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Soul Searching

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Soul Searching

Soul Searching Image.png
Quest giver
The Rising Stones (X:6.1, Y:5.8)
Quest line
Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 10,800
Gil 1,331
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestPrelude in Violet
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Main Scenario QuestA Defector's Tidings

Main Scenario Progress: 535 / 953 (56.1%)


Stormblood Progress: 156 / 162 (96.3%)


Alisaie is at her wit's end.

— In-game description



  • You visit the Rising Stones to find Alisaie at her wit's end. Even as she wonders which of the Scions' mounting problems to tackle first, Krile arrives to bring calm to the situation. After examining the afflicted in the infirmary, Krile comes to the same conclusion as the Elder Seedseer: it's as if the souls of their companions have taken leave of their bodies. She offers to follow the trail of aether, but to do so will require use of Master Matoya's Crystal Eye. It seems a trip to the Dravanian hinterlands is in order.
  • You gather in Matoya's Cave, and Krile endeavors to track down your stricken companions' missing souls. Despite her best efforts, however, it appears that the threads of aether come to an abrupt end. Bemused and dismayed, you decide to focus instead upon the matters of the present. Alisaie has had word from Lyse that members of the Populares have defected from the Empire, and is desperate to learn of Alphinaud's fate.
  • You join Alisaie outside of Matoya's Cave. Despite the elder's brusque nature, it appears that her words have done much to boost Alisaie's spirits.


Accepting the Quest

Alisaie: I'm glad you've come, though I'm afraid there's little in the way of good news.   After you left, we reached out to both the Alchemist's Guild and Stillglade Fane, and attempted all manner of treatments...   But the results were always the same. Whatever the answer is, it's not alchemy or conjury...   Why did it have to be Y'shtola and Urianger, and not me? Out of all of us, they are the ones who could feasibly have solved this puzzle.  And Alphinaud's still missing. Gods, it's all going wrong... Where do we even start? 
???: A grave situation, indeed. Might I be of some assistance? 
Alisaie: Krile! I thought you busy delving into the mysteries of Eureka... 
Krile: When word reached me of the plight of our friends, I could not well stay away. As a fellow Scion, not to mention your erstwhile mentor, this is one of those times you should feel free to call on me─regardless of my personal circumstances.
Alisaie: I... Yes, I should have thought of that.  Thank you for coming, Krile. We would welcome your insight. 
Krile: And I should be happy to provide it. Now, what's this I hear about Alphinaud heading into imperial territory? That boy always did have some funny ideas. Do you remember the speech he gave when he was accepted to the Studium? 
Alisaie: “My life's goal is naught less than the salvation of this star!”
Krile: That particular grand pronouncement has been a source of great embarrassment to him, as you know. But the fact of the matter is, he meant every word, and has lived his life accordingly. 
Alisaie: Yes, he remains altruistic to a fault. But I'm worried he was too fixated on his goals to see the dangers, as has happened before... 
Krile: You needn't be so concerned. Though his values remain the same, Alphinaud is not the blinkered boy he once was. Slowly but surely, his eyes have been opened─thanks to a certain someone. A certain someone whom he'd be mortified to learn had heard about his little speech. Mum's the word, eh?  Right, I had better have a look at our patients. They're in the infirmary, I assume? I'll need absolute quiet, so it would be best if I did this alone. If you'll excuse me...  All three are in fine physical health. At a glance, I would say they were merely sound asleep... ...Except for the fact that I couldn't sense the slightest trace of “them” in their bodies. It's as if their souls have taken leave of their physical forms.
Alisaie: Ah. Yes. The Elder Seedseer made a similar observation. 
Krile: I've read the report. When you heard this mysterious voice, you described feeling as if you were “somewhere else,” yes?  If we assume the aether which comprises your essence is being drawn to some other place... Then it may be possible to follow the trail it leaves behind, just as we did in our search for Thancred. 
Alisaie: I wasn't around for that. But I can't imagine it was easy. 
Krile: Oh, it wasn't. But that's no reason not to try. I will have need of Master Matoya's Crystal Eye if I'm even to make the attempt, so I suggest we pay her a visit.

