Nechuciho is a Rank A Elite Mark in Urqopacha.
Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to 40 Sacks of Nuts,
30 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics,
20 Allagan Tomestones of Heliometry and
10 Allagan Tomestones of Mathematics. Players will also have a chance of obtaining 1 Cracked Novacluster, 1 Cracked Prismaticluster or both.
Zone | Coordinates | Level range |
Urqopacha | (X:8, Y:25) | 100 |
Urqopacha | (X:11.8, Y:8.9) | 100 |
Urqopacha | (X:15.6, Y:23.6) | 100 |
Urqopacha | (X:18.2, Y:14) | 100 |
Urqopacha | (X:21.6, Y:20.5) | 100 |
Urqopacha | (X:27.8, Y:22.4) | 100 |
Urqopacha | (X:28.6, Y:9.1) | 100 |
Spawn Conditions
Normal Spawn
4 to 6 hours after killed.
Tips and Tricks
- Word of the Wood is a telegraphed half-large AoE covering the entire area in front of Nechuciho, applying a
Vulnerability Up.
- Whisper of the Wood applies 4 directional Omen buffs to Nechuciho. Follows up with an untelegraphed Word of the Wood in these directions.
- Note that these directions are relative to where Nechuciho is facing after the previous attack.
- For example, Rear/Left/Right/Forward becomes Rear/Right/Rear/Rear relative to the direction it was being tanked, making the front-left safe.
- Level 5 Death Sentence is an interruptable, untelegraphed AoE applying
Doom which healers can Esuna. Blue Mages can learn this status effect as a spell.
- Sentinel Roar is an unavoidable large AoE taking advantage of any vuln stacks.
“Ugh, that thing. Everything about it creeps me out, even the name. It means “wise wood” in the Pelupelu tongue, apparently─on account of it being smart enough to speak. <snort> Quite an achievement for a tree.
Not that you'll get any sense out of it. No, the only thing you're likely to come away with from an encounter with Nechuciho is a couple dozen broken bones. That's if you come away from it at all. You don't want to know how many herders and merchants have ended up as plant food over the years.
And to make matters worse, he's immortal. You cut one of him down, another one springs up to replace him. Don't know whether he's some kind of evil spirit, possessing one tree after another, or if he's more like a fungus, sprouting up over and over again from the same, shared root stock. To be honest, I don't care. All I know is, we're only safe in those short, blessed periods when the “wise wood” is “dead wood.”— Xax Rruk, Wachunpelo, Urqopacha