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Small Favors

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Small Favors

Quest giver
Lakeland (X:7.3, Y:16.6)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
2 Elven Dill.png  Elven Dill
Experience 224,640
Gil 1,057
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestWord from On High
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Best Way Out

Main Scenario Progress: 608 / 953 (63.8%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 67 / 157 (42.7%)


Lyna is gazing solemnly upward, and it is not difficult to guess what occupies her mind.

— In-game description



  • Lyna is gazing solemnly upward, and it is not difficult to guess what occupies her mind.


Quest Acceptance

Lyna: Vauthry's ship is already gone. How flattering that he came all this way just to give his little speech.
Lyna: ...I apologize for my earlier outburst. Rest assured that I have no intention of allowing any of my wounds to affect the performance of my duties─especially not now. If I may─could I ask that you seek out Thancred and Minfilia for me? They endangered themselves on my behalf, and I would feel better knowing that they are well looked after. Thancred, in particular, sustained quite an injury from that sin eater. I would not be surprised if he were in Spagyrics still. Please...give them my thanks.
Lyna: I am fine, truly. Save your concern for those who were not so fortunate. (Lyna is sitting on the ground)

Speak with Thancred

Thancred: ...You're here for me? I'm sorry to put you to the trouble─I'm fine. Really. The eater landed an unfortunately solid blow, but the healers here have done wonders. I'm more worried about Minfilia. She's not taken it well. Could I ask you to speak with her? My attempts to reach out seem to have had the opposite effect. She's gone off to the Hortorium, ostensibly to fetch herbs for Chessamile, but... Just talk to her, will you?

Speak with Minfilia

Minfilia: ...
Minfilia appears to be lost in thought. Perhaps a gentle poke will get her attention.

Get Minfilia's attention with a /poke

Minfilia: Eep!
Minfilia: Oh, Small. What are you doing here? Thancred...
Minfilia: It's my fault, you know. I jumped at the chance to help Lyna, but I was careless. And now...
Minfilia: It's my fault.
What will you say? You can make up for it. By being there for him. / Then you'll be wanting to get those herbs for the healers.  -> You can make up for it. By being there for him.
Minfilia: I...are you sure? I've brought him nothing but trouble thus far. And what if it's worse, next time? All I do is make mistakes, put others in danger...
Minfilia: I'm sure that he'll resent me. For being this weak. Maybe he already does. But you're right. I can still help─if only by seeing these herbs safely to Chessamile. There are only two left on the list, but I'll need to ask about this one. I've looked high and low, and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Would you mind collecting the other? I would hate to delay any longer than I already have. You're looking for something with soft leaves that's very fragrant─“in an unmistakably medicinal way,” I was told. We only need two sprigs or so.  Once you've got them, you can bring them directly to Chessamile. Whoever gets there first can explain that the other will be back shortly. Thank you─I appreciate the help!

Obtain the medicinal herbs

This plant has soft leaves and smells strongly medicinal!

Deliver the herbs to Chessamile

Chessamile: Ah, Minfilia told me that you would be bringing the rest.

Chessamile: Marvelous. With this, I can replenish our store of medicines. We're struggling to keep up with the number of wounded that are being brought in. I wasn't on the field, but it doesn't matter. The patients' faces make plain that it was a horrible battle. And we're still fighting it, I suppose, though with bitter medicine rather than sharp steel. But we'll win─I promise you that. (Thancred and Minfilia walk in)
Thancred: It seems that I owe you an apology for dragging you to yet another battlefield when you've just come off the front lines! In both cases, I'm sure your efforts saved more than a few. With Spagyrics in good working order, the Crystarium's people will be well cared for.  More lie ahead, of course─battles only you can fight. Not that we intend to let you do it alone. But that's a matter to discuss with the Exarch.
???: You know the Exarch? 
Thancred: We do. Was there something you needed?
Wounded Guard: I need you to tell him something. For me. My dearest friend, you see... He was there on the battlefield with me. But only the one of us is here to speak of it. At the end, before the wound killed him, I heard his dying words. "I never knew that our world was this beautiful,“ he told me. ”I'm so glad that I got to see the night sky...“
Wounded Guard: I don't know how the Exarch feels about what happened out there. I don't know if what Vauthry said is true─if our losses were our just deserts, and we doom ourselves to worse by continuing to fight this fight. But I believe in the Warrior of Darkness. In the Crystal Exarch. I don't think what they've done is wrong, and I don't think we're wrong to fight with them, either. My friend, he smiled in the end. Just as he smiled when he raised his glass to celebrate the return of the night. That's how I want to remember him. So I... I want to tell the Exarch. Don't give up. Don't give in. Please.
Thancred: We'll tell him. You have my word.