Rook Autoturret
Rook Autoturret
- Recast
- 6s
- Targeting
- Enemy
- Quest Req.
Rook Before You Reap
- Patch
- 3.0
“Deploys a single-target battle turret which attacks using Volley Fire, dealing damage with a potency of 35.
Potency increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 75.
Battery Gauge Cost: 50
Duration: 9s
Consumes Battery Gauge upon execution. Shuts down when time expires or upon execution of Rook Overdrive.
Shares a recast timer with Rook Overdrive.— In-game description
Rook Autoturret is an action unlocked by questing at level 40. It is available for Machinist.
Related traits
- Promotion (Lv. 80) - Upgrades Rook Autoturret and Rook Overdrive to Automaton Queen and Queen Overdrive respectively.
Related actions
“Identifiable on the field by its distinctive length, this autonomous cannon uses electromagnetic energy to discharge the metal rounds within. A machinist may also intentionally overload its system, thereby transforming a simple autoturret into a devastating explosive.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 248
Patch 6.2 (2022-08-23):
- Duration no longer increases to a maximum of 15 seconds and is now fixed at 9 seconds.
- Base potency has been reduced from 70 to 35.
- Potency now increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 75.
Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07): Potency has been changed from 80 to 70.
Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02):
- Recast time has been reduced from 10 to 6 seconds.
- Hypercharge effect has been removed.
- Now has an activation requirement of Battery Gauge Cost: 50.
- Duration increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment, up to a maximum of 15 seconds.
- Now shuts down when time expires or upon execution of Rook Overdrive.
Patch 4.2 (2018-01-30): Hypercharge effect increasing target's damage taken has been reduced from 6% to 5%.
Patch 4.1 (2017-10-10): Hypercharge effect increasing target's damage taken has been increased from 5% to 6%.
Patch 4.0 (2017-06-20): Hypercharge effect changed from "Increases target's physical damage taken by 10%" to "Increases target's damage taken by 5%."
Patch 3.0 (2015-06-23): Added with the original description, "Deploys a single-target battle turret which will deliver auto-attacks with a potency of 80 to its master's target. Using a weaponskill will cause turret to change targets. Hypercharge Potency: 160. Hypercharge Effect: Increases target's physical damage taken by 5%. Duration: 10s. Shares a recast timer with Bishop Autoturret."