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“Come for a coffee, have you? Or perhaps there's something else I can help you with?
— In-game description
Shovlu is a Pelupelu in Urqopacha.
What do you do here?
Shovlu: You can call me Shovlu. As you might have guessed from the name of this place, we grow coffee plants here at Ciblu's Coffee Grounds, and do our utmost to share the wonders of their magnificent beans with the whole of Tural! Shovlu: Such a wonderful drink, coffee... We work day and night to help see the market grow, which is not at all difficult considering that drinking coffee helps keep us awake! Perhaps I could get you a cup? Or was there something you wanted to ask?
What kind of place is this?
Shovlu: It's exactly what you see. We grow and harvest coffee, then see it shipped across the whole of Tural! Shovlu: It's good for your health, you know. Keeps the mind sharp! I highly recommend you try our coffee if you haven't already. One sip and you'll feel like a new man!