android Anemone Anila Anima Weapons Anima Weapons Quests Animations Antelope Antling Antlion Anubys Any actions Any recipes Any traits Apa Apanda Apkallu Apollyon Aquarium Fish Arachne Arachne Eve Arcanist Arcanist's Grimoires Arcanist Accessories Arcanist Armor Arcanist Icon Arcanist actions Arcanist belts Arcanist bracelets Arcanist chestwear Arcanist earrings Arcanist footwear Arcanist handwear Arcanist headwear Arcanist legwear Arcanist necklace Arcanist quests Arcanist ring Arcanist traits Arcanists' Guild Arch Demon Archaeodemon Archaeornis Archaeosaur Archeo Alexandria Archer Archer's Arms Archer Accessories Archer Armor Archer Icon Archer actions Archer belts Archer bracelets Archer chestwear Archer earrings Archer footwear Archer handwear Archer headwear Archer legwear Archer necklace Archer quests Archer ring Archer traits Archfiend Archon Archon's Design Area of Effect actions Areas Arioch Arkasodara Arkasodara Daily Quests Arkasodara Main Quests Armadillo Armor Armor Sets Armor by class type Armor by gear slot Armor properties Armor usable by all classes Armored Dragon Armored Fiend Armored Weapon Armorer Armorer's Primary Tools Armorer's Secondary Tools Armorer Armor Armorer Icon Armorer accessory Armorer actions Armorer chestwear Armorer footwear Armorer handwear Armorer headwear Armorer legwear Armorer quests Armorer recipes Armorer ring Armorer traits Arrhidaeus Arrzaneth Ossuary Artha Articles Articles to be modified Articles with stub sections Articles with unconfirmed content Ascian Ashcrown Consortium Ashkin Assault System Astrologian Astrologian's Arms Astrologian Accessories Astrologian Armor Astrologian Card Astrologian accessory Astrologian actions Astrologian belts Astrologian bracelets Astrologian chestwear Astrologian earrings Astrologian footwear Astrologian handwear Astrologian headwear Astrologian legwear Astrologian necklace Astrologian quests Astrologian ring Astrologian traits Asyle Volcane Atomos Au Ra Augmented Allagan Auspice Auspices Automated Knight Avalonia Fallen Avatar Avenger Axe Beak (Tural) Azim Khaat Azys Lla Azys Lla FATEs Azys Lla Fishing log Azys Lla quests BSFs B Rank Baboulas Bahamut Quests Balyk Consortium Bandersnatch Bandit Bangaa Banner quests Banshee Barbelo Barbmole Bard Bard Accessories Bard Armor Bard Icon Bard accessory Bard actions Bard belts Bard bracelets Bard chestwear Bard earrings Bard footwear Bard handwear Bard headwear Bard legwear Bard necklace Bard quests Bard ring Bard traits Barmuu Barrel Barreltender Barricade Basic crafting materials Basilisk Bat Batsquatch Battle achievements Battlecraft Leves Battle→Battle achievements Battle→Dungeons achievements Battle→Field Operations achievements Battle→Raids achievements Battle→The Hunt achievements Battle→Treasure Hunt achievements Battle→Trials achievements Beacon Bear Beast Beast Tribe Machine Beast Tribe Quests Beastkin Beastmen Tribes Beasts of the Final Days Beaver Beetle Behemoth Belladonna Belts Beneficial Lost Actions Benevolence Bentbranch Bestiary Beta Beta Quadrant Beyond the Stars Bhoot Bhujamga Bibliotaph Bicephalic Corse Big Fish Big Fish (Endwalker) Biloko Binah Bird of Paradise Bit Black Brush Black Mage Black Mage Accessories Black Mage Armor Black Mage Icon Black Mage accessory Black Mage actions Black Mage belts Black Mage bracelets Black Mage chestwear Black Mage earrings Black Mage footwear Black Mage handwear Black Mage headwear Black Mage legwear Black Mage necklace Black Mage quests Black Mage ring Black Mage traits Blackburn Blackguard Blacksmith Blacksmith's Primary Tools Blacksmith's Secondary Tools Blacksmith Armor Blacksmith Icon Blacksmith accessory Blacksmith actions Blacksmith chestwear Blacksmith footwear Blacksmith handwear Blacksmith headwear Blacksmith legwear Blacksmith quests Blacksmith recipes Blacksmith ring Blacksmith traits Blade Demon Blasphemous Dagon Blasphemy Blaster Blessed Siblings Blood of Meracydia Bloodborn kingdom Bloodglider Bloodless kingdom Bloodshore Bloodsucker Bloody Executioners Blue Kojin Blue Leafkin Blue Mage's Arms Blue Mage Accessories Blue Mage Armor Blue Mage Armor Sets Blue Mage Features Blue Mage accessory Blue Mage actions Blue Mage belts Blue Mage bracelets Blue Mage chestwear Blue Mage earrings Blue Mage footwear Blue Mage handwear Blue Mage headwear Blue Mage legwear Blue Mage necklace Blue Mage quests Blue Mage ring Blue Mage traits Bluefog Blunderville Square Boar Body Armor Body Part Bolir Tribe Bolt Hound Bomb Bomb (Object) Bombfish Bone Boonewa Bosses Botanist Botanist's Primary Tools Botanist's Secondary Tools Botanist Armor Botanist Icon Botanist actions Botanist chestwear Botanist footwear Botanist gatherer role Botanist handwear Botanist headwear Botanist legwear Botanist quests Botanist ring Botanist traits Boulder Boulder Downs Bovian Bovian Bull Bozjan Resistance Bozjan Southern Front FATEs Bozjan Southern Front quests Branchbearer Brass Blades Break Room Break Room quests Breaking Brick Mountains Brickman Brobinyak Broken Water Bronze Lake Brown Bear Brugaire Consortium Bubble Buduga Tribe Buffalo Bulb Burgeoning Dread Butterfly Cactuar Calcabrina Calx Cama Camp Cloudtop Camp Drybone Campaigns Canal Town Candidates for deletion Candidates for move Candor Canis Pugnax Cannon Cape Westwind Carapace Dragon Carbuncle Carcere IV Cardinal Virtue Caretaker Caribou Carpenter Carpenter's Primary Tools Carpenter's Secondary Tools Carpenter Armor Carpenter Icon Carpenter accessory Carpenter actions Carpenter chestwear Carpenter footwear Carpenter handwear Carpenter headwear Carpenter legwear Carpenter quests Carpenter recipes Carpenter ring Carpenter traits Carpenters' Guild Catalyst Catoblepas Cavalry Cedarwood Ceiling Light Centaur Central Shroud Central Shroud FATEs Central Shroud Fishing log Central Shroud quests Central Thanalan Central Thanalan FATEs Central Thanalan Fishing log Central Thanalan quests Ceratoraptor Cerberus Cerulea Ingens Ceruleum Servant Ceruleum Tank Cetus Chabameki Chabayuqeq Chain Chaotic Alliance Raids Chapuli Character achievements Character→Commendation achievements Character→Disciples of Magic achievements Character→Disciples of War achievements Character→Disciples of the Hand achievements Character→Disciples of the Land achievements Character→General achievements Character→Gold Saucer achievements Charity Chase FATEs Chess Knight Chichu Chicken Chigoe Chimera Chimera Poppet Chirwagur Chochin Chocobo Chocobo (Genus) Chocobo Actions Chocobo Barding Chocobo Forest Chocobo Racing Chocobo Square quests Chocobo Traits Chronicles of a New Era Quests Chuluu Cid's Memory Cid's Workshop Circle Circle of Knowing Cities City-States City-states Clam Clan Centurio Clan Nutsy Clan Rijin Class actions Class icon templates Class quests Class traits Classes Classes and Jobs Claw Clay Effigy Cleaner Cliffkite Cliffmole Clionid Clockwork Bug Clockwork Dreadnaught Clockwork Hunter Clockwork Knight Clockwork Predator Clockwork Soldier Clockwork Spider Clockwork Warrior Cloud Cloudfishing Cloudkin Cloudtop Coastlines Fish Coblyn Cobra Coerthas Coerthas Central Highlands Coerthas Central Highlands FATEs Coerthas Central Highlands Fishing log Coerthas Central Highlands quests Coerthas Western Highlands Coerthas Western Highlands FATEs Coerthas Western Highlands Fishing log Coerthas Western Highlands quests Coeurl Coeurl Dragon Coeurl Pup Coeurlclaw Poachers Colibri Collaboration Collaboration Quests Collectables Color templates Colossus Command Room Command Room quests Commerce Sector Common Triple Triad cards Companion actions Company Workshop Company actions Company of Heroes Concord Confederate Confidence Conjurer Conjurer Accessories Conjurer Armor Conjurer Icon Conjurer actions Conjurer belts Conjurer bracelets Conjurer chestwear Conjurer earrings Conjurer footwear Conjurer handwear Conjurer headwear Conjurer legwear Conjurer necklace Conjurer quests Conjurer ring Conjurer traits Conjurers' Guild Constancy Construction Permit Consumables Copperstone Coralshell Cordyceps Corpse Brigade Corse Costa del Sol Coyote Crab Crafting Crafting & Gathering achievements Crafting & Gathering→Alchemist achievements Crafting & Gathering→All Disciplines achievements Crafting & Gathering→Armorer achievements Crafting & Gathering→Blacksmith achievements Crafting & Gathering→Botanist achievements Crafting & Gathering→Carpenter achievements Crafting & Gathering→Culinarian achievements Crafting & Gathering→Fisher achievements Crafting & Gathering→Goldsmith achievements Crafting & Gathering→Leatherworker achievements Crafting & Gathering→Miner achievements