Over My Dead Gobbie
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Over My Dead Gobbie
- Quest giver
- Midnight Dew
- Location
- The Dravanian Hinterlands (X:9.1, Y:26.3)
- Level
- 58
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
What the Boat Brought In
- Patch
- 3.0
“Midnight Dew's goblin comrades are in urgent need of assistance.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- 1 Serpentskin Boots of Aiming
- 1 Serpentskin Thighboots of Healing
- 1 Serpentskin Thighboots of Casting
- 5 Allagan Silver Piece
- Randezvous with the Answering Quarter.
- Challenge the head wastrel and defeat his bodyguards.
- Speak with the head wastrel again.
- Report to the Answering Quarter.
- Speak with the Idyllshire.
- Midnight Dew's goblin comrades are in urgent need of assistance.
- Midnight Dew hurriedly informs you that the goblin comrades she dispatched to search for the thieves have spotted their quarry. Unfortunately, their quarry has spotted them in return, leaving them beaten and bruised down by the broken bridge. She bids you meet with her there before the bandits finish the job.
- You rendezvous with Midnight Dew and the injured goblins, locked in a stalemate with the leader of the bandits. While she protects her frazzled friends from the outlaw's accomplices, she bids you challenge the head wastrel himself and bring him to justice.
- The head wastrel summons his cronies to keep you at bay, but you swiftly cut them down. Confront the bandit leader at the base of the broken bridge and secure his surrender.
- The head wastrel, finding himself cornered and his gang defeated, surrenders himself to you on condition that you spare his life. Return to Midnight Dew to inform her of the bandit's capitulation.
- Midnight Dew thanks you for apprehending the wastrel and retrieving her stock. After she has attended to the bandit's punishment and the goblins' treatment, she will return to Idyllshire. Meet with her there and she will grant you your reward.
- You speak with Midnight Dew in Idyllshire. She tells you that it is not unusual to see bandits in the hinterlands─after all, the Sharlayan ruins make perfect hideouts for outlaws on the run from the city–states of Eorzea. However, this is the first time their criminal avarice has posed an existential threat to Idyllshire itself. Midnight Dew thanks you for your assistance in capturing the criminals─now that her stock is returned, trade with the goblins can continue and the survival of Idyllshire is secured.
Accepting the Quest
Midnight Dew: Thanks for takin' care of those bandits, adventurer, but it seems the low-down curs have already got their own back. They've attacked a pair of my gobbie mates who I sent searchin' the ruins. Midnight Dew: I've just had word from them over linkpearl─they tracked the bandits down to the broken bridge, but the dirty dogs spotted 'em and gave 'em a hidin'. They're hurt, but they'll live─provided the bandits don't decide to finish the job. Come on, lass/lad, we've got to get down there!
Optional Dialogue
Scathed Goblin (1): Pshhh... Shkohhh... Good gobbies eyecatch bandits, but bad bandits eyecatch gobbies! Gobbies no match for magic man...
Scathed Goblin (2): Pshhh... Shkohhh... Gobbies better at treasure hunting than bandit hunting. Gobbies got spellsinged...
Head Wastrel: Your gobbie mates ain't no match for my thaumaturge mate! Go on, now─carry your sorry arse back home like a good little boy, or I'll have him fry the pair o' them!
Rendezvousing with Midnight Dew in the Answering Quarter
Midnight Dew: That's him! The leader of the bandits who stole my stuff! Go and get him, adventurer─I'll stay here and look after the gobbies! (Optional) Midnight Dew: Go on, adventurer─give that bastard what for! I'll stay here and keep the gobbies safe from his mates.
Challenging the head wastrel and defeating his bodyguards
Head Wastrel: Oh, for shite's sake! You gobbie-lovin' do-gooders just won't take “piss off” for an answer, will you!? If you want a taste of the same medicine we gave your mates, I'm only too happy to oblige... Oi, you lot! Get her/him!
Speaking with the head wastrel again
Head Wastrel: You again!? B-But, what happened to my...? Ah, bugger. Alright, lass/lad. You got me, bang to rights. I'll come quiet, just let me live, I beg you!
Optional Dialogue
Head Wastrel: I know when I'm beat, lass/lad. This crate ain't worth dyin' over...
Scathed Goblin (1): Pshhh... Shkohhh... Bigthanks for skinsaving, uplander!
Scathed Goblin (2) Pshhh... Shkohhh... Uplander get revenge for frizzlegobbie? Uplander is bigfriend to gobbieflock!
Reporting to Midnight Dew in the Answering Quarter
Midnight Dew: The bastard's surrendered, has he? Heh...I thought rats fought back when you had 'em cornered. Thanks for all your help, adventurer─I reckon I can take care of things from here. Meet me back in Idyllshire and I'll give you your reward.
Speaking with Midnight Dew in Idyllshire
Midnight Dew: Thanks for all your help back there, adventurer. If it hadn't been for you, I don't think I ever would have got my goods back. And a nice new set of clothes to boot─shame we couldn't have kept the skiff, but that wastrel needed somethin' to hie himself home in. Midnight Dew: Seems there've been more and more bad eggs findin' their way into the hinterlands of late. All the scum of Eorzea float in on the tide─thieves and murderers on the run from the city–states, lookin' to hide out in the old Sharlayan ruins. Midnight Dew: But thanks to you, we're one gang down and I'm back in business. The gobbies weren't too hurt, neither─lucky I had some aloe leaves to heal their burns. I thought losin' my stock might tear us and the gobbies apart, but now we're closer than ever! Idyllshire owes you one, adventurer!