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Reconnaissance Lost

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Reconnaissance Lost

Quest giver
Coerthas Western Highlands (X:32.6, Y:38.3)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 46,800
Gil 658
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestFrom on High
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAt the End of Our Hope

Main Scenario Progress: 249 / 953 (26.1%)


Heavensward Progress: 8 / 138 (5.8%)


In times such as these, Ser Redwald is glad to have veterans like you to whom he can turn.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • In times such as these, Ser Redwald is glad to have veterans like you to whom he can turn.
  • A reconnaissance party sent north to Riversmeet in search of the heretics' hideaway has gone missing, and though he knows not the cause, Ser Redwald believes time is of the essence. Accordingly, he has dispatched several parties to search for the missing knights, each assigned to a different area. You and Lord Artoirel are to comprise one such party. Seek out your partner and speak with him when you are ready to depart.
  • Lord Artoirel informs you that you are to search the area near Camp Riversmeet. Like Falcon's Nest, it was abandoned following the Calamity, but that does not discount the possibility that the missing knights may have taken shelter there. Follow the young lord to the cliffs overlooking the camp from the south.
  • Save for several wild beasts, you see no signs of life in the camp below. As there is no safe way to descend the cliffs, Lord Artoirel bids you follow him to a path leading to the riverbed below, east of the Black Iron Bridge.
  • Pausing briefly, Lord Artoirel looks for signs of the reconnaissance party's passing, but finds none. Yet given the fierce snows, he says, that is no guarantee that they did not pass this way. In any case, you have yet to investigate the camp itself. Lord Artoirel presses on, and so must you.
  • You come upon a band of heretics poised to slay one of the missing knights. Fixing you with murderous glares, they attack, but are no match for the Warrior of Light. The knight has yet to rise to his feet. See if there is anything you can do.
  • Drawn by the sounds of struggle, Lord Artoirel abandons his watch outside the camp and rushes to your side. Together, you question the wounded knight, who appears to be the sole survivor of the missing reconnaissance party, which was ambushed by the heretics in the midst of a furious blizzard. Convinced that the heretics' hideaway lies somewhere to the north, he begs you to help him continue the search─though he is clearly in no condition to do so...


Accepting the Quest

Redwald: Calm as ever, even when you must surely sense the gravity of the situation. A veteran through and through, just as Lord Drillemont said. Good.
Redwald: We have lost contact with a reconnaissance party sent north to Riversmeet in search of the heretics' hideaway.
Redwald: Whether they were attacked or met with some other misfortune, we know not. But regardless of the cause, we must act quickly, for this is a harsh, unforgiving land which can claim─and has claimed─the lives of many men.
Redwald: To ensure we find our missing knights as quickly as possible, I have assigned each party a different area to search. You and Lord Artoirel will be working together. Seek him out when you are ready to depart, and good luck.

Optional Dialogue

Redwald: Lord Artoirel has a map with the assigned areas. Bring our knights home, Master/Mistress [Surname].

Speaking with Artoirel in Falcon's Nest

Artoirel: It seems we have been assigned the area near Camp Riversmeet, Master/Mistress [Surname].
Artoirel: Lest you are unaware, the camp was one of many our knights were forced to abandon when we withdrew from the Coerthas western highlands─one of many sacrifices made in the wake of the Calamity.
Artoirel: 'Twould not surprise me if our knights took shelter there. There is but one way to find out, though. Let us be off!

Following Artoirel to the cliffs overlooking Camp Riversmeet

Artoirel: There, below us─Camp Riversmeet, or what remains of it.
Artoirel: I see no way to descend the cliffs safely from here. Should we fall, the beasts below would make short work of us. Come─I know a path to the riverbed below, east of the Black Iron Bridge.

Following Artoirel to the cliffs east of the Black Iron Bridge

Artoirel: If the reconnaissance party came this way, I see no sign of it.
Artoirel: Still, it is possible that recent storms have obscured their trail, or that they took an alternate route to Camp Riversmeet. Until we investigate the camp itself, we cannot be certain. We must press on.

Optional Dialogue

Artoirel: Hmmm... The camp appears to be deserted, and yet I cannot shake the feeling that... Hm. Master/Mistress [Surname], pray search the camp while I stand watch. We dare not let the enemy take us unawares.

Aiding the wounded knight (Cutscene)

Artoirel: Are you all right? I heard sounds of a struggle.
Reconnaissance Party Knight: Thank...thank the Fury... I thought no one would come...
Artoirel: Three heretics slain and one knight saved, just like that. You certainly live up to your reputation, Master/Mistress [Surname].
Artoirel: What happened here, ser? Is there no one else?
Reconnaissance Party Knight: We were caught in a furious blizzard north of here, my lord. <cough> <wheeze> Naught but white all around...until we saw shapes moving towards us─running towards us, with naked steel in their hands.
Reconnaissance Party Knight: I cut down a few of the bastards who came close, but the others... There was shouting and screaming, but after a while I could only hear unfamiliar voices... I found my way to the camp, hoping to hide while the storm passed.
Artoirel: But the heretics tracked you here.
Reconnaissance Party Knight: Aye... <cough> <cough> ...My lord, the heretics' hideaway lies somewhere to the north. We must move quickly, before the snow buries all traces of their passing. For my brothers, we...we must... <cough> <wheeze>
Artoirel: Have faith, ser. Justice will be done. But first, we must see you to safety.