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Not Just Any Vase

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Not Just Any Vase

Quest giver
Hard-whiskered Namazu
Yanxia (X:15.3, Y:31.5)
Required items
1 Imperial materiel icon1.png  Imperial Materiel
Experience 26,000
Gil 847
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAll the Little Angels
Feature QuestPerchance to Hanami

A hard-whiskered Namazu at Yuzuka Manor is looking for a strong-armed adventurer to help him.

— In-game description



  • A hard-whiskered Namazu at Yuzuka Manor is looking for a strong-armed adventurer to help him.


Coordinates of the needed crate: 31.0 34.9.


Accepting the Quest

Hard–whiskered Namazu: Where do your allegiances lie? Are you a woman/man of the Empire? No? Then I've got a job to offer you.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: Many days past, a group of Garleans stormed our manor. They wore armor of pitch black, and bore swords of sharp steel. Try as we did to stop them, they simply swept us out of their path. Beat us, hit us.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: I pretended not to speak or understand their words, and in the end they spared me. But not before they took from our manor a vase that is very precious to us. They placed it in a crate and carried it off as if it were their own. I mean to have it back from them, and for that I need your help.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: I have learned that they took our vase east of here, to their base in the lands of Castrum Fluminis. I will await you there, and when you come, I will tell you what I have planned.

Speaking with the hard–whiskered Namazu near Castrum Fluminis

Hard–whiskered Namazu: I am glad you made it. I pray the journey was not difficult. For the difficult journey is still ahead of us. Most dangerous, most deadly.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: The Garlean base is vast─far larger than our own manor. There are many crates of materiel, and they all look alike. But I have a method for finding the one we seek.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: After they threw me to the floor that day, I lay quiet, but observant. Watching, looking. I saw the box they placed the vase in, and I marked it with a small symbol.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: But the Garleans keep hounds, and they prowl all over the base grounds. I will give them my scent and keep them diverted. While I do, you must search for the imperial materiel crate.
System: Escort the hard-whiskered Namazu safely to the imperial materiel. Should you fail to defend him, or move too far away, he will return to the shore south of Castrum Fluminis, where you may rendezvous with him before trying again.

Escorting the hard–whiskered Namazu to the imperial material

Hard–whiskered Namazu: Hmmm... No, no this isn't it. This isn't it at all.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: This is the one! Yes, yes. It bears the seal of our magistrate's family. Can you see it? I drew it down at the bottom, there. Very small, very tiny.

Speaking with the hard–whiskered Namazu

Hard–whiskered Namazu: This crate contains our precious vase. The Garleans spoke of it as if it were just another antique. But to us Namazu, this vase is a treasured memento of our dear magistrate.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: And now that I get a good look at their crate, it looks like the perfect fit. Not too big, not too small.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: It is our turn to take from them, as they took from us. It is far too heavy for me to carry, though. Would you see it back to Yuzuka Manor?

Delivering the imperial material crate to the hard–whiskered Namazu

Hard–whiskered Namazu: Tell me, did you bring the imperial materiel crate back with you?
<Hand Over Imperial Material Crate>
Hard–whiskered Namazu: You did, indeed! <sigh> What a relief. Our magistrate loved this vase very much.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: Ever since he passed, we Namazu have watched over it with the same love that he did. I must see it back to safety inside the manor.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: Have you ever seen a more perfect vessel? And I have to say, this crate of imperial making is quite nice, as well. Quite lovely, quite beautiful.
Hard–whiskered Namazu: Well, our vase is back where it belongs. That is enough to set my mind at ease. Thank you for all you did, adventurer. I will not soon forget it.