Crafting & Gathering→Weaver achievements Crafting catalysts Crafting materials Craklaw Crania Lupi Crate Crawler Creations Criterion Dungeons Critical engagement FATEs Critter Crocodile Cross Slash Crystal Crystal Braves Crystal Claw Crystal Tower Crystal Tower quests Crystalline Mean Quests Crystals Culinarian Culinarian's Primary Tools Culinarian's Secondary Tools Culinarian Armor Culinarian Icon Culinarian accessory Culinarian actions Culinarian chestwear Culinarian footwear Culinarian handwear Culinarian headwear Culinarian legwear Culinarian quests Culinarian recipes Culinarian ring Culinarian traits Culture Culture of Thanalan Curator Currencies Currency Currency icon templates Custom Deliveries Cyclops Dagon Dahak Daily quests Dalamud Spawn Dalmasca Dalmascan Royal Fusiliers Damselfly Danbania Dancer's Arms Dancer Accessories Dancer Armor Dancer accessory Dancer actions Dancer belts Dancer bracelets Dancer chestwear Dancer earrings Dancer footwear Dancer handwear Dancer headwear Dancer legwear Dancer necklace Dancer quests Dancer ring Dancer traits Daphnia Dark Knight Dark Knight's Arms Dark Knight Accessories Dark Knight Armor Dark Knight accessory Dark Knight actions Dark Knight belts Dark Knight bracelets Dark Knight chestwear Dark Knight earrings Dark Knight footwear Dark Knight handwear Dark Knight headwear Dark Knight legwear Dark Knight necklace Dark Knight quests Dark Knight ring Dark Knight traits Dark knight traits Data templates Dataq Tribe Dawn's Respite Dawntrail Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests Dawntrail Role Quests Dawntrail content Dawon Daybreakers Deadly Coconut Death Gaze Death Machine Deathgaze Decotitus Deep Dungeons Deep Sea Fish Deepeye Defender Defense FATEs Defense Node Defensive Lost Actions Delivery Moogle Quests Delivery Moogle quests Delta Delta Quadrant Demimateria Demon Demon Wall Demon of the Tome Deployment Sector Detrimental Lost Actions Device Dhalmel Dhara Dharma Dhruva Diakka Diligence Dimwold Diplocaulus Diremite Diresaur Disambiguation articles Disambiguation templates Disciple of Hand accessories Disciple of Hand armor Disciple of Hand belts Disciple of Hand bracelets Disciple of Hand chestwear Disciple of Hand earrings Disciple of Hand footwear Disciple of Hand handwear Disciple of Hand headwear Disciple of Hand legwear Disciple of Hand necklace Disciple of Hand ring Disciple of Land accessories Disciple of Land armor Disciple of Land belts Disciple of Land bracelets Disciple of Land chestwear Disciple of Land earrings Disciple of Land footwear Disciple of Land handwear Disciple of Land headwear Disciple of Land legwear Disciple of Land necklace Disciple of Land ring Disciple of Magic accessories Disciple of Magic armor Disciple of Magic belts Disciple of Magic bracelets Disciple of Magic chestwear Disciple of Magic earrings Disciple of Magic footwear Disciple of Magic handwear Disciple of Magic headwear Disciple of Magic legwear Disciple of Magic necklace Disciple of Magic ring Disciple of War accessories Disciple of War armor Disciple of War belts Disciple of War bracelets Disciple of War chestwear Disciple of War earrings Disciple of War footwear Disciple of War handwear Disciple of War headwear Disciple of War legwear Disciple of War necklace Disciple of War ring Disciples of Magic Disciples of Magic actions Disciples of Magic traits Disciples of War Disciples of War actions Disciples of War traits Disciples of the Hand Disciples of the Hand actions Disciples of the Hand traits Disciples of the Land Disciples of the Land actions Disciples of the Land traits Disembodied Head Dock Storehouse Dodo Dogu Doma Doma (Area) Doman Adventurers' Guild Doman Enclave quests Doman Reconstruction Quests Door Doppro Dotharl Tribe Draco Dragon Dragonet Dragonfly Dragonhead Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests Dragonsong War quests Dragoon Dragoon Accessories Dragoon Armor Dragoon accessory Dragoon actions Dragoon belts Dragoon bracelets Dragoon chestwear Dragoon earrings Dragoon footwear Dragoon handwear Dragoon headwear Dragoon legwear Dragoon necklace Dragoon quests Dragoon ring Dragoon traits Drahn Drake Dravania Dravanian Horde Dread Dragon Dreamer Dreamlike Palace Drone Drowned Drybone Dullahan Dullahan Horseman Dunefishing Dunefishing Fish Dunesfolk Dungeons Duskwight Duty-exclusive materials Duty Finder Duty NPCs with no image Duty properties Dutys Dvergr Dwarf Dwarf Daily Quests Dwarf Main Quests Dye Dynamite Dzo Ea Earrings Earthen Sky Hideout Earthen Sky Hideout quests Earthenshire East Aldenard Trading Company East End East Othard Coastline East Shroud East Shroud FATEs East Shroud Fishing log East Shroud quests East Yyasulani Eastern La Noscea Eastern La Noscea FATEs Eastern La Noscea Fishing log Eastern La Noscea quests Eastern Thanalan Eastern Thanalan FATEs Eastern Thanalan Fishing log Eastern Thanalan Quests Eastern Thanalan quests Echevore Echidna Echo (genus) Echoes of Vana'diel Quests Eden Eden Primals Eden Quests Eden Quests quests Egg Egi Ehcatl Nine Eil Tohm Einhander Elbst Elder Wyvern Eldite Eldthurs Elemental Elementals Elezen Elf Elite Marks Elpis Elpis FATEs Elpis Fishing log Elpis quests Elvaan Elves Elysion Elysion Fishing log Emerald Carbuncle actions Emotes Empuse Empyreum Enchanted Fan Endless Endwalker Endwalker Main Scenario Quests Endwalker Role Quests Endwalker content Endymion Enemies Enemies by Patch Enemy Humanoid Enemy slaying FATEs Enforcement Droid Entelechy Eorzea Eorzean Alliance Eorzean Alliance Headquarters Eorzean Alliance Headquarters quests Eos actions Epic Triple Triad cards Epistles by Pameka Quests Equipment Equipment without gear sets Equity Eruca Escort FATEs Eshceyaani Wilds Estinien's Chambers quests Eta Ethoseletikos Boreas Eulmore Eulmore Fishing log Eulmore quests Eureka Elemental Eureka notorious monster FATEs Eurekan Weapons Even Further Hildibrand Adventures Quests Event Image Event merchants Events Everkeep Ward Evil Armor Evil Eye Evil Weapon Excavation Tunnels Excavation Tunnels quests Expansion content Expansions Expert recipes Exploration achievements Exploration→Abalathia's Spine achievements Exploration→Coerthas achievements Exploration→Dravania achievements Exploration→Duty achievements Exploration→Gyr Abania achievements Exploration→Ilsabard achievements Exploration→La Noscea achievements Exploration→Mor Dhona achievements Exploration→Norvrandt achievements Exploration→Othard achievements Exploration→Other achievements Exploration→Sightseeing Log achievements Exploration→Thanalan achievements Exploration→The Black Shroud achievements Exploration→The Northern Empty achievements Exploration→Xak Tural achievements Exploration→Yok Tural achievements Exploratory Missions Expressions emotes Exterior Wall Exterior Wall Decoration Extrastellar Life Extreme Trial mounts Exultation FATE FATE NPCs FATE properties FATEs FATEs by patch FATEs by zone Fabled Legendary Weapons Face Facer Facet of Crafting Facet of Fishing Facet of Forging Facet of Gathering Facet of Nourishing Facewear Faculty of Aetherology Faculty of Anthropology Faculty of Archaeology Faculty of Astronomy Faculty of Medicine Falak Fallgourd Float Familiar Fanow Fates Feast Mounts Feature quests Features Feet Armor Fell Knight Fence Ferrys Festival FATEs Field Operations Fieldcraft Leves Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Wiki Final Fantasy XIV Online Store item Final Fantasy XIV Wiki Final Fantasy XVI Collaboration: The Path Infernal Final Fantasy images Fire Firefly Fish Fancies Donuhanu Quests Fisher Fisher's Primary Tools Fisher's Secondary Tools Fisher Armor Fisher actions Fisher chestwear Fisher footwear Fisher gatherer role Fisher handwear Fisher headwear Fisher legwear Fisher quests Fisher ring Fisher traits Fishermen's Guild Fishing Fishing Rods Fishing Tackle Fishing log Fishing log by location Fishing log by type Fishing log with no type specified Fishing logs by location Fishing logs by patch Fishing logs by type Fist of Rhalgr Flame Barracks Flan Floating Islands Fish Flooring Flower Basket Fluturini Flying mounts Fogfens Fomor Fons Manalis Forgekin Formatting templates Forms Fort Jobb Fortemps Manor quests Foundation Foundation quests Four-seater mounts Fox Free Company Housing Freshwater Fish Freshwater fishing Freshwater fishing log Frog Frondale's Home for Friendless Foundlings Frondale's Home for Friendless Foundlings quests Frondale's Ward For Friendless Foundlings quests Frontline Frozen Mirror Fuath Funguar Fungus Furnishing Further Hildibrand Adventures Quests Future content GATEs Gabriel