Speak with Alisaie in front of Matoya's Cave

Alisaie: I'd heard Master Matoya was something of a recluse, but this seems...extreme. Still, I'll happily overlook her eccentricities if she agrees to help us.
Matoya: Come to disturb my peace again, have you? I hide myself away in a cave, and still you people insist on pestering me with your problems.  Oh. I mistook you for young what's-his-name, but I see now you're the sister. Weren't you supposed to be the lively one? I've seen happier faces at a rain-sodden burial.
Alisaie: Well, I'm sorry to dash your expectations, but the situation isn't exactly conducive to gaiety.
Matoya: Ah, that's more like it. Shtola used to spit and hiss like a wildcat, too. Better for a young thing like you to be filled with fire, and leave the doom and gloom to your elders.  Now, what exactly does this tragic situation of yours have to do with me?
Krile: If I may, Master Matoya, we have need of your Crystal Eye once more...
Matoya: And Shtola is one of the afflicted, is she?  Very well. She may be an ungrateful stray, but she's my ungrateful stray. And I'll not see her buried before I am. (Matoya retrieves the Crystal Eye)
Krile: Right. Let us see what we can see.  I'll begin from where our friends first fell, and cast my senses out from there... (Krile frowns, and looks shocked)
Alisaie: ...What is it? Did you find them!?
Krile: Th-This doesn't make sense. How is it even possible...?
Alisaie: How is what possible!? Krile, what did you see!?
Krile: Th-The threads, they just...they just ended. And, no, I didn't lose track of them─I followed them as far as they went. It's as if─ It's as if they were cut off.
Alisaie: Could their aether have dissipated? If it had─ Oh gods... Their bodies are just husks. It's like the broodmother's daughter all over again...
Krile: No, no, this is different. The Qalyana girl was already dead, body and soul, when Lakshmi effected her resurrection.
Matoya: Aye, let's not jump to conclusions. If their physical forms yet breathe and show no signs of wasting, then it follows that their souls must still be intact somewhere.
Alisaie: But where!?
Matoya: That's the question, isn't it, girl? Death has not taken them to the aetherial sea, yet there are no tracks left for us to follow.
Alisaie: We're no closer to an answer than when we started. But knowing their souls are still out there is progress of a sort. We just have to keep looking.  Pray excuse me a moment. (Alisaie receives a linkpearl call) 
Alisaie: Yes? ...I remember, but─ ...What, to Ala Mhigo!? We're on our way!  That was Lyse. Apparently, a group of Populares have defected to Ala Mhigo, and Maxima─the envoy Alphinaud left with─is one of them! I'm sorry, I realize we've barely begun here, but...
Matoya: (Matoya chuckles) Go, child, go. You've made up your mind, and life's too short for dithering.
Krile: I'll do some digging in the meantime, and see if there isn't some other method we could use to continue the search.
Alisaie: Let's be off, then! (Matoya's enchanted broom falls to the ground).
Matoya: Bah, not again... The enchantment barely seems to take, these days. I'd chalk it up to old age, but I rather doubt it's that simple.
Alisaie: Before they...took ill, Y'shtola and Urianger were sharing notes on a “thinning” of the aether. It seems to be happening all over.
Matoya: Does it now? And here I was, all set to blame my woes on that creaking mountain of refuse clogging up the Thaliak.  I fear something has gone awry. Still, there's naught to be gained from starting at shadows. You can only do what can be done, and that but one thing at a time!

Speak with Alisaie

Alisaie: So that was the woman who tamed Y'shtola... I had the distinct feeling of being grabbed by the scruff of the neck and having the nonsense shaken out of me.  When Alphinaud is back, I'd like to visit again and ask her what tales she has of Grandfather.