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More than a Hunch

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More than a Hunch

Quest giver
Amh Araeng (X:12.8, Y:30.7)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 226,080
Gil 1,226
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Fresh Start
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestReturn to Eulmore
Side QuestScars of War

Main Scenario Progress: 622 / 953 (65.3%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 81 / 157 (51.6%)


Ryne seems troubled by the sight of you.

— In-game description





  • Ryne seems troubled by the sight of you.



Alphinaud:  The end to Light's dominion over this world is fast at hand.
Alisaie:  When all of this is over, it would mean a lot to me if we could go and visit Tesleen's grave together. I have such a lot to tell her...
Thancred:  Perhaps their ministrations were not as thorough as I thought. Or perhaps I was a touch too reckless.
Urianger:  Once more shall the night share equal dominion over the firmament.  And yet our travails are far from over...
Y'shtola:  Is this not the moment Emet-Selch usually chooses to descend upon us? Whatever will we do without his feigned praise and backhanded compliments?

Accepting Quest

Ryna  Are you feeling all right, Forename? After you defeated the Lightwarden, I could swear I saw its aether─  Uh...never mind. I'm still getting used to my powers. It's probably nothing.  I'm just relieved I was right about where the Warden was hiding.  The last one is hiding in Kholusia, isn't it? I can't feel it from here, believe it or not... But perhaps we should head back to the Crystarium first. We have a lot to tell the Exarch...and I think we could all do with some rest.
Y'shtola She sees it too, then.

Speak with Y'shtola at the Crystarium

Ryna Y'shtola said she needed to speak with us. It sounded rather urgent.
Y'shtola The others are with the Exarch. Before we join them, there is something I wish to confirm. Tell me, Ryne─have you noticed anything peculiar about Forename's appearance of late? Anything at all? Speak freely. SheHe won't mind.
Ryna Well...since Minfilia bequeathed her power to me, I've been able to see the Light inside her/him...though I didn't think anything of it at first. But after we defeated the Warden in Amh Araeng, I realized something was wrong. You've absorbed its aether, Forename. And the Light within you has grown monstrous.
Y'shtola Then it is as I suspected. How are you feeling? (The Warrior of Light buckles over, and shakes their head) Forename! If naught is done, this will only get worse.  Ryne─with the power of the Oracle, you have gained some measure of control over Light, have you not? Is there anything you can do for [her/him]?
Ryna Extinguishing it is out of the question. Even at her strongest, Minfilia could only hold back the Light.  I might be able to suppress it...but I don't know for how long.
Y'shtola Then we have no choice but to rely on Urianger and his secrets.  If the next battle is to be the last, you may yet be able to play your part. But you will need all of your strength. I will discuss strategy with the others and see that everything is made ready for our departure. You are to return to your chambers and rest until then. Understood?
System What will you say? 
A: ...Understood.
B: I'm fine. Let me help.
C: Yes, Mother...
A: Good. Whether you want it or not, you have most certainly earned some respite.
B: his is not the time for false bravado. Should your condition worsen, it could have dire consequences for us all.
Now please, return to your chambers and rest.
C: Hah. None of that cheek, or I will take you across my knee.
Now, off with you to the Pendants. We will call for you when the time comes.

Manager of Suites

Is everything all right, misssir? You don't seem quite yourself.
Perhaps a hot meal and a freshly made bed will improve matters. Your room is ready, if you'd care to retire?
Retire to your quarters?

Manager of Suites

Very good. If you should have need of anything─anything at all─pray do not hesitate to call.


What will you say?
A: So this is where you've been hiding.
B: Why did you stay behind?

Warrior of Darkness

Sometimes the dead would rather not be disturbed. But enough about me─what of Amh Araeng?
I see. Minfilia's gone, then.
Which means the reason I must suffer this purgatory shall forever remain a mystery.
What's the matter? Are you all right?
What...what just happened?
What will you say?
A: There...there was something Minfilia said to me...
B: Not even the most valiant heroes can stand alone...
Warrior of Darkness
B: Minfilia said my time had not yet come. That I still had a role to play.
Not even the most valiant heroes can stand alone...
No─ No, it couldn't be. There's only one hero in this room, and it is not me. I'm just a shadow, cursed to wander.

Crystal Exarch

Ahem. Forgive the intrusion, but Minfilia─that is, Ryne and the others were asking after you.
Is everything all right?
That pain again? And did it pass?
Thank goodness for that. I would not wish to see you suffer.
Though I know only too well how much you have suffered on our behalf in recent days.
Indeed, I have no right to impose upon you further. Nevertheless, I must ask one thing of you.
That you survive this, no matter what.
When the dust settles, you must return to your world. For the battles to come and the wars yet unwon.
The final Lightwarden is all that stands between us and victory. There is still much we must do to prepare, but for now, I will see if there is aught that may remedy the strange affliction which plagues you.
What will you say?
A: I'll see it through.
B: The end is finally in sight.
C: When the Warden is dead, will your work finally be done?

Crystal Exarch

Of that I have no doubt. Even if I had my pick of every reflection's heroes, I could not have asked for a finer champion.
B: Indeed it is. But for now put all such concerns from your mind.
C: Yes, I believe it will. Once the tyranny of light is ended, the people of the Crystarium will be safe, and the future that must be shall come to pass.
I'll not keep you from your rest any longer. Take as much time as you like.


Crystal Exarch

No, this isn't right.
It would need to be later. After the liberation of Ala Mhigo, perhaps...

Gun-toting Compatriot

Please tell me you've finished.
We have to go. They'll be upon us any moment.

Crystal Exarch

Very well. Where to next, then?

Gun-toting Compatriot

Let's just worry about getting out of the city, and pray the airship is still in one piece.
Anywhere we go from here will just be more of the same.
Gods. By the sound of that last one, I reckon the knights twelve might be the knights' rubble now.

Crystal Exarch

Is there nothing else we can do?

Gun-toting Compatriot

Do? Look around you─this isn't war.
It's a sickness, and it's spread to every corner of Eorzea. The city-states are in disarray, and by all accounts the Far East's faring no better.
There'll be nothing left of us when this is over.
This world is beyond saving...
I never tire of that story. When the hero swoops in astride a white dragon to save the little girl...
I could die happy knowing someone like that was still around.

Crystal Exarch

Indeed. But not today. Not while our message remains undelivered.
Have faith, my friend: we will find her/him...


What will you say?


What a peculiar dream...
Was that...the past?