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Mother's Mnyiri

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Mother's Mnyiri

Koal of the Cups Image.JPG
Quest giver
Naroshs Koal
The Tempest (X:31.5, Y:14.6)
Required items
1 Mnyiri liver icon1.png  Mnyiri Liver
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 852
Previous quest
Feature QuestKoal of the Cups
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Naroshs Koal is an Ondo with a plan.

— In-game description


  • Slay a mnyiri for its liver.
  • Deliver the mnyiri liver to Naroshs Koal.
  • Present the mnyiri liver to Xeroshs Ooan.
  • Speak with Naroshs Koal.


  • Naroshs Koal is an Ondo with a plan.
  • When he was but a child, Naroshs Koal was washed ashore and would have surely died had a pregnant finless woman not found him and nursed him back to health. Recalling that she spoke of the importance of eating food rich in nutrients, both to heal the body and to nurture the growing life within, the young Ondo would serve the clutchmother a hearty meal, made with the liver of a mnyiri─which he hopes you will procure in his stead.
  • Dispatching the mnyiri is not particularly difficult, but extracting its liver is another story. Nevertheless, the deed is done, and Naroshs Koal should be pleased.
  • Indeed, Naroshs Koal is very pleased by the quality of the liver you have brought. He asks that you hold onto it for now and present it to Xeroshs Ooan, who will inspect it and see it delivered to the clutchmother.
  • As before, you are not permitted to intrude upon the sanctity of the clutchmother's chamber. However, her cries of delight as she feasts upon the liver make plain that your gift was well received.
  • Naroshs Koal is relieved to learn that the liver was met with approval. There is surely much and more you can do to aid the clutchmother, though...


Quest Acceptance

Naroshs Koal: There is one sssimple way in which we might assist the clutchmother.
Naroshs Koal: I told you that I had once been saved by a finless one after being washed ashore. A woman, who was heavy with child at the time. As she nursed me back to health, she spoke of the importance of eating food rich in nutrients, to heal the body and to nurture the life within.
Naroshs Koal: I am told that laying eggs is a rather ssstrenuous affair, and that even the strongest clutchmothers took many days, if not weeks, to recover. And now ours must attempt to do so without the aid of the water...
Naroshs Koal: We must see her well fed, that she has the ssstrength and fortitude to weather this trial. We must serve her a hearty meal, as the finless woman served me many times before...
Naroshs Koal: Mnyiri─yes, mnyiri, of course! Many can be found to the north. Slay one and bring me its liver. It will ssserve our needs well.
Naroshs Koal: Would that I could do this myself, but as a young and weak koal, I am no match for even a sssingle mnyiri. It must be you, [Forename] [Surname].

Slay a mnyiri for its liver

Deliver the mnyiri liver to Naroshs Koal

Naroshs Koal: Have you the mnyiri liver, [Forename Surname]?
Naroshs Koal: That is well. Keep it for now. Let us go and request another audience with the clutchmother, that you might present it to her yourssself.
Naroshs Koal: Know you will not be permitted to do so directly. Xeroshs Ooan must first inssspect the liver, after which he will see it delivered to the clutchmother.

Present the mnyiri liver to Xeroshs Ooan

Xeroshs Ooan: Greetings, honored guest. I am told you have a gift for the clutchmother?
Hand over liver

Xeroshs Ooan: A mnyiri liver? I see, I see. This will provide ample nourishment for the clutchmother. A moment, if you would...
Ondo Clutchmother: Mnyiri liver! How did you know it is a favorite of mine? So soft, so sssupple it is. Too long has it been since I dined so well!
Ondo Clutchmother: My children unborn too delight in this feast. Many thanks to you, honored guest.
Xeroshs Ooan: This was Naroshs Koal's doing, yes? He knows the clutchmother's tastes well. It is good that she eats and builds her strength, but liver alone will not sssuffice for our needs.
Xeroshs Ooan: I trust you both will continue to consider other ways you might be of assistance. Tell Naroshs Koal I sssaid these words.

Speak with Naroshs Koal

Naroshs Koal: Well, [Forename Surname]? Was the clutchmother pleased?
Naroshs Koal: Oh, that is good, that is very good! To hear that she took sssuch pleasure in our humble offering brings me joy...
Naroshs Koal: Female Ondo are quite rare, and so we hold them in the highest. Only they may become clutchmother─only they may give rise to new generations of Ondo.
Naroshs Koal: She is mother to all Ondo, and so all Ondo must do their utmost to offer her aid and comfort that she may shoulder this great responsssibility.
Naroshs Koal: Each must find their own way to be of ssservice. That is why I do not begrudge Xeroshs for how he scolds me. He acts only out of concern for the clutchmother, as do I.
Naroshs Koal: He is right, too, that an offering of liver alone will not suffice. Nay, we must do far, far more for the clutchmother's sssake...