Gadget Gaelicat Gagana Gagarua's Gang Gaja Gajasura Galateae Galdjent Game Mechanics Images Game mechanics Gameplay Gamma Quadrant Gangos Gangos quests Gardening Gardening starters Gargoyle Garlean Garlean Empire Garlean Triple Triad cards Garlemald Garlemald FATEs Garlemald Fishing log Garlemald quests Garlond Ironworks Garuda Garuda-Egi actions Garula Gate Gate of Remembrance Gather FATEs Gathering formatting templates Gathering properties Gathering stubs Gear needing patch Gedan Gelatin Gemstone Traders General emotes General properties General wiki templates Generic items Genomos Geography Geshunpest Getting started Ghost Ghrah Giant Giant Bat (Tural) Giant Corse Giant Hornet Gigant Gigantender Gigantoad Gigas Glade Furniture Set Gladiator Gladiator's Arms Gladiator Accessories Gladiator Armor Gladiator Icon Gladiator actions Gladiator belts Gladiator bracelets Gladiator chestwear Gladiator earrings Gladiator footwear Gladiator handwear Gladiator headwear Gladiator legwear Gladiator necklace Gladiator quests Gladiator ring Gladiator traits Gladiators' Guild Glamour Sets Glamours Gleaners' Guildship Glossary Gnat Gnath Gnole Gnoll Gobbledygroper Goblin Goblin Glider Gobmachine Gobwalker Gobwidow Gogg Gold Saucer Golden Fleece Goldsmith Goldsmith's Primary Tools Goldsmith's Secondary Tools Goldsmith Armor Goldsmith Icon Goldsmith accessory Goldsmith actions Goldsmith chestwear Goldsmith footwear Goldsmith handwear Goldsmith headwear Goldsmith legwear Goldsmith quests Goldsmith recipes Goldsmith ring Goldsmith traits Golem Goobbue Good Jenanna's Grace Gordhonite Goro Tribe Government Sector Governments Gowrow Grand Company Grand Company Leves Grand Company achievements Grand Company→Grand Company achievements Grand Company→Immortal Flames achievements Grand Company→Maelstrom achievements Grand Company→Order of the Twin Adder achievements Gravekeeper Greatwood Rail Grebuloff Greenroom Greenroom quests Greensward Greentear Gremlin Griaule Gridania Griffin Grimoire Grizzly Bear Guides Guildhests Guildleve NPCs Guildleves Guimauve Gunbreaker's Arms Gunbreaker Accessories Gunbreaker Armor Gunbreaker accessory Gunbreaker actions Gunbreaker belts Gunbreaker bracelets Gunbreaker chestwear Gunbreaker earrings Gunbreaker footwear Gunbreaker handwear Gunbreaker headwear Gunbreaker legwear Gunbreaker necklace Gunbreaker quests Gunbreaker ring Gunbreaker traits Gundu Gwiber mounts Gyr Abania Gyuki Haagenti Hairstyles Half-Hyur/Half-Elezen Halfstone Hall of the Novice Hall of the Novices Hall of the Unbound Hallowed Statue Hammerhead Hammerlea Hand Armor Handsaint Accessories Hanuhanu Haokah Happy Bunny Harpeia Harpy Hatamoto Hatching-tide (2014) Hatching-tide (2015) Hatching-tide (2016) Hatching-tide (2017) Hatching-tide (2018) Hatching-tide (2019) Hatching-tide (2020) Hatching-tide (2021) Hatching-tide (2022) Hatching-tide (2023) Hatching-tide (2024) Hatching-tide Events Haunt Hawk Head Armor Headstone Healer Healer Guides Healer accessories Healer actions Healer armor Healer traits Heart of the Sworn Heart of the Sworn quests Heavens' Ward Heavensturn (2014) Heavensturn (2015) Heavensturn (2016) Heavensturn (2017) Heavensturn (2018) Heavensturn (2019) Heavensturn (2020) Heavensturn (2021) Heavensturn (2022) Heavensturn (2023) Heavensturn (2024) Heavensturn (2025) Heavensturn Delegation Heavensturn Events Heavensward Heavensward Main Scenario Heavensward Main Scenario Quests Heavensward content Hecatoncheir Hecteyes Hedgemole Helion Helions Helldiver Hellfishing Hellhound Hellsguard Heritage Found Heritage Found FATEs Heritage Found Fishing log Heritage Found quests Hexadrone Hhetsarro Hidden categories High Tide Harbor Highland Goobbue Highlander Highlanders Hildibrand Adventures Hildibrand quests Himaa Tribe Hingashi Hippogryph Historical Events Hoarhound Hobgoblin Home Sweet Hideaway Honeypot Hoobigo Horizon's Edge Hornbill Hornet Horse Hotgo Tribe Hound House Durendaire House Dzemael House Fortemps House Haillenarte House Thorne Housing Housing Items Howler Hrothgar Humanoid Warmachina Hume Hunter's Moon Events Hunting Log Hunting Log Icon Hustings Strip Huwasi Hybodus Hydaelyn Hydatos Delphyne Hydra Hydromantic Terraces Hypertuned Hyune Hyur IC-06 Central Decks IC-06 Regeneration Grid IIIrd Imperial Legion IVth Imperial Legion Ice Bomb Ice Dragon Ice Golem Icicle Icon templates Icons Idol Idol (Object) Idyllshire Idyllshire quests Ifrit Ifrit-Egi actions Igloo Iguana Ijin District Iksalion Il Mheg Il Mheg FATEs Il Mheg Fishing log Il Mheg quests Illuminati Ilsabard Ilsabard Quests Image templates Images Images by license Immortal Flames Immortal Flames Uniform Immortal Flames quests Imp Imperial Legions Imported vocabulary Inconceivably Further Hildibrand Adventures Quests Industry and Trade Infantry Infobox subtemplates Infobox templates Ingenuity Ingleside Apartment Lobby Ingredient Inkhorn Instruments Intercessory Intercessory quests Interior Wall Intersocietal Quests Invalid questlink output Io Iq Br'aax Iron Claws Iron Lake Ironheart Clan Ishgard Ishgardian Ishgardian Elezen Ishgardian Restoration Main Quests Ishgardian Restoration Sidequests Island Animals Island Sanctuary Island Sanctuary Materials Island Sanctuary Quests Isleworks Handicrafts Ist Imperial Legion Item-related Lost Actions Item properties Item templates Items Items achievements Items added in patch 1.0 Items added in patch 2.0 Items added in patch 2.05 Items added in patch 2.1 Items added in patch 2.15 Items added in patch 2.16 Items added in patch 2.2 Items added in patch 2.21 Items added in patch 2.25 Items added in patch 2.28 Items added in patch 2.3 Items added in patch 2.35 Items added in patch 2.38 Items added in patch 2.4 Items added in patch 2.45 Items added in patch 2.5 Items added in patch 2.51 Items added in patch 2.55 Items added in patch 3.0 Items added in patch 3.01 Items added in patch 3.05 Items added in patch 3.07 Items added in patch 3.1 Items added in patch 3.15 Items added in patch 3.2 Items added in patch 3.21 Items added in patch 3.25 Items added in patch 3.3 Items added in patch 3.35 Items added in patch 3.4 Items added in patch 3.45 Items added in patch 3.5 Items added in patch 3.55 Items added in patch 3.55a Items added in patch 3.55b Items added in patch 3.56 Items added in patch 3.57 Items added in patch 4.0 Items added in patch 4.01 Items added in patch 4.05 Items added in patch 4.1 Items added in patch 4.11 Items added in patch 4.15 Items added in patch 4.2 Items added in patch 4.25 Items added in patch 4.3 Items added in patch 4.31 Items added in patch 4.35 Items added in patch 4.36 Items added in patch 4.4 Items added in patch 4.45 Items added in patch 4.5 Items added in patch 4.55 Items added in patch 4.56 Items added in patch 4.58 Items added in patch 5.0 Items added in patch 5.01 Items added in patch 5.05 Items added in patch 5.08 Items added in patch 5.1 Items added in patch 5.11 Items added in patch 5.15 Items added in patch 5.18 Items added in patch 5.2 Items added in patch 5.21 Items added in patch 5.25 Items added in patch 5.3 Items added in patch 5.31 Items added in patch 5.35 Items added in patch 5.4 Items added in patch 5.41 Items added in patch 5.45 Items added in patch 5.5 Items added in patch 5.55 Items added in patch 5.57 Items added in patch 6.0 Items added in patch 6.01 Items added in patch 6.05 Items added in patch 6.08 Items added in patch 6.1 Items added in patch 6.11 Items added in patch 6.11a Items added in patch 6.15 Items added in patch 6.2 Items added in patch 6.25 Items added in patch 6.28 Items added in patch 6.3 Items added in patch 6.31 Items added in patch 6.35 Items added in patch 6.38 Items added in patch 6.4 Items added in patch 6.45 Items added in patch 6.48 Items added in patch 6.5 Items added in patch 6.51 Items added in patch 6.55 Items added in patch 6.58 Items added in patch 7.0 Items added in patch 7.01 Items added in patch 7.05 Items added in patch 7.1 Items added in patch 7.11 Items added in patch 7.15 Items added in patch 7.16 Items added in patch 7.18 Items added in patch 7.2 Items added in patch 7.25 Items added in patch ?? Items by Patch Items needing patch Items with no type specified Items→Anima Weapons achievements Items→Collectables achievements Items→Currency achievements Items→Deep Dungeon Weapons achievements Items→Desynthesis achievements Items→Eureka Weapons achievements Items→Items achievements Items→Manderville Weapons achievements Items→Materia achievements Items→Relic Weapons achievements Items→Resistance Weapons achievements Items→Skysteel Tools achievements Items→Splendorous