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On the Eve of Destiny

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On the Eve of Destiny

Quest giver
Yanxia (X:15.6, Y:9.1)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 107,000
Gil 873
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Doma Within
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Die Is Cast

Main Scenario Progress: 471 / 953 (49.4%)


Stormblood Progress: 92 / 162 (56.8%)


Hien understands what he must do for Doma.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Hien understands what he must do for Doma.


Accepting the Quest

Hien: On second thought, [Forename], I ask that you return to the House of the Fierce without me, and tell Alphinaud to call the others together for a meeting. 
Hien: It is imperative that the Kojin emissary be in attendance as well. I shall join you anon. 


Hien: Do not worry, my friend. I will not be far behind.
Alisaie: Oh, there you are. I saw you leave with Lord Hien earlier. Where is he?

Speaking with Alphinaud at the House of the Fierce

Alphinaud: Lord Hien wishes to discuss the details of our plan? Very well, if he insists. I shall summon the others at once. 
Alphinaud: As for the Kojin, I believe one of their emissaries was already en route. Nevertheless, I shall contact them to make certain. 


Alisaie: May I present the Blue Kojin's emissary. 
Soroban: Greetings and well met, old friends! The elder sends his regards. 
Lyse: Soroban! It's good to have you with us! 
Hien: If, uh, you might humor me... 
Hien: Thank you for coming, Soroban. Doubtless you have already been informed of our plans and the role we would have your people play. However, I seek your counsel as a Kojin of the Blue.  
Hien: Be it by spell or siegecraft, could your forces destroy the underwater foundations of Doma Castle's outer wall? 
Soroban: Hmm... Explosives, coupled with a few incantations... Yes, that might produce sufficient force. Such a thing could indeed be done. 
Hien: Then I wish to revise the plan. 
Hien: Instead of assisting the Confederacy in securing the enclave, I would have the Kojin advance upstream, beneath the water, and breach a segment of the outer wall. 
Hien: I mean to flood Doma Castle. 
Gosetsu: My lord, the castle is a sacred symbol–the very heart of our nation! To destroy it is unthinkable, unconscionable–you cannot do this! 
Hien: I can and I will if it improves our chances. By flooding the castle we remove the better part of their forces from the field and force Yotsuyu to retreat to the highest levels of the keep. Tell me that is not a worthwhile trade. 
Gosetsu: But, my lord...that castle was entrusted to you by your father, and his father before him. I say to you again: it is the heart of our nation. 
Hien: Stone walls do not a nation make, my friend. Her people do. 
And as long as we yet live, we can rebuild. 
Hien: So let us only think of this battle. Of victory here and now. For without that, we have no future. 
Alphinaud: I see that you are resolved, Lord Hien, and I would not presume to gainsay your decision. 
Soroban: I will inform the elder of your revised stratagem, and instruct our sappers to make ready. 
Hien: Our preparations are all but complete. Once we receive word from our Kojin allies, we shall set our plans in motion. We shall fight, and we shall prevail. 


Hien: Thank you for accompanying me earlier. 'Twas in that moment of clarity that I understood what we needed to do. 
Alphinaud: It is...unorthodox, but I am in no position to speak against it.
Yagoro: My lord and his comrades are in inspiration. To spur our countrymen to rise up once more within a year of our defeat is a feat no others could accomplish. 
Haname: We are to flood the castle , then... So be it. I will inform the Xaela.
Motojiro: Mayhap it is for the best. According to our spies in the castle, they do strange and terrible things in the lowest levels. Experiments involving men and magitek. If we can destroy their work before our forces enter the castle...
Alisaie: We are fast approaching that moment when all is in order and we have naught to do but wait...frustrating as it is. <sigh> Well, when the time comes, I wish you the best of luck. Oh, and remember: no noble sacrifices or anything similarly stupid.
Kaidate: Lord Hien may be young, but none among us question his leadership! We will defend him and his people to the last!

