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- Category:BSFs
- Category:B Rank
- Category:Baboulas
- Category:Bahamut Quests
- Category:Bandersnatch
- Category:Bangaa
- Category:Banner quests
- Category:Banshee
- Category:Barbmole
- Category:Bard
- Category:Bard Accessories
- Category:Bard Armor
- Category:Bard Icon
- Category:Bard actions
- Category:Bard belts
- Category:Bard bracelets
- Category:Bard chestwear
- Category:Bard earrings
- Category:Bard footwear
- Category:Bard handwear
- Category:Bard headwear
- Category:Bard legwear
- Category:Bard necklace
- Category:Bard quests
- Category:Bard ring
- Category:Bard traits
- Category:Barmuu
- Category:Barreltender
- Category:Basic crafting materials
- Category:Basilisk
- Category:Bat
- Category:Batsquatch
- Category:Battle achievements
- Category:Battlecraft Leves
- Category:Battle→Battle achievements
- Category:Battle→Dungeons achievements
- Category:Battle→Field Operations achievements
- Category:Battle→Raids achievements
- Category:Battle→The Hunt achievements
- Category:Battle→Treasure Hunt achievements
- Category:Battle→Trials achievements
- Category:Bear
- Category:Beast Tribe Machine
- Category:Beast Tribe Quests
- Category:Beastkin
- Category:Beastman Triple Triad cards
- Category:Beastmen Tribes
- Category:Beasts of the Final Days
- Category:Beaver
- Category:Beetle
- Category:Behemoth
- Category:Belladonna
- Category:Belts
- Category:Beneficial Lost Actions
- Category:Benevolence
- Category:Bentbranch
- Category:Bestiary
- Category:Beta Quadrant
- Category:Bhoot
- Category:Bhujamga
- Category:Bicephalic Corse
- Category:Biloko
- Category:Binah
- Category:Bird of Paradise
- Category:Bit
- Category:Black Brush
- Category:Black Mage
- Category:Black Mage Accessories
- Category:Black Mage Armor
- Category:Black Mage Icon
- Category:Black Mage actions
- Category:Black Mage belts
- Category:Black Mage bracelets
- Category:Black Mage chestwear
- Category:Black Mage earrings
- Category:Black Mage footwear
- Category:Black Mage handwear
- Category:Black Mage headwear
- Category:Black Mage legwear
- Category:Black Mage necklace
- Category:Black Mage quests
- Category:Black Mage ring
- Category:Black Mage traits
- Category:Blackburn
- Category:Blackguard
- Category:Blacksmith
- Category:Blacksmith's Primary Tools
- Category:Blacksmith's Secondary Tools
- Category:Blacksmith Armor
- Category:Blacksmith Icon
- Category:Blacksmith actions
- Category:Blacksmith chestwear
- Category:Blacksmith footwear
- Category:Blacksmith handwear
- Category:Blacksmith headwear
- Category:Blacksmith legwear
- Category:Blacksmith quests
- Category:Blacksmith recipes
- Category:Blacksmith traits
- Category:Blasphemy
- Category:Blessed Siblings
- Category:Bloodborn kingdom
- Category:Bloodglider
- Category:Bloodless kingdom
- Category:Bloodshore
- Category:Bloodsucker
- Category:Bloody Executioners
- Category:Blue Kojin
- Category:Blue Leafkin
- Category:Blue Mage's Arms
- Category:Blue Mage Accessories
- Category:Blue Mage Armor
- Category:Blue Mage Armor Sets
- Category:Blue Mage Features
- Category:Blue Mage actions
- Category:Blue Mage belts
- Category:Blue Mage bracelets
- Category:Blue Mage chestwear
- Category:Blue Mage earrings
- Category:Blue Mage footwear
- Category:Blue Mage handwear
- Category:Blue Mage headwear
- Category:Blue Mage legwear
- Category:Blue Mage necklace
- Category:Blue Mage quests
- Category:Blue Mage ring
- Category:Blue Mage traits
- Category:Bluefog
- Category:Boar
- Category:Body Armor
- Category:Bolir Tribe
- Category:Bolt Hound
- Category:Bomb
- Category:Bombfish
- Category:Bone
- Category:Boonewa
- Category:Bosses
- Category:Botanist
- Category:Botanist's Primary Tools
- Category:Botanist's Secondary Tools
- Category:Botanist Armor
- Category:Botanist Icon
- Category:Botanist actions
- Category:Botanist chestwear
- Category:Botanist footwear
- Category:Botanist handwear
- Category:Botanist headwear
- Category:Botanist legwear
- Category:Botanist quests
- Category:Botanist traits
- Category:Boulder Downs
- Category:Bozjan Resistance
- Category:Bozjan Southern Front FATEs
- Category:Bozjan Southern Front quests
- Category:Branchbearer
- Category:Brobinyak
- Category:Bronze Lake
- Category:Buduga Tribe
- Category:Buffalo
- Category:Bulb
- Category:Cactuar
- Category:Calcabrina
- Category:Calx
- Category:Cama
- Category:Campaigns
- Category:Candidates for deletion
- Category:Candidates for move
- Category:Candor
- Category:Canis Pugnax
- Category:Cape Westwind
- Category:Carapace Dragon
- Category:Carbuncle
- Category:Cardinal Virtue
- Category:Caretaker
- Category:Carpenter
- Category:Carpenter's Primary Tools
- Category:Carpenter's Secondary Tools
- Category:Carpenter Armor
- Category:Carpenter Icon
- Category:Carpenter actions
- Category:Carpenter chestwear
- Category:Carpenter footwear
- Category:Carpenter handwear
- Category:Carpenter headwear