Tools achievements Items→Zodiac Weapons achievements Ixal Ixal Main Quests Ixali Daily Quests Ixali Main Quests J Tribe Jackal Jadeite Thick Jellyfish Jellyfish Man Jester Job Gauges Job Guides Job actions Job icon templates Job quests Job traits Jobs Journey's End Justice Kagekakushi Kaliya Kallimelios Zephyros Kalong Kaluk Kamuy mounts Karakuri Hanya Karakuri Onmitsu Karellia Karellian Karlabos Katasharin Keepers of the Moon Kelpie Keraunos Key Item Kha Tribe Khadga Kholusia Kholusia FATEs Kholusia Fishing log Kholusia quests Khun Chuluu Khun Shavar Kienkan Kienkan quests Kiyofusa Knight of the Round Knights Twelve Knights of the Barracuda (former) Kobai Goten Apartment Lobby Kobold Kobold Daily Kobold Daily Quests Kobold Main Quests Kogane Dori Koja Kojin Kojin Daily Kojin Daily Quests Kojin Main Quests Kongamato Korpokkur Koshu Onmyoji Kozama'uka Kozama'uka FATEs Kozama'uka Fishing log Kozama'uka quests Kraken Kraken's Arms Kugane Kugane Fishing log Kugane quests Kukulkan La Noscea Laborer Labyrinthos Labyrinthos FATEs Labyrinthos Fishing log Labyrinthos quests Ladon Lake Tusi Mek'ta Lakeland Lakeland FATEs Lakeland Fishing log Lakeland quests Lakes Fish Lalafell Lambda Lamia Lancer Lancer's Arms Lancer Accessories Lancer Armor Lancer Icon Lancer actions Lancer belts Lancer bracelets Lancer chestwear Lancer earrings Lancer footwear Lancer handwear Lancer headwear Lancer legwear Lancer necklace Lancer quests Lancer ring Lancer traits Landlord Colony Landmarks Landmasses Landsaint Accessories Landtrap Languages Lanner Lanner mounts Lapis Manalis Lapis Manalis (Zone) Lapis Manalis quests Larh Tortoh Last Step Lava Crab Lava Scorpion Lavashell Lavender Beds Lavender Beds Fishing log Lavender Beds quests Laxan Loft Leafkin Leafman Leannan Leatherworker Leatherworker's Primary Tools Leatherworker's Secondary Tools Leatherworker Armor Leatherworker Icon Leatherworker accessory Leatherworker actions Leatherworker chestwear Leatherworker footwear Leatherworker handwear Leatherworker headwear Leatherworker legwear Leatherworker quests Leatherworker recipes Leatherworker ring Leatherworker traits Leavings Leech Leg Armor Legacy achievements Legacy→Battle achievements Legacy→Currency achievements Legacy→Dungeons achievements Legacy→Exploration achievements Legacy→Gathering achievements Legacy→Grand Company achievements Legacy→Quests achievements Legacy→Seasonal Events achievements Legendary Fish Legendary Fish (Endwalker) Legendary Triple Triad cards Lemures Headquarters Lemures Headquarters quests Lente's Tears Leshy Lesser Dragon Lesser Gargoyle Level Checker Levequest NPCs Levequests License templates Light Sprite Lightning Strikes Lightwarden Lilith Lily Hills Apartment Lobby Limsa Lominsa Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Fishing log Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks quests Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks Fishing log Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks quests Linkshell NPCs Lion Lists of Organization Members Little Ala Mhigo Little Ladies' Day & Hatching-tide (2024) Little Ladies' Day (2014) Little Ladies' Day (2015) Little Ladies' Day (2016) Little Ladies' Day (2017) Little Ladies' Day (2018) Little Ladies' Day (2019) Little Ladies' Day (2020) Little Ladies' Day (2022) Little Ladies' Day (2023) Little Ladies' Day (2025) Little Ladies' Day Events Little Ladies' Day Events quests Living Liquid Living Memory Living Memory FATEs Living Memory Fishing log Living Memory quests Living Rock Lizard Lobo Location formatting templates Location properties Location stubs Locations Loch Seld Logos Actions Longmirror Lake Loporrit Loporrit Daily Quests Loporrit Main Quests Lore Lore/Books and Documents Lore/Geography Lore/History Lore/Mythology Lore/People Lorelei Lost Actions Loth ast Vath Lotus Stand quests Lower Jeuno Lower Jeuno quests Lower La Noscea Lower La Noscea FATEs Lower La Noscea Fishing log Lower La Noscea quests Lower Paths Lower Skylord Lozatl Lucavi Lugus Lunar Odin Lunar Ravana Lunatender Lupin Lyhe Mheg Lynx mounts Lyssa M Tribe Machina Machinist Machinist's Arms Machinist Accessories Machinist Armor Machinist accessory Machinist actions Machinist belts Machinist bracelets Machinist chestwear Machinist earrings Machinist footwear Machinist handwear Machinist headwear Machinist legwear Machinist necklace Machinist quests Machinist ring Machinist traits Macro Maelstrom Barracks Maelstrom Uniform Maelstrom quests Magic Magic Ranged DPS Magic Ranged DPS accessories Magic Ranged DPS actions Magic Ranged DPS armor Magical Ranged DPS actions Magical Ranged DPS traits Magitek Magitek Academy Magitek Armor Magitek Colossus Magitek Dreadnaught Magitek Gunship Magitek Predator Magitek Reaper Magitek Satellite Magitek Scorpion Magitek Slasher Magitek Vanguard Magma Fish Magna Glacies Maguey Maguey (Genus) Main Characters Main Deck Main Hall Main Hall quests Main Scenario Quests Main Scenario quests Main page templates Maintenance Maintenance templates Majestic Theater Company Major Characters Mammet Mammoth Mamook Mamool Ja Mana Idol Mana Pot Manderville & Manderville Manderville Weapons Manderville Weapons Quests Mandragora Manikin Manjusaka Manor Basement Manta Manticore Mantis Manzasiri Marauder Marauder's Arms Marauder Ability Marauder Accessories Marauder Armor Marauder Icon Marauder Trait Marauder actions Marauder belts Marauder bracelets Marauder chestwear Marauder earrings Marauder footwear Marauder handwear Marauder headwear Marauder legwear Marauder necklace Marauder quests Marauder ring Marauder traits Mare Lamentorum Mare Lamentorum FATEs Mare Lamentorum Fishing log Mare Lamentorum quests Marid Mark Log Marolith Masked Carnivale Stages Master Recipe Tomes Matamata Matanga Materia Materia Melders Matoya Matoya's Cave Matoya's Cave (Zone) quests Meals Mechanics Mechatoad Medicines Megalocrab Megalotragus Megamaguey Meghaduta Guest Chambers Meghaduta Guest Chambers quests Melee DPS Melee DPS accessories Melee DPS actions Melee DPS armor Melee DPS traits Meracydia Merchants Mermaid Miacid Middle La Noscea Middle La Noscea FATEs Middle La Noscea Fishing log Middle La Noscea quests Midlander Midlander/Wildwood Midlanders Mifune Milalla Mimic Mindflayer Miner Miner's Primary Tools Miner's Secondary Tools Miner Armor Miner Icon Miner actions Miner chestwear Miner footwear Miner gatherer role Miner handwear Miner headwear Miner legwear Miner quests Miner ring Miner traits Miners' Guild Mini-games Mining Drone Minion Minion Icon Minions Minotaur Miqo'te Mirrorknight Miscellaneous materials Miscellany Misopses Euros Missing EDB ID Missing internal ID Missing release Missing universalis link Mist Mist Fishing log Mist quests Mithai Glorianda Mithra Mithridates Miyakabek'zoma Miyakabek'zu Mneme Moblin Mochi Moghome Mol Tribe Mold Colony Mole Monk Monk Accessories Monk Armor Monk accessory Monk actions Monk belts Monk bracelets Monk chestwear Monk earrings Monk footwear Monk handwear Monk headwear Monk legwear Monk necklace Monk quests Monk ring Monk traits Mons Albus Monster Monsters Moogle Moogle Daily Moogle Daily Quests Moogle Daily quests Moogle Main Quests Moogle Main quests Moogle Unlock Quests Moonfire Faire (2014) Moonfire Faire (2015) Moonfire Faire (2016) Moonfire Faire (2017) Moonfire Faire (2018) Moonfire Faire (2019) Moonfire Faire (2020) Moonfire Faire (2021) Moonfire Faire (2022) Moonfire Faire (2023) Moonfire Faire (2024) Moonfire Faire Events Mor Dhona Mor Dhona (region) Mor Dhona FATEs Mor Dhona Fishing log Mor Dhona quests Moraby Bay Morbol Morbol Marquis Mord Mord Souq Mordion Gaol Mornveil Forest Mosshorn Mossling Motherbit Mount Mount Yorn Mount actions Mount properties Mounts Mourn Movement actions Mudman Mummy Munificence Mutamix Bubblypots Muu Shuwuu Muud Suud Mylodon Myrrlith Mystel Mythrilcap Myths of the Realm Quests NOAH NPC properties NPCs NPCs by patch NPCs with no image NPCs with no race specified Nabaath Areng Naga Nagxia Nail Naldiq & Vymelli's Namazu Namazu Daily Quests Namazu Main Quests Namazu Unlock Quests Nanka Narbrooi Navigation Navigation subtemplates Navigation templates Necklace Necrosis Needs item source Nest Netzach New Gridania New Gridania Fishing log New Gridania quests Nhaama's Retreat Nibirun Night's Blessed Nightmare mounts Nimrod Nine Ivies Ninja Ninja Accessories Ninja Armor Ninja accessory Ninja actions Ninja belts Ninja bracelets Ninja chestwear Ninja earrings Ninja footwear Ninja handwear Ninja headwear Ninja legwear Ninja necklace Ninja quests Ninja ring Ninja traits Ninki Nanka No results for recipe