Speaking with your comrades

Yugiri: No plan is perfect, and there is ever room for improvement. I expect my comrades will be refining their approach until the moment they begin. 
Yugiri: In case you are unaware, the other jonin will lead the assault on the Moon Gates, not I. My place is at Lord Hien's side. 
Yugiri: That my lord saw fit to let me accompany him came as a relief. There is nowhere I would rather be than by his side when the fighting begins.
Lyse: If there's nothing else, I'll head back to Namai. Tsuranuki's working hard, and Isse's doing what he can to help, but maybe there's more that I can do too. 
Lyse: He was like a different person when he began hammering those plates. Younger, brighter, full of life and hope...
Gosetsu: The plan is set, and all that can be done has been done. Rest and relaxation are now paramount, for tomorrow we may die. 
Gosetsu: Have you too not done enough? Will you not pause a moment to gather yourself on the eve of our grand design? Go not unto  battle with weary eyes or lingering regrets, my friend. 
Gosetsu: Ere you go to war, savor peace, for you may never know it again.

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: Soroban informs me that his sappers will be ready within the day, which means that we can proceed as planned and attack Doma Castle tomorrow.  Alphinaud: Considering the key role that you will play, I think it only prudent that you refrain form further labors and rest until tomorrow. Agreed?
< What will you say? >
< Far be it from me to refuse... >
< No rest for the righteous! >
< No rest for the righteous! >
Alphinaud: True enough, true enough. When you have seen to your sundry tasks and are ready to retire, I pray you let me know.
(Conversation Ends, must select the other dialogue option to continue)
<Far be it from me to refuse. >
Alphinaud: We shall speak again in the morning. Take care, my friend...


Lyse: You're awake. I was just, umm...Well, they threw me out, actually. 
Told me I needed to get some sleep, ready for the big day. 
Lyse: Not long now, eh? I'm nervous, of course, but I also feel I didn't know where I was going, but maybe, finally... 
Lyse: Something's gonna change, you know? Really, really change. And when the dust has settled, we'll see what we've won...and what we've lost... 
Lyse: I'm going to give it my all tomorrow. Everything I've seen and felt...I won't let it be for nothing. 
Lyse: Right. Off to bed! Don't want to overdo it—and neither should you. 
Lyse: Oh, but before you sleep, you should look in on Alphinaud and Alisaie. 
Quietly, of course.  
Hien: Ho, another restless soul. Come, come—raise a glass to freedom. 
Gosetsu: Mmm, good, good. I should be interested to know her/his thoughts on the matter! 
Hien: That's enough, Gosetsu. You'll not convince anyone with your drunken ramblings. 
Hien: We've talked about this. All of us. We are flooding the castle tomorrow, and that's the end of it. 
Gosetsu: I know, I know! I accepted your decision, and I do not intend to go back on my word. Nevertheless, as the battle draws near, I cannot help but recall our many travails, and it fair compels me to speak... 
Gosetsu: In all my time serving as a leader of men, there are two failures which haunt me to this day. 
Gosetsu: The first, our defeat at the hands of the Empire twenty-five years past, and the subsequent imprisonment of your father. 
Gosetsu: Long did I consider offering up my life in atonement, until Lord Kaien, allowed at last to receive visitors, called for me of all people... 
Gosetsu: "For my unborn child," he said, "for my dearest Shun—live!". 
Gosetsu: My second failure, of course, was the betrayal of the selfsame command, when in the rebellion I failed to protect not only Lord Kaien—but Lord Hien too... 
Gosetsu: That I yet live, having known such disgrace, is an affront to the kami themselves... 
Gosetsu: Yet you...all of you...saw fit to grant this shameful creature, this failure, another serve a greater purpose... 
Gosetsu: Thank you... for pitying an old fool... 
Hien: Now, now, it is far too soon for that. Save your tears for the morrow. You may be sure we will have ample cause to shed them, be they for joy or despair. 
Hien: Bah! even that sounds morose. We who yet walk the path should not think too much on the destination. When the hour arrives, we shall welcome what comes with open arms. 
Hien: He is right about one thing, though—we have you and yours to thank for this chance. 
Hien: All debts will be repaid. On that you have my word. But first, we must live past tomorrow, no? 
Hien: If you've no intention of sleeping, Yugiri, you may as well join us. 
Yugiri: Forgive me, my lord. I did not mean to, uh...If that is your will..