- Category:Carpenter legwear
- Category:Carpenter quests
- Category:Carpenter recipes
- Category:Carpenter traits
- Category:Catalyst
- Category:Catoblepas
- Category:Cavalry
- Category:Cedarwood
- Category:Ceiling Light
- Category:Centaur
- Category:Central Shroud
- Category:Central Shroud FATEs
- Category:Central Shroud Fishing log
- Category:Central Shroud quests
- Category:Central Thanalan
- Category:Central Thanalan FATEs
- Category:Central Thanalan Fishing log
- Category:Central Thanalan quests
- Category:Ceratoraptor
- Category:Cerberus
- Category:Cerulea Ingens
- Category:Cetus
- Category:Chaotic Alliance Raids
- Category:Chapuli
- Category:Character achievements
- Category:Character→Commendation achievements
- Category:Character→Disciples of Magic achievements
- Category:Character→Disciples of War achievements
- Category:Character→Disciples of the Hand achievements
- Category:Character→Disciples of the Land achievements
- Category:Character→General achievements
- Category:Character→Gold Saucer achievements
- Category:Charity
- Category:Chase FATEs
- Category:Chess Knight
- Category:Chichu
- Category:Chicken
- Category:Chigoe
- Category:Chimera
- Category:Chimera Poppet
- Category:Chirwagur
- Category:Chochin
- Category:Chocobo
- Category:Chocobo (Genus)
- Category:Chocobo Actions
- Category:Chocobo Barding
- Category:Chocobo Forest
- Category:Chocobo Racing
- Category:Chocobo Traits
- Category:Chronicles of a New Era Quests
- Category:Circle of Knowing
- Category:Cities
- Category:City-States
- Category:City-states
- Category:Clam
- Category:Clan Rijin
- Category:Class actions
- Category:Class icon templates
- Category:Class quests
- Category:Class traits
- Category:Classes
- Category:Classes and Jobs
- Category:Cleaner
- Category:Cliffkite
- Category:Cliffmole
- Category:Clionid
- Category:Clockwork Bug
- Category:Clockwork Dreadnaught
- Category:Clockwork Hunter
- Category:Clockwork Knight
- Category:Clockwork Predator
- Category:Clockwork Soldier
- Category:Clockwork Spider
- Category:Clockwork Warrior
- Category:Cloudfishing
- Category:Cloudkin
- Category:Coastlines Fish
- Category:Coblyn
- Category:Cobra
- Category:Coerthas
- Category:Coerthas Central Highlands
- Category:Coerthas Central Highlands FATEs
- Category:Coerthas Central Highlands Fishing log
- Category:Coerthas Central Highlands quests
- Category:Coerthas Western Highlands
- Category:Coerthas Western Highlands FATEs
- Category:Coerthas Western Highlands Fishing log
- Category:Coerthas Western Highlands quests
- Category:Coeurl
- Category:Coeurl Dragon
- Category:Colibri
- Category:Collectables
- Category:Color templates
- Category:Colossus
- Category:Command Room quests
- Category:Common Triple Triad cards
- Category:Companion actions
- Category:Company actions
- Category:Company of Heroes
- Category:Concord
- Category:Confidence
- Category:Conjurer
- Category:Conjurer Accessories
- Category:Conjurer Armor
- Category:Conjurer Icon
- Category:Conjurer actions
- Category:Conjurer belts
- Category:Conjurer bracelets
- Category:Conjurer chestwear
- Category:Conjurer earrings
- Category:Conjurer footwear
- Category:Conjurer handwear
- Category:Conjurer headwear
- Category:Conjurer legwear
- Category:Conjurer necklace
- Category:Conjurer quests
- Category:Conjurer ring
- Category:Conjurer traits
- Category:Conjurers' Guild
- Category:Constancy
- Category:Construction Permit
- Category:Consumables
- Category:Cordyceps
- Category:Corse
- Category:Coyote
- Category:Crab
- Category:Crafting
- Category:Crafting & Gathering achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Alchemist achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→All Disciplines achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Armorer achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Blacksmith achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Botanist achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Carpenter achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Culinarian achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Fisher achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Goldsmith achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Leatherworker achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Miner achievements
- Category:Crafting & Gathering→Weaver achievements
- Category:Crafting catalysts
- Category:Crafting materials
- Category:Craklaw
- Category:Crania Lupi
- Category:Crawler
- Category:Creations
- Category:Criterion Dungeons
- Category:Critical engagement FATEs
- Category:Critter
- Category:Crocodile
- Category:Crystal Braves
- Category:Crystal Claw
- Category:Crystal Tower
- Category:Crystal Tower quests
- Category:Crystalline Mean Quests
- Category:Crystals
- Category:Culinarian
- Category:Culinarian's Primary Tools
- Category:Culinarian's Secondary Tools
- Category:Culinarian Armor
- Category:Culinarian Icon