list No results for vendor list Noble Houses of Ishgard Node Non-Humanoid Nopalitender Nophica's Altar quests North Shroud North Shroud FATEs North Shroud Fishing log North Shroud quests North Silvertear Northern Mare Lamentorum Northern Thanalan Northern Thanalan FATEs Northern Thanalan Fishing log Northern Thanalan Quests Northern Thanalan quests Northwestern Pavilion Norvrandt Norvrandt Quests Notes Notice templates Notorious monster FATEs Novv's Nursery Nu Mou Nutkin Nym Oakwood Object Oblivion Obsolete Occult Crescent Ocean fishing Ochu Offensive Lost Actions Ogre Ogrebon Ohl Tahn Ok' Vundu Okyupete Old Gridania Old Gridania FATEs Old Gridania Fishing log Old Gridania quests Old Sharlayan Old Sharlayan Fishing log Old Sharlayan quests Oliphant Olkund Tribe Omega Omega: Beyond the Rift Quests Omega Quests Omicron Omicron Daily Quests Omicron Main Quests Ondo One-handed Conjurer's Arms One-handed Thaumaturge's Arms One-handed weapons Onishishu Onsal Hakair Ooze Ophion Opken Opo-opo Oppressor Orb Orchestrion Rolls Order of Nald'thal Order of the Twin Adder Uniform Organization templates Organizations Orobon Oronir Tribe Osculator Ostrakon Deka-hexi Ostrakon Deka-okto Ostrakon Hena Ostrakon Tria Otengu Othard Othard (landmass) Othard (region) Other Other One Other quests Otter Outdoor Furnishing Outer La Noscea Outer La Noscea FATEs Outer La Noscea Fishing log Outer La Noscea quests Outrunner Padjal Padjals Pages containing quest rewards Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls Pages where template include size is exceeded Pages with RSS feeds Pages with broken file links Pages with empty semantic mediawiki query results Pages with non-item vendor costs Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments Pages with reference errors Paid Mounts Pain of Meracydia Painting Paissa Palace of the Dead Paladin Paladin Accessories Paladin Armor Paladin accessory Paladin actions Paladin belts Paladin bracelets Paladin chestwear Paladin earrings Paladin footwear Paladin handwear Paladin headwear Paladin legwear Paladin necklace Paladin quests Paladin ring Paladin traits Palico Pandaemonium Pandaemonium Quests Pandæmonium Quests Panopt Panther Panzer Doll Part Parthenope Passage of the Unbound Patch 0 Enemies Patch 0 NPCs Patch 1.0 NPCs Patch 1.2 NPCs Patch 2.05 Enemies Patch 2.05 FATEs Patch 2.05 NPCs Patch 2.05 Quests Patch 2.05 quests Patch 2.0 Enemies Patch 2.0 FATEs Patch 2.0 Features Patch 2.0 Fishing log Patch 2.0 NPCs Patch 2.0 quests Patch 2.15 Enemies Patch 2.15 NPCs Patch 2.15 quests Patch 2.16 NPCs Patch 2.16 quests Patch 2.1 Enemies Patch 2.1 FATEs Patch 2.1 Features Patch 2.1 Fishing log Patch 2.1 NPCs Patch 2.1 quests Patch 2.21 NPCs Patch 2.21 quests Patch 2.25 quests Patch 2.28 Enemies Patch 2.28 NPCs Patch 2.28 quests Patch 2.2 Enemies Patch 2.2 FATEs Patch 2.2 Features Patch 2.2 NPCs Patch 2.2 Quests Patch 2.2 quests Patch 2.35 Enemies Patch 2.35 NPCs Patch 2.35 quests Patch 2.38 Enemies Patch 2.38 FATEs Patch 2.38 NPCs Patch 2.38 quests Patch 2.3 Enemies Patch 2.3 FATEs Patch 2.3 Features Patch 2.3 NPCs Patch 2.3 quests Patch 2.45 Enemies Patch 2.45 NPCs Patch 2.45 quests Patch 2.4 Enemies Patch 2.4 Features Patch 2.4 NPCs Patch 2.4 quests Patch 2.51 Enemies Patch 2.51 NPCs Patch 2.51 Triple Triad cards Patch 2.51 quests Patch 2.55 Enemies Patch 2.55 FATEs Patch 2.55 NPCs Patch 2.55 quests Patch 2.5 Enemies Patch 2.5 FATEs Patch 2.5 Features Patch 2.5 NPCs Patch 2.5 quests Patch 3.01 Enemies Patch 3.01 FATEs Patch 3.01 NPCs Patch 3.01 quests Patch 3.05 Enemies Patch 3.05 FATEs Patch 3.05 NPCs Patch 3.05 quests Patch 3.07 NPCs Patch 3.07 quests Patch 3.0 Enemies Patch 3.0 FATEs Patch 3.0 Features Patch 3.0 Fishing log Patch 3.0 NPCs Patch 3.0 Triple Triad cards Patch 3.0 quests Patch 3.15 NPCs Patch 3.15 quests Patch 3.1 Enemies Patch 3.1 FATEs Patch 3.1 Features Patch 3.1 Fishing log Patch 3.1 NPCs Patch 3.1 Triple Triad cards Patch 3.1 quests Patch 3.21 FATEs Patch 3.21 NPCs Patch 3.21 quests Patch 3.25 NPCs Patch 3.25 quests Patch 3.2 Enemies Patch 3.2 Features Patch 3.2 NPCs Patch 3.2 Triple Triad cards Patch 3.2 quests Patch 3.35 Enemies Patch 3.35 NPCs Patch 3.35 quests Patch 3.3 Enemies Patch 3.3 FATEs Patch 3.3 Features Patch 3.3 NPCs Patch 3.3 Triple Triad cards Patch 3.3 quests Patch 3.45 Enemies Patch 3.45 NPCs Patch 3.45 quests Patch 3.4 Enemies Patch 3.4 Features Patch 3.4 NPCs Patch 3.4 Triple Triad cards Patch 3.4 quests Patch 3.51 quests Patch 3.55a Enemies Patch 3.55a NPCs Patch 3.55a Triple Triad cards Patch 3.55a quests Patch 3.55b FATEs Patch 3.55b NPCs Patch 3.56 NPCs Patch 3.56 quests Patch 3.57 NPCs Patch 3.57 quests Patch 3.5 Enemies Patch 3.5 FATEs Patch 3.5 Features Patch 3.5 NPCs Patch 3.5 Triple Triad cards Patch 3.5 quests Patch 4.0 Patch 4.01 Enemies Patch 4.01 NPCs Patch 4.01 quests Patch 4.05 Enemies Patch 4.05 FATEs Patch 4.05 NPCs Patch 4.05 quests Patch 4.06 NPCs Patch 4.0 Enemies Patch 4.0 FATEs Patch 4.0 Features Patch 4.0 Fishing log Patch 4.0 NPCs Patch 4.0 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.0 quests Patch 4.11 Enemies Patch 4.11 NPCs Patch 4.15 NPCs Patch 4.15 quests Patch 4.18 Enemies Patch 4.18 FATEs Patch 4.18 NPCs Patch 4.1 Enemies Patch 4.1 FATEs Patch 4.1 Features Patch 4.1 NPCs Patch 4.1 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.1 quests Patch 4.25 Enemies Patch 4.25 FATEs Patch 4.25 NPCs Patch 4.25 quests Patch 4.2 Enemies Patch 4.2 FATEs Patch 4.2 Features Patch 4.2 NPCs Patch 4.2 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.2 quests Patch 4.31 Enemies Patch 4.31 NPCs Patch 4.35 Enemies Patch 4.35 NPCs Patch 4.35 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.35 quests Patch 4.36 Enemies Patch 4.36 FATEs Patch 4.36 NPCs Patch 4.36 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.36 quests Patch 4.3 Enemies Patch 4.3 Features Patch 4.3 NPCs Patch 4.3 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.3 quests Patch 4.45 Enemies Patch 4.45 FATEs Patch 4.45 NPCs Patch 4.45 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.45 quests Patch 4.4 Enemies Patch 4.4 Features Patch 4.4 NPCs Patch 4.4 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.4 quests Patch 4.55 Enemies Patch 4.55 FATEs Patch 4.55 NPCs Patch 4.55 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.55 quests Patch 4.56 Enemies Patch 4.56 FATEs Patch 4.56 NPCs Patch 4.56 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.56 quests Patch 4.5 Enemies Patch 4.5 Features Patch 4.5 NPCs Patch 4.5 Triple Triad cards Patch 4.5 quests Patch 5.01 Enemies Patch 5.01 NPCs Patch 5.01 quests Patch 5.05 Enemies Patch 5.05 NPCs Patch 5.05 quests Patch 5.08 NPCs Patch 5.08 quests Patch 5.0 Enemies Patch 5.0 FATEs Patch 5.0 Features Patch 5.0 Fishing log Patch 5.0 NPCs Patch 5.0 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.0 quests Patch 5.11 Enemies Patch 5.11 NPCs Patch 5.11 quests Patch 5.15 Enemies Patch 5.15 NPCs Patch 5.15 quests Patch 5.18 NPCs Patch 5.1 Enemies Patch 5.1 FATEs Patch 5.1 Features Patch 5.1 NPCs Patch 5.1 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.1 quests Patch 5.21 Enemies Patch 5.21 FATEs Patch 5.21 NPCs Patch 5.21 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.21 quests Patch 5.25 Enemies Patch 5.25 NPCs Patch 5.25 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.25 quests Patch 5.2 Enemies Patch 5.2 Features Patch 5.2 Fishing log Patch 5.2 NPCs Patch 5.2 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.2 quests Patch 5.31 Enemies Patch 5.31 NPCs Patch 5.31 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.35 Enemies Patch 5.35 FATEs Patch 5.35 NPCs Patch 5.35 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.35 quests Patch 5.3 Enemies Patch 5.3 FATEs Patch 5.3 Features Patch 5.3 NPCs Patch 5.3 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.3 quests Patch 5.41 Enemies Patch 5.41 Fishing log Patch 5.41 NPCs Patch 5.41 quests Patch 5.45 Enemies Patch 5.45 NPCs Patch 5.45 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.45 quests Patch 5.4 Enemies Patch 5.4 FATEs Patch 5.4 Features Patch 5.4 Fishing log Patch 5.4 NPCs Patch 5.4 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.4 quests Patch 5.55 Enemies Patch 5.55 FATEs Patch 5.55 NPCs Patch 5.55 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.55 quests Patch 5.57 NPCs Patch 5.57 quests Patch 5.58 NPCs Patch 5.5 Enemies Patch 5.5 FATEs Patch 5.5 Features Patch 5.5 NPCs Patch 5.5 Triple Triad cards Patch 5.5 quests Patch 6.01 Enemies Patch 6.01 FATEs Patch 6.01 NPCs Patch 6.01 