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Of Kojin and Kami

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Of Kojin and Kami

Main Scenario Progress: 426 / 953 (44.7%)


Stormblood Progress: 47 / 162 (29%)


Soroban is curious to learn why you are here.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


  • Speak with Bunchin.
  • Speak with Soroban.
  • Slay an unkiu for its carapace.
  • Deliver the unkiu carapace to Soroban.


  • Soroban is curious to learn why you are here.


Alisaie: Perhaps Soroban can help us convince his brethren to aid us somehow. We may as well ask him, don't you think?

Accepting the Quest

Soroban: So tell me, my friends─what strange tides bear you to our home?
Soroban: That is indeed a most dire predicament...but perhaps an opportunity for us to craft yet another profitable arrangement!
Soroban: Very well. I shall introduce you to our leader, Bunchin. It will be up to you, however, to present your case.


Lyse: Um, should we bow when we meet the elder? I know that's the sort of thing they usually do in the Far East, but does that extend to turtle people living under the sea? Oh, why must diplomacy be so complicated...
Alisaie: The center of the village lies further below. I still have so many questions, but they will have to wait. The elder awaits.
Soroban: I present to you the honored elder Bunchin.
(...You should probably refrain from addressing him by name. He does not much care for it.)

Speaking with Bunchin (Cutscene)

Bunchin: Welcome, guests. Gratitude to you for aiding Soroban in his negotiations. 
Alisaie: We thank you for your hospitality, honored elder. Pray forgive me my brevity, but I wish to discuss an urgent matter... 
Bunchin: seek to compel our Red brothers to forgo hostilities for a time. 
Lyse: That's right. We know your two clans have your...differences, but what with you being...brothers and all, we thought you might be able to share some...secret knowledge...or something? 
Bunchin: From far above, you have journeyed here in search of our wisdom. You shall have it.
Bunchin: All creation is a tapestry, through which the divine is interwoven. Kami are legion, and they can be found in the great and the small.
Bunchin: Though they come and go as they please, they favor certain vessels. The ancient. The precious. The exquisite.
Bunchin: We Kojin covet these vessels, these treasures. We go forth and bring them home, to keep them safe and bask in their divinity. They bring prosperity and joy to us and our children. 
Bunchin: Yet how were we to seek these treasures above if we made enemies of the Garlean Empire, powerful and far-reaching as they are?
Bunchin: Wiser to join with them. So resolved the Red Kojin. 
Soroban: Cautiously and carefully, for the Garleans are blind to the divine. Nor will they suffer their subjects to see. 
Soroban: So the Red masquerade as mercenaries who seek money and power and never speak of their faith in the presence of their masters.
Soroban: To honor the divine, they deny it. A twisted and misguided path. 
Bunchin: Aye, aye. Kami will not abide such foolishness, this they shall learn to their sorrow.
Bunchin: While our Red brothers live by the sword, we Blue Kojin uphold the old ways, engaging in trade and valuing peace.
Bunchin: Alas, men distinguish not between our clans, and judgment for the doings of the Red falls unjustly upon the Blue. Thus do men grow more and more reluctant to deal with us, denying us our treasures. This cannot continue! 
Alisaie: On that point we are in agreement. You are willing to aid our cause, then? 
Bunchin: There is a way that the Red may be driven to retreat into their shells. 
Bunchin: But to share with you this knowledge is to reveal secrets of the divine. Assurances must first be had. Trust forged. A bargain struck. 
Soroban: Well said, Elder! In great crises is great profit to be had! 
Bunchin: Delight not overmuch in such things, Soroban. 
Now, tell our guests what must be done. 
Soroban: As you wish! 
Lyse: Well, I've no idea what we've gotten ourselves into, but so far, so good, right?


Lyse: Whatever it is we've got to do, we'll do it, right? I mean, what other choice do we have?
Bunchin: May this bargain be the first of many between our peoples.
Alisaie: A thousand thousand gods, found within the great and the small... Rather different from Eorzea and her Twelve, but I have heard of stranger things. In some lands, for instance, men refuse to acknowledge the existence of all but a single god!

Speaking with Soroban

Soroban: Listen well, my friends. We require your assistance with the search for a priceless treasure: the Yasakani-no-Magatama. 
Soroban: This jewel, this most sacred of Kojin relics, was in the possession of Hingashi─until they decided to present it to the Garleans in a gesture of conciliation.
Soroban: The Red would not abide this, and so they plotted to seize the vessel bearing it to their imperial masters. Alas, though they succeeded, in the ensuing chaos the Magatama was lost to the sea. 
Soroban: We wish to recover the sacred jewel before our brothers. However, were we to come into conflict with them, it would be...problematic. Therefore, we turn to you. 
Lyse: So you want us to search the ocean floor for this treasure of yours? I'm not sure how we're supposed to do that without, you know... 
Soroban: Drowning? Fear not. There is a ritual I can perform to imbue your bodies with a powerful blessing. But first, you must prepare offerings for the sea.
Soroban: I require twisted ruby coral, several fist-sized sea snail shells, and a freshly harvested unkiu carapace. 
Alisaie: That's quite the shopping list. I will see to the shells, and Lyse can look for the coral. [Forename], would you go and find an unkiu and relieve it of its carapace?
Soroban: Do take care when killing the unkiu not to damage its carapace too much!

Delivering the unkiu carapace to Soroban

Soroban: Well? Have you the unkiu carapace?
<Hand Over Unkiu Carapace>


Soroban: How splendid they are! The kami shall be most pleased, I am sure. 
Lyse: I got it! I got the ruby coral you wanted! 
Alisaie: And I the sea snail shells. They're about the size of my fist, though I realize now you may have meant yours... 
Soroban: These shall more than suffice for our purpose. Next, we must make ready to present them to the sea and perform the ritual. 
Soroban: Once it has been completed, you will be able to move freely through the depths and find the Yasakani-no-Magatama! 
Alisaie: ...Out of curiosity, how large is this sacred jewel of yours? Unless it's far too large to be carried by the three of us, how are we supposed to even find it? The Ruby Sea is not exactly small. 
Soroban: Hah hah hah! Surely you realize we have been searching this whole time? The area we wish you to explore is but a small fraction of the Ruby Sea.
Soroban: Already have we scoured most of the seabed near and within our territory, to no avail. All that remains is a region to the west.
Soroban: The shell-less of Sui-no-Sato can provide you with better guidance than we. You would do well to visit them first. 
Lyse: Shell-less? You mean the Kojin aren't the only ones living under the sea? 
Soroban: Of course not! The Raen have been here as long as I can remember. Shiosai, the...overseer, I believe, can tell you more when you arrive. 
Soroban: But we are getting ahead of ourselves. We have yet to carry out the ritual!