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Rip-off Reunion

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Rip-off Reunion

Quest giver
The Azim Steppe (X:32.9, Y:28.3)
Experience 26,250
Gil 648
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Search for Lord Hien

Tamachag wants to investigate some unsavory dealings.

— In-game description


  • Visit the stalls marked on your map.
  • Report to Tamachag.


  • Tamachag wants to investigate some unsavory dealings.


You must correctly report to Tamachag what each stall sells:

  1. Baidur - Meat, fish, and trinkets. Cheap prices.
  2. Masgud - Fruits and vegetables. Expensive.
  3. Yesui - Meat. Expensive.
  4. Botokhui - Alcoholic beverages. Very expensive.
  5. Chambui - Buuz. Fairly priced.


Accepting the Quest

Tamachag: Would you mind helping me with an investigation?
Tamachag: Those who do business here are allowed to set their own prices. However, I have heard word of a trader that has been abusing this system by charging more for their goods exclusively for foreign customers.
Tamachag: Should this continue, Reunion's reputation shall suffer great damage. I have taken it upon myself to regularly check the traders' stalls, but I suspect the culprit is hiding their extortionate prices from me.
Tamachag: That is why I require your help. Please investigate the local traders, taking note of their wares and the prices they sell them for.
Tamachag: I have marked the five stalls I would like you to visit on your map. Report back to me when you are done.

Visiting the stalls marked on your map

Baidur: Struggling to find something? Search no longer for I am sure to have it in stock! 
System: Baidur's stall contains a mix of meat, fish, and assorted trinkets. All of his wares are being sold for cheap prices.
Yesui: You there, traveler! Can I interest you in some smoked meat? My prices may be steep, but satisfaction is guaranteed. 
System: Yesui's stall contains raw meat, sausages, and smoked food. All of her wares are being sold for expensive prices.
Masgud: Come and get your hands on the juiciest fruit and vegetables available in Reunion! 
System: Masgud's stall contains fruit and vegetables. All of his wares are being sold for expensive prices.
Botokhui: Why, that exotic aura you emit... You must be a traveler from far-off lands! Can I interest you in some kumis? It is the most luxurious local drink I have on offer. 
System: Botokhui's stall contains an assortment of alcoholic beverages. All of her wares are being sold for very expensive prices.
Chambui: How many buuz do you fancy, miss/sir? 
System: Chambui's stall contains various kinds of buuz. All of her wares are being sold for fair prices.

Reporting to Tamachag

Tamachag: Finished? Well, what did you learn?
< What does Baidur sell? >
< A mix of meat, fish, and other trinkets. >
< How expensive were Baidur's wares? >
< Cheap >
Tamachag: I see. What about Masgud?
< What does Masgud sell? >
< Fruit and vegetables. >
< How expensive were Masgud's wares? >
< Expensive >
Tamachag: Understood. Tell me about Yesui's stall.
< What does Yesui sell? >
< Meat. >
< How expensive were Yesui's wares? >
< Expensive >
Tamachag: And Botokhui?
< What does Botokhui sell? >
< Alcoholic Beverages. >
< How expensive were Botokhui's wares? >
< Very espensive. >
Tamachag: And finally, what about Chambui?
< What does Chambui sell? >
< Buuz. >
< How expensive were Chambui's wares? >
< Fairly Priced >
Tamachag: That more or less matches up with what I had learned myself. Well, if you exclude Botokhui.
Tamachag: Kumis is hardly a luxury commodity in these parts. No doubt she was hoping a traveler such as yourself would be ignorant of the fact.
Tamachag: She cannot be allowed to continue this kind of behavior. I will give her a stern warning later.
Tamachag: Thank you for your help. The Qestir had entrusted me with a reward that I was to give to anyone able to aid me in uncovering the crafty trader. I would say you have done more than enough to be worthy of it!