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.01 quests Patch 6.05 Enemies Patch 6.05 NPCs Patch 6.05 quests Patch 6.08 NPCs Patch 6.08 quests Patch 6.0 Enemies Patch 6.0 FATEs Patch 6.0 Features Patch 6.0 Fishing log Patch 6.0 NPCs Patch 6.0 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.0 quests Patch 6.11 Enemies Patch 6.11 NPCs Patch 6.11a NPCs Patch 6.11a quests Patch 6.15 Enemies Patch 6.15 Fishing log Patch 6.15 NPCs Patch 6.15 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.15 quests Patch 6.18 quests Patch 6.1 Enemies Patch 6.1 FATEs Patch 6.1 Features Patch 6.1 NPCs Patch 6.1 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.1 quests Patch 6.25 Enemies Patch 6.25 Fishing log Patch 6.25 NPCs Patch 6.25 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.25 quests Patch 6.28 NPCs Patch 6.28 quests Patch 6.2 Enemies Patch 6.2 Features Patch 6.2 NPCs Patch 6.2 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.2 quests Patch 6.31 Enemies Patch 6.31 NPCs Patch 6.35 Enemies Patch 6.35 NPCs Patch 6.35 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.35 quests Patch 6.38 NPCs Patch 6.3 Enemies Patch 6.3 FATEs Patch 6.3 Features Patch 6.3 Fishing log Patch 6.3 NPCs Patch 6.3 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.3 quests Patch 6.41 NPCs Patch 6.45 Enemies Patch 6.45 NPCs Patch 6.45 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.45 quests Patch 6.48 NPCs Patch 6.48 quests Patch 6.4 Enemies Patch 6.4 Features Patch 6.4 Fishing log Patch 6.4 NPCs Patch 6.4 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.4 quests Patch 6.51 Enemies Patch 6.51 NPCs Patch 6.51 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.51 quests Patch 6.55 Enemies Patch 6.55 NPCs Patch 6.55 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.55 quests Patch 6.58 Enemies Patch 6.58 NPCs Patch 6.58 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.58 quests Patch 6.5 Enemies Patch 6.5 Features Patch 6.5 Fishing log Patch 6.5 NPCs Patch 6.5 Triple Triad cards Patch 6.5 quests Patch 7.0 Patch 7.01 Enemies Patch 7.01 NPCs Patch 7.01 Triple Triad cards Patch 7.01 quests Patch 7.05 Enemies Patch 7.05 NPCs Patch 7.0 Enemies Patch 7.0 FATEs Patch 7.0 Features Patch 7.0 Fishing log Patch 7.0 NPCs Patch 7.0 Triple Triad cards Patch 7.0 quests Patch 7.11 Enemies Patch 7.11 NPCs Patch 7.15 Enemies Patch 7.15 NPCs Patch 7.15 quests Patch 7.16 Enemies Patch 7.16 NPCs Patch 7.16 quests Patch 7.18 NPCs Patch 7.1 Enemies Patch 7.1 Features Patch 7.1 NPCs Patch 7.1 Triple Triad cards Patch 7.1 quests Patch 7.2 Enemies Patch 7.2 Features Patch 7.2 NPCs Patch 7.2 Triple Triad cards Patch 7.2 quests Patch 7.8 Enemies Patch 7.8 NPCs Patch ??? NPCs Patch ?? Enemies Path of the Twelve Pazuzu Pegasus Peiste Pelupelu Pelupelu Daily Quests Pelupelu Main Quests Persona Pet actions Petalodus Phanopsyche Phantom Phantom Ray Phantom Weapons Philomythes Notos Phoebad Phuabo Phurble Physical Ranged DPS Physical Ranged DPS accessories Physical Ranged DPS actions Physical Ranged DPS armor Physical Ranged DPS traits Pictomancer's Arms Pictomancer Accessories Pictomancer Armor Pictomancer accessory Pictomancer actions Pictomancer bracelets Pictomancer chestwear Pictomancer earrings Pictomancer footwear Pictomancer handwear Pictomancer headwear Pictomancer legwear Pictomancer necklace Pictomancer quests Pictomancer ring Pictomancer traits Pier 1 Pier 2 Piety Pike Falls Pirate Bands Pirates Pisaca Piston Lubricant Pixie Pixie Daily Quests Pixie Main Quests Pixies Placard Plainsfolk Planar Fissure Plantoid Plasmoid Playable Races Plume Pod Poppet Poroggo Porxie Positional actions Post-Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests Post-Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests Post-Dragonsong War Quests Post-Dragonsong War quests Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests II Post-Stormblood Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests Prabhasa Preload templates Primal Primal Quests Primal Triple Triad cards Primal quests Primelephas Priority Mission Squadron Missions Produces Progenitor Progenitrix Projects Promptitude Properties Protected pages Proud Creek Providence Point Prudence Pteraketos Pteranodon Pugil Pugilist Pugilist's Arms Pugilist Accessories Pugilist Armor Pugilist Icon Pugilist actions Pugilist belts Pugilist bracelets Pugilist chestwear Pugilist earrings Pugilist footwear Pugilist handwear Pugilist headwear Pugilist legwear Pugilist necklace Pugilist quests Pugilist ring Pugilist traits Puk Punutiy Punutiy (genus) Putto PvE actions PvE traits PvP PvP Gear PvP Mounts PvP Reward PvP achievements PvP actions PvPs PvP→Frontline achievements PvP→General achievements PvP→Ranking achievements PvP→Rival Wings achievements PvP→The Wolves' Den achievements Pyariyoanaan Plain Pyscodemon Qalyana Qasr Sharl Qerel Tribe Qestir Tribe Qiqirn Qitari Qitari Daily Quests Qitari Main Quests Qitari Unlock Quests Quarterstone Queen's Guard Queen's Soldier Quest NPCs Quest formatting templates Quest indices Quest properties Quests Quests Achievements Quests achievements Quests by patch Quests by zone Quests needing patch Quests that reward system unlocks Quests with no type specified Quests with optional rewards Quests→Allied Society Quests achievements Quests→Job and Role Quests achievements Quests→Levequests achievements Quests→Main Scenario achievements Quests→Quests achievements Quests→Seasonal Events achievements Quests→Tribal Quests achievements Quiver's Hold Qutrub Racing Chocobo Abilities Racing Chocobo Stats Radiant Host Radz-at-Han Radz-at-Han Fishing log Radz-at-Han quests Raen Rafflesia Raid Tokens Raids Rail Raincatcher Gully Rampart Raptor Rare Triple Triad cards Rasen Kaikyo Ratel Raubahn's Push Rava Reagents Reaper Reaper's Arms Reaper Accessories Reaper Armor Reaper accessory Reaper actions Reaper bracelets Reaper chestwear Reaper earrings Reaper footwear Reaper handwear Reaper headwear Reaper legwear Reaper necklace Reaper quests Reaper ring Reaper traits Rearguard Recipe formatting templates Recipe lists Recipe properties Recipes Records of Unusual Endeavors Recreation Zone Red Kojin Red Mage Red Mage's Arms Red Mage Accessories Red Mage Armor Red Mage accessory Red Mage actions Red Mage belts Red Mage bracelets Red Mage chestwear Red Mage earrings Red Mage footwear Red Mage handwear Red Mage headwear Red Mage legwear Red Mage necklace Red Mage quests Red Mage ring Red Mage traits Red Rim Redbelly Wasps Refined materials Regio Domorum Regio Urbanissima Regions Regolith Reindeer Reisen Temple Relic Weapons Relic Weapons Quests Relic accessory Relic armor Relic equipment Relic weapons Repairs Repeatable Feature quests Reptoid Reputation Merchant Resident Caretaker Residential Sector Resistance Weapons Resistance Weapons Quests Resolve Restorative Lost Actions Retainer Vocates Retired PvE actions Retired PvP actions Retired content Return to Ivalice Revenant's Toll Revolutionaries and Resistance Movements Rhalgr's Reach Rhalgr's Reach Fishing log Rhalgr's Reach quests Ring Rival Wings Rivers Fish Riversmeet Roader Roc Rockfin Rodent Roegadyn Rogue Rogue's Arms Rogue Accessories Rogue Armor Rogue Icon Rogue actions Rogue belts Rogue bracelets Rogue chestwear Rogue earrings Rogue footwear Rogue handwear Rogue headwear Rogue legwear Rogue necklace Rogue quests Rogue ring Rogue traits Rogues' Guild Role Actions Role Guides Role Quests Role actions Ronkan Doll Ronkan Thorn Ronso Roof Roof Decoration Rook Root Rose Rose Hip Rotting Goobbue Routine Mission Squadron Missions Rowena's House of Splendors Rowena's Tokens Royalty and Ruling Families Rroneek Ruby Bazaar Offices Ruby Bazaar Offices quests Rug Rustrock Ruszor Ruveydah Fibers S Rank Sabertooth Tiger Sage's Arms Sage Accessories Sage Armor Sage accessory Sage actions Sage bracelets Sage chestwear Sage earrings Sage footwear Sage handwear Sage headwear Sage legwear Sage necklace Sage quests Sage ring Sage traits Sagolii Desert Sahagin Sahagin Beast Tribe Sahagin Daily Quests Sahagin Main Quests Sai Taisui Saint Endalim's Scholasticate Saint Endalim's Scholasticate quests Salamander Sallet Crab Salt Lakes Fish Saltfishing Saltwater Fish Saltwind's Welcome Samurai Samurai's Arms Samurai Accessories Samurai Armor Samurai accessory Samurai actions Samurai belts Samurai bracelets Samurai chestwear Samurai earrings Samurai footwear Samurai handwear Samurai headwear Samurai legwear Samurai necklace Samurai quests Samurai ring Samurai traits Sandgate Sands Fish Sandworm Sanguine Sirens Sanguiptere Sanuwa Sapsa Spawning Grounds Sarcosuchus Sasquatch Sastasha Pugil Satellite Savage Books Savage Mounts Save the Queen Sawblade Sawtooth Scalekin Scanning Port Nine Scarab Scholar Scholar's Arms Scholar's Harbour Scholar Accessories Scholar Armor Scholar Icon Scholar accessory Scholar actions Scholar belts Scholar bracelets Scholar chestwear Scholar earrings Scholar footwear Scholar handwear Scholar headwear Scholar legwear Scholar necklace Scholar quests Scholar ring Scholar traits Scholasticate Quests Scholasticate quests Scion Triple Triad cards Scraper Scree Screenshots Scrips Sea Monk Sea Serpent Sea Swallow Sea Wolves Seafood Seasonal Events quests Seasonal Miscellany Seat of the First Bow Seat of the First Bow quests Seed Seedkin Seedseers Seeker Bat Seekers of the Sun Seeq Sekiseigumi Selene actions Semantic MediaWiki Semantic result templates Senatus Sentry Services Servomechanical Chimera Servomechanical Minotaur Settlements Seventh Astral Era Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests Seventh Umbral Era Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario quests Shaaloani Shaaloani FATEs Shaaloani Fishing log Shaaloani quests Shabti Shadow Fault Shadow of Meracydia Shadow of Mhach Shadow of Mhach quests Shadowbringers Shadowbringers Levequests Shadowbringers Main Scenario Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests Shadowbringers Role Quests Shadowbringers content Sharlayan Shazenkai Sheep Shelled Dragon Shetona Shield Shield Dragon Shields Ship Shirogane Shirogane Fishing log Shunye's Apothecary Quests Side Story quests Sidequests Sightseeing Log Silent Arbor Sin Eater Sincerity Singha Singing Bows Sinus Lacrimarum Sinus Tormenti Siren Skatene Skies Fish Skull Valley Sky Armor Skydeep Cenote Inner Chamber Skyfishing Skyfishing Fish Skysteel Manufactory Skysteel Tools Skysteel Tools Quests Slime Slitherbough Sloth Slug Snapweed Sneaky Hollow Snowball Social Society Quests Society Triple Triad cards Sohm Al Foothills Sohm Al Summit Solace Solo Critical Engagement Solution Nine Solution Nine Fishing log Solution Nine quests Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures Quests Sons of Saint Coinach Sorrel Haven Sorrow Soulflayer Soulkin South Shroud South Shroud FATEs South Shroud Fishing log South Shroud quests Southern Mare Lamentorum Southern Thanalan Southern Thanalan FATEs Southern Thanalan Fishing log Southern Thanalan Quests Southern Thanalan quests Space Fish Spartoi Spear Spearfishing Spearfishing (Swimming Shadow) Spearfishing Fish Spearfishings Special emotes Specter Spectral Coeurl Spectral Monk Spell actions Spells Sphinx Spider Spineless Basin Spinner-rook Spirit Dhruva Splendorous Tools Splendorous Tools Quests Spoken Spriggan Spriggolem Sprite Squadron Missions Squadron Recruit NPCs Square-Enix Employees Square Enix concept art Square Enix content Square Enix icons Square Enix images Square Enix renders Squib Staff Standard Starfishing Starlight Celebration (2014) Starlight Celebration (2015) Starlight Celebration (2016) Starlight Celebration (2017) Starlight Celebration (2018) Starlight Celebration (2019) Starlight Celebration (2020) Starlight Celebration (2021) Starlight Celebration (2022) Starlight Celebration (2023) Starlight Celebration (2024) Starlight Celebration Events Starlight Stalls Starlight Stalls quests Statue Status Effect Icons Status Effects Stegoceras Steps of Nald quests Stilltide Stone, Sky, Sea Stormblood Stormblood Main Scenario Stormblood Main Scenario Quests Stormblood content Strategy Room quests Striped Ray Strix Stub templates Stubs Studium Deliveries Studium Quests Stygian Insenescence Cells Stygian Insenescence Cells quests Subaquatic Deployment Sector Submersible Bow Submersible Bridge Submersible Hull Submersible Stern Subobject templates Succubus Sullen Sultana's Breath Apartment Lobby Sultansworn Summerford Summoner Summoner Accessories Summoner Armor Summoner Icon Summoner accessory Summoner actions Summoner belts Summoner bracelets Summoner chestwear Summoner earrings Summoner footwear Summoner handwear Summoner headwear Summoner legwear Summoner necklace Summoner quests Summoner ring Summoner traits Sundry Splendors Sunperch Sunperch quests Supporter Swampmonk Swarm Sweeper Sword Sylph Sylph Daily Sylph Daily Quests Sylph Main Quests Sylphlands Sympathy Syricta Table Table formatting templates Tabletop Tactical Lost Actions Tales from the Shadows Tales of Newfound Adventure Tales of the Dragonsong War Talos Tank Tank accessories Tank actions Tank armor Tank role traits Tank traits Tarantula Hawk Tarutaru Tataru's Grand Endeavor Quests Tatsunoko Taurus Technology Telophoroi Telophoroi Mutant Temperance Template Template:fish table Template documentation Template documentation pages Templates Temple Knights Temple Leves Tenacity Tenaga Tengu Terncliff Terncliff Bay Terncliff quests Terrestrial mounts Text command types Thaleia Thaleia quests Thanalan Thaumaturge Thaumaturge Accessories Thaumaturge Armor Thaumaturge Icon Thaumaturge actions Thaumaturge belts Thaumaturge bracelets Thaumaturge chestwear Thaumaturge earrings Thaumaturge footwear Thaumaturge handwear Thaumaturge headwear Thaumaturge legwear Thaumaturge necklace Thaumaturge quests Thaumaturge ring Thaumaturge traits Thaumazein Thavnair Thavnair FATEs Thavnair Fishing log Thavnair quests The Aitiascope The Aitiascope quests The Ala Mhigan Quarter The Answering Quarter The Arcadion The Arcadion Quests The Archeion The Arterial Climb The Azim Steppe The Azim Steppe FATEs The Azim Steppe Fishing log The Azim Steppe quests The Backroom The Backroom quests The Baldaquin The Black Shroud The Black Shroud FATEs The Blind Forest of Yx'Maja The Blue Window The Bozjan Southern Front The Bramble Patch The Brass Blades The Bright Cliff The Brotherhood of Ash The Brugaire Consortium The Burning Wall The Buttress The Caliban Gorge The Canopy The Central Circuit The Central Hills of Amber The Cerulean Cexudross The Churning Mists The Churning Mists FATEs The Churning Mists Fishing log The Churning Mists quests The Circle of Knowing The Citia Swamps The Clutch The Collectors' Quarter The Confederacy The Continental Circus The Convictors The Convictory The Convocation of Fourteen The Copied Factory quests The Coral Tridents The Core The Core quests The Crystarium The Crystarium Fishing log The Crystarium quests The Dewspun Bank The Diadem The Diadem/Old FATEs The Diadem/Old Fishing log The Diadem Fishing log The Divine Circle The Doman Adventurers' Guild The Doman Enclave The Doman Enclave quests The Dravanian Forelands The Dravanian Forelands FATEs The Dravanian Forelands Fishing log The Dravanian Forelands quests The Dravanian Hinterlands The Dravanian Hinterlands FATEs The Dravanian Hinterlands Fishing log The Dravanian Hinterlands quests The Dreaming Ways The Duergar Mountains The Dæmons' Nest The Dæmons' Nest quests The Eblan Rime The Eight Sentinels The Empty The Empty quests The Endeavor The Endeavor Fishing log The Exarch Gate The Exedra The Feast The Feast Maps The Fell Court of Troia The Fell Court of Troia (Zone) The Fell Court of Troia (Zone) quests The Fields of Amber The Final Day The Firmament The Firmament quests The First The First Brood The Fist of Rhalgr The Flagship The Flamefangs The Footfalls The Forbidden Land The Forbidden Land, Eureka The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos FATEs The Forbidden Land, Eureka Hydatos FATEs The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pagos FATEs The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros The Forbidden Land, Eureka Pyros FATEs The Forbidden Land, Eureka Quests The Forest of the Lost Shepherd The Forum The Four Lords The Fragrant Chamber The Fringes The Fringes FATEs The Fringes Fishing log The Fringes quests The Gates of Pandaemonium The Gates of Pandaemonium quests The Gates of Pandæmonium The Gauntlet The Gensui Chain The Glittering Basin The Glostfired Bank The Goblet The Goblet Fishing log The Goblet quests The Gods' Grip The Gods' Quiver The Gold Saucer The Gold Saucer quests The Harbor Herald The Haunted Manor quests The Heavens' Ward The High Bank The High Seas The Hippo Riders The Honey Yard The Hourglass The House of the Fierce quests The Hunt The Hunt For Rathalos The Immortal Flames The Interdimensional Rift The Interdimensional Rift quests The Isles of Umbra The Ivory Chapel The Ja Tiika Heartland The K'Mul Astropolis The K'mul Astropolis The Lambs of Dalamud The Last Forest The Lavender Beds The Lavender Beds Fishing log The Lavender Beds quests The League of Lost Bastards The Lochs The Lochs FATEs The Lochs Fishing log The