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Shadowed Remnants

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Shadowed Remnants

Quest giver
The Fell Court of Troia (Zone) (X:10, Y:10)
Quest line
Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 49,728
Gil 1,087
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIn Search of Azdaja
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestWhere Everything Begins

Main Scenario Progress: 818 / 953 (85.8%)


Endwalker Progress: 120 / 155 (77.4%)


Varshahn wears a look of quiet determination.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Varshahn wears a look of quiet determination.


Accepting the Quest - Cutscene

Varshahn: The warding scale exhibits no change. It should be safe to remain here and begin our search.
Varshahn: But whither now? I would sense Azdaja were she remotely near, but there is nothing...
Estinien: Might you not call to her? Let her know that you have come.
Varshahn: Alas, this vessel is not capable of calling across vast distances. For that, I require my true form.
Varshahn: And even were it possible, a dragon's call is borne upon aether. 'Tis liable to draw more voidsent to us.
Estinien: I see...
Y'shtola: In any case, there's little exploration to be done while we are confined to this isolated isle.
Y'shtola: I propose we begin by learning what we can from the castle's occupants. An understanding of their ways may prove useful to our cause.
Estinien: Very well. Let's hope a few of them are capable of speech.
Varshahn: Let all remain vigilant while we go about our inquiries. We reconvene afterwards.
System: "Shadowed Remnants” accepted.

Gathering information

Estinien: This one does naught but stare...
Feral Voidsent: Grrrrrr...
Feral Voidsent: Grrr? Grrraaargggh...
System: The creature snarls and glares at you. It is unlikely that you will learn anything from it.
Feral Voidsent: Grrr... Grrraaargggh!
Varshahn: Some seem willing enough to converse. Whether they have the ability to do so is another matter...
Watchful Voidsent: What enticing aether you have... Give me some! Give me some!
Watchful Voidsent: Awww... If only I were stronger, I'd be able to eat you...
Watchful Voidsent: Fine, fine. I'll find someone else to eat... <grumble>
System: While able to communicate, this one seems to think only of feeding. Better to take your inquiries elsewhere.
Watchful Voidsent: I want to eat you. I mustn't eat you. I want to eat you. I mustn't eat you...
Y'shtola: Like the prevailing tongue in Norvrandt, the language of this world bears a resemblance to our own. It may be assumed that they share a common ancestor.
Forlorn Voidsent: The mistress's eyes are beauteous! Sublime! To bask in her gaze is bliss!
Forlorn Voidsent: But now she's gone... Never again will I feel her gaze...
Forlorn Voidsent: No mistress. No orders. What am I to do now? What am I to do now?
System: The creature mutters endlessly to itself, not sparing you so much as a glance.
Forlorn Voidsent: No mistress. No orders. What am I to do now? What am I to do now?
Fearful Voidsent: I serve! I obey! Please don't eat me!
Fearful Voidsent: A...dragon? What's that? Does it taste good? I don't know anything about it. Don't know about anything.
Fearful Voidsent: But the one we caught recently, they seemed to know lots.
Fearful Voidsent: We threw them in the dungeon, but clever ones are tasty. They might have been eaten already.
System: You've learned all you can from this voidsent. If you look in the dungeon, you may be able to find the clever one it mentioned.
System: “Shadowed Remnants” objective fulfilled!
Fearful Voidsent: We threw the clever one in the dungeon, but clever ones are tasty. If I had the chance, I don't think I could resist...


Varshahn: I have nothing to share. While those I approached had no will to fight, neither were they capable of holding a conversation worth the name.
Y'shtola: My experience was much the same. Lower-rung voidsent tend to have lower intelligence, 'twould seem.
Estinien: A pity Scarmiglione is dead. He was talkative at least.
Y'shtola: What of you?
Varshahn: A clever voidsent in the dungeon...
Estinien: That would be the area in which we emerged.
Y'shtola: Indeed.
Y'shtola: Let's take ourselves back there and find this voidsent─preferably before its fellows make a meal of it.
Varshahn: To the dungeon, then.
System: “Shadowed Remnants” objective fulfilled!

Journeying to Carcere IV

Troian Knight: I can't survive without someone to give me aether. But where, oh where will I find a new master...?
Troian Doorkeeper: Prey we caught are weakened in the dungeon before being served up to the mistress. “Tenderizing,” she called it, and that's the way she used to like it.
Troian Guard Dog: Woof! Grrrrrr...
Troian Manservant: Though there's only the one dungeon here, we call it the fourth. The mistress's orders.
Troian Manservant: But the mistress is gone, and her orders with her. Rats can infest this castle for all I care!
Troian Gaoler: No one comes and goes from this dungeon without permission. For you, though, I'll make an exception. Go on, go.
Troian Warden: Food for the mistress's consumption is kept in these cells. With the mistress devoured, we're free to help ourselves.
Troian Warden: But the clever one is strong! Another warden went in to devour the clever one, but he hasn't come back out...
Estinien: I mislike the feel of this. Stay on your guard.
Y'shtola: There appears to be someone within...
Varshahn: Could this be the clever voidsent?

