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Making the Catfish Sing

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Making the Catfish Sing

Quest giver
Kugane (X:14.1, Y:13.0)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 101,000
Gil 885
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably a Trap
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestOnce More, to the Ruby Sea
Side QuestWhere the Wild Pandas Are
Side QuestA Bleak Diagnosis
Side QuestTo Bathe a Garlean

Main Scenario Progress: 415 / 953 (43.5%)


Stormblood Progress: 36 / 162 (22.2%)


Lyse would like to ask Gyodo a few questions...

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Lyse would like to ask Gyodo a few questions...


Accepting the Quest

Lyse: Right, then. Gyodo should be coming round soon. 
Lyse: I think it's time we had a little chat, don't you?


Lyse: Rise and shine, little fishy. I know you can hear me, so stop pretending to be asleep or I'll give you another ride on my boot. 
Gyodo: ...No! No, no, no more boots! All my secrets are yours for the asking! 
Lyse: Tell us what you know about Yugiri and Gosetsu. Every last detail. 
Lyse: And if I find out later that you lied to me─ 
Gyodo: No, no, no more lies! The clear, unvarnished truth! You have my word!
Gyodo: Only the samurai did I meet. Yes, yes, only him! He asked after a ship, so I provided an introduction the Garleans... 
Alisaie: You mean you led him into a trap, as you did us. Because you are an imperial spy. 
Gyodo: No, no, I am no spy! It was just business! Fewer ships pass through Kugane these days, and we have struggled to make ends meet...
Gyodo: So when the Garleans offered a bounty for any Domans found in Kugane─ 
Alisaie: Oh, my mistake! You're not a spy, but a common cutthroat! Not that I'm surprised─you need half a brain to be a spy. So what happened to the samurai? 
Gyodo: Such a cruel, vicious tongue you have...
He would not go quietly, no, no. Blades were drawn, men were cut down, and the Sekiseigumi came. They took the samurai away. 
Hancock: Hold on a moment! You mean to tell me the ijin they arrested the other day was Gosetsu?
Hancock: Oh, had I but known! If he is in the custody of the Sekiseigumi, I need only see to it that the requisite funds find their way into the right official's hands, and your friend will walk free. 
Alphinaud: As it is in Ul'dah, so it is in Kugane...but given the circumstances, it seems we have