Lochs quests The Long Climb The Lost The Lotus Stand The Lotus Stand quests The Maelstrom The Maiden's Rhapsody The Make It Rain Campaign 2016 The Make It Rain Campaign 2017 The Make It Rain Campaign 2018 The Make It Rain Campaign 2019 The Make It Rain Campaign 2020 The Make It Rain Campaign 2021 The Make It Rain Campaign 2022 The Make It Rain Campaign 2023 The Make It Rain Campaign 2024 The Make It Rain Campaign 2025 The Make It Rain Campaign Events The Makers' Quarter The Masked Carnivale Features The Medial Circuit (zone) The Memory of Embers The Mirage Trust The Mizzenmast The Monetarists The Mothercrystal The Mythril Eye The Nabaath Mines The Nethergate The Nethergate quests The Northern Empty The Northern Empty Quests The Northern Hills of Amber The Norvrandt Slope The Ocular The Ocular quests The Omphalos The Omphalos quests The Order of the Twin Adder The Outer Circuit The Ox'Dalan Gap The Parrock The Parrock quests The Peaks The Peaks FATEs The Peaks Fishing log The Peaks quests The Perfumed Rise The Pillars The Pillars quests The Prima Vista Bridge quests The Prima Vista Tiring Room quests The Puppets' Bunker quests The Quadrivium The Rak'tika Greatwood The Rak'tika Greatwood FATEs The Rak'tika Greatwood Fishing log The Rak'tika Greatwood quests The Rakuza District The Raven The Red Labyrinth The Red Moon The Red Moon quests The Redbills The Resplendent Quarter The Rising (2014) The Rising (2015) The Rising (2016) The Rising (2017) The Rising (2018) The Rising (2019) The Rising (2020) The Rising (2021) The Rising (2022) The Rising (2023) The Rising (2024) The Rising Events The Rising Stones The Rising Stones quests The Roost The Rotunda The Royal Menagerie The Royalists The Ruby Sea The Ruby Sea FATEs The Ruby Sea Fishing log The Ruby Sea quests The Ruling Quarter The Scions of the Seventh Dawn The Sea of Blades The Sea of Clouds The Sea of Clouds FATEs The Sea of Clouds Fishing log The Sea of Clouds Quests The Sea of Clouds quests The Sea of Stars The Sea of Stars Quests The Serpent Reavers The Short Pier The Shroud of the Samgha The Smoldering Wastes The Solar The Sons of Saint Coinach The Sorrow of Werlyt The Sorrow of Werlyt Quests The Source (Lake) The Southern Hills of Amber The Standing Corses The Stone Torches The Striped Hills The Students of Baldesion The Studium The Syndicate The Syrcus Trench The Tempest The Tempest FATEs The Tempest Fishing log The Tempest quests The Temple Knights The Thavnairian Truth The Thirstless Shore The Towering Still The Trivium The Twelve's Embrace The Understory The Ut'ohmu Horizon The Void The Voidcast Dais The Waking Sands The Waking Sands quests The Warring Triad The Whale's Breach The Wood Wailers The World Unsundered The World Unsundered Quests The Xobr'it Cinderfield The Yawn The Yellowjackets Thinker Tholl Three-malm Bend Throne Room Throne Room quests Tier 1 Aquarium Fish Tier 2 Aquarium Fish Tier 3 Aquarium Fish Tier 4 Aquarium Fish Tiger Time-Based Timeworn Map Timh Gyeus Titan Titan-Egi actions Tokens Tomatl Tome (genus) Tomes of Regional Folklore Tomra Tonawawta Tonberry Tool Sets Tools Topaz Carbuncle actions Topmast Apartment Lobby Torama Torbalan Tornado Tradecraft Leves Tragopan Trainee Mission Squadron Missions Trait formatting templates Traits Traits unlocked by quest Tranquility Transcendent kingdom Transfigured Treant Treasure Dungeons Treasure Hunt Treasure Map Treespeak Trial Totems Trials Tribal Mounts Tribal Quests Tribes Triceratops Trimmer Trinket properties Triple Triad Triple Triad Cards Triple Triad NPCs Triple Triad cards Triple Triad cards by Patch Triple Triad cards by Type Tritails Training Tritails Training quests Troia Keep Troll Troubadour (Genus) Tsukumogami Tuliyollal Tuliyollal Fishing log Tuliyollal quests Tumbleclaw Tunnel Armor Tural Tural Vidraal Turret Tursus Twin Adder Barracks Twinpools Two-handed Conjurer's Arms Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arms Two-handed weapons Two-seater mounts Ty'aitya Types of Items Tyrannosaur U'Ghamaro Mines U Tribe Ul'dah Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Ul'dah - Steps of Nald FATEs Ul'dah - Steps of Nald Quests Ul'dah - Steps of Nald quests Ul'dah - Steps of Thal Ul'dah - Steps of Thal quests Ultima Thule Ultima Thule FATEs Ultima Thule Fishing log Ultima Thule quests Ultima Weapon Project Ultima Weapon Projects Ultimate Raids Umbril Unachievable achievements Unaffiliated Triple Triad cards Unclassified kingdom Uncommon Triple Triad cards Unfinished Fish Unicorn Unity Unlocked hairstyles Unlost World Unnamed Island Unnamed Island quests Uolon Upgrade Items Upper Aetheroacoustic Exploratory Site Upper La Noscea Upper La Noscea FATEs Upper La Noscea Fishing log Upper La Noscea quests Upper Paths Uragnite Urolith Urqopacha Urqopacha FATEs Urqopacha Fishing log Urqopacha quests Urth's Gift Uyagir Tribe Uyuypoga Uyuyub' VIIth Imperial Legion VIth Imperial Legion Valentione's Day (2014) Valentione's Day (2015) Valentione's Day (2016) Valentione's Day (2017) Valentione's Day (2018) Valentione's Day (2019) Valentione's Day (2020) Valentione's Day (2022) Valentione's Day (2023) Valentione's Day (2024) Valentione's Day (2025) Valentione's Day Events Valentione's Day Events quests Valentione's and Little Ladies' Day (2021) Valley of the Fallen Rainbow Valor Vanara Vangob Vanguard Vanguard (genus) Vanu Totem Vanu Vanu Vanu Vanu Daily Vanu Vanu Daily Quests Vanu Vanu Main Quests Variant Dungeons Variant Dungeons Quests Vath Vath Daily Vath Daily Quests Vath Daily quests Vath Main Quests Vath Main quests Veena Velodyna Gatekeepers Vendor NPCs Vendor formatting templates Vendor inventory tables Vendor properties Vendors Vendors with unspecified sections Veracity Vesper Bay Vicus Messorum Viera Viis Vilekin Vinegaroon Viper's Arms Viper Accessories Viper Armor Viper accessory Viper actions Viper belts Viper bracelets Viper chestwear Viper earrings Viper footwear Viper handwear Viper headwear Viper legwear Viper necklace Viper quests Viper ring Viper traits Vira Viras Virdjala Vodoriga Voeburtenburg Void Monk Void Quests Voidsent Voor Sian Siran Vouivre Vulture Vundu Vylbrand Wachumeqimeqi Deliveries Wachumeqimeqi Quest Wachumeqimeqi Quests Wachunpelo Waist Armor Wall Wall-mounted Wamoura Wamouracampa Wanderer Wandering Minstrel Wandering Minstrel Quests Wanyudo Warg Warring Triad Warrior Warrior Ability Warrior Accessories Warrior Armor Warrior accessory Warrior actions Warrior belts Warrior bracelets Warrior chestwear Warrior earrings Warrior footwear Warrior handwear Warrior headwear Warrior legwear Warrior necklace Warrior quests Warrior ring Warrior traits Warriors of Darkness Wavekin Weapon Sets Weapon navigation templates Weapon properties Weapons Weaponskill actions Weaponskills Weather-Based Weathering Weaver Weaver's Primary Tools Weaver's Secondary Tools Weaver's Warding quests Weaver Armor Weaver Icon Weaver accessory Weaver actions Weaver chestwear Weaver footwear Weaver handwear Weaver headwear Weaver legwear Weaver quests Weaver recipes Weaver ring Weaver traits Web Weeper Wellwick Wood Wespe Western La Noscea Western La Noscea FATEs Western La Noscea Fishing log Western La Noscea quests Western Thanalan Western Thanalan FATEs Western Thanalan Fishing log Western Thanalan Quests Western Thanalan quests Whalaqee White Flame White Mage White Mage Accessories White Mage Armor White Mage accessory White Mage actions White Mage belts White Mage bracelets White Mage chestwear White Mage earrings White Mage footwear White Mage handwear White Mage headwear White Mage legwear White Mage necklace White Mage quests White Mage ring White Mage traits White Mages White Tiger Whitebrim Widowmaker Wight Wightrock Wildwood Window Windspath Gardens Wisdom Wisp Wivre Wolf Wolves' Den Pier Wolves' Den Pier quests Wood Rail Woolback Words of Lahabrea Worlar's Echo Worlds Worm Wraith Wrists Wyvern XIIth Imperial Legion XIVth Imperial Legion XRral Soj Metalwares Quests Xaela Xaela Tribes Xak Tural Xbr'aal Xeerol Ja Juicecraft Quests Xzomit Yabby Yak Yak T'el Yak T'el FATEs Yak T'el Fishing log Yak T'el quests Yanxia Yanxia FATEs Yanxia Fishing log Yanxia quests Yarzon Yawtanane Grasslands Yesterland Yeti Yggdreant Ying-Yang Ymir Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse Quests Yok Huy Yok Tural Yol Yovra Yuj Yukinko Yuweyawata Yuweyawata (Zone) quests Zadnor Zadnor FATEs Zadnor quests Zaghnal Zangbeto Zanr'ak Zelma's Run Zephyr Drift Zero's Domain Zero's Domain quests Ziz Zodiac Weapons Zodiac Weapons Quests Zombie Zombie Dragon Zombie Hound Zones Zorgor the Boundless Zu Zun Zundu