Reaching the dungeon cell - Cutscene

Dark-robed Voidsent: You...
Dark-robed Voidsent: You are...the friend?
< What will you say? >
< You're the voidsent bound to Zenos! >
< Didn't you fade away when Zenos fell? >
< You're the voidsent bound to Zenos! >
Y'shtola: I see it now. The bottomless darkness. The insatiable hunger. The aura was present when we faced him in Garlemald.
Estinien: How did it come to be here?
Y'shtola: When Zenos died, its connection to the Source was severed. It was forced to return to the void.
< Didn't you fade away when Zenos fell? >
Varshahn: Zenos? The disgraced prince you yourself laid low?
Y'shtola: I see it now. The bottomless darkness. The insatiable hunger. The aura was present when we faced him in Garlemald.
Y'shtola: When Zenos died, its connection to the Source was severed. It was forced to return to the void.
Dark-robed Voidsent: Zenos...
Dark-robed Voidsent: Yes, that was his name. And you are the friend, are you not?
Y'shtola: Is that...Hydaelyn's crystal!?
Dark-robed Voidsent: But how?
Dark-robed Voidsent: The light just now... Of course. And thus I am returned...
Varshahn: What do you mean, “returned”? Who are you?
Dark-robed Voidsent: I was once bound to the man named Zenos.
Dark-robed Voidsent: His “avatar”─until you killed him.
Y'shtola: “Avatar” as in the voidsent servants of reapers.
Y'shtola: In the name of his hunt, Zenos took up that traditional Garlean art.
Y'shtola: And through it, he forged a covenant with a being of the void to lend him strength.
Dark-robed Voidsent: “Covenant”? A curse, more like. He stole my power. There was no equity in the arrangement.
Dark-robed Voidsent: My very essence was altered. Twisted into a tool to serve his desires.
Varshahn: Your previous appearance. This is your true form, then?
Dark-robed Voidsent: Perhaps. Perhaps not. What does it matter?
Estinien: Indeed. It doesn't.
Estinien: Regardless of your form, you are a voidsent by nature.
Estinien: So answer me this: are you our enemy too?
Dark-robed Voidsent: In this world, only a fool would attempt to devour a stronger being.
Dark-robed Voidsent: And though it was as an avatar, I lost to you once. I have no desire to lose again.
Estinien: Good enough for me.
Dark-robed Voidsent: Now, you will answer me a question.
Dark-robed Voidsent: Zenos called you “friend.” That's what you are? A friend?
< What will you say? >
< Strictly speaking, I'm [Forename] [Surname]. >
< Whatever Zenos may have said, I wasn't his friend. >
< Not to you. At least, not yet. >
Dark-robed Voidsent: So...you're not a friend?
Dark-robed Voidsent: Then...
Dark-robed Voidsent: What is it? What is a friend?
System: “Shadowed Remnants” objective fulfilled!

Completing the Quest

Troian Warden: It seems the clever one did for my fellow warden after all. I knew it was a bad idea to go in the cell...
Estinien: Zenos's avatar, eh? What are the odds.
Estinien: We still know little about her, but for now I'm glad we found someone who can do more than moan for aether.
Varshahn: I assume the dungeon was reserved for those intended for the mistress's consumption.
Varshahn: 'Tis fortunate that we came here when we did. Fateful, even.
Dark-robed Voidsent: When I served Zenos, my mind was shrouded in haze. But one thing was always clear─his obsession with the “friend.”
Dark-robed Voidsent: What the word means, I do not know exactly. I know only that it referred to you, and that yours was an important existence.
Y'shtola: As much as one might expect the unexpected, I doubt any of us could have foreseen this turn of events.
Y'shtola: She seems different from other voidsent─at least those we've met. And the change we witnessed, I suspect, is due to your crystal purging the excess Darkness in her.
Y'shtola: Even so, she still harbors a great deal of Darkness. I'm very keen to hear what she can tell us─about herself and about her world.
System: “Shadowed Remnants” complete!
System: “Zenos” has been added to the Unending Codex.
System: “Fandaniel” has been added to the Unending Codex.
System: “The Ascians” has been added to the Unending Codex.

Speaking to the NPCs present before accepting Main Scenario quest Where Everything Begins

Y'shtola:While the language of this world is similar to ours, it is her covenant with Zenos that should ensure we can understand one another.
Y'shtola: The magick for summoning voidsent also facilitates communication, you see. Without this component, a mage would struggle to make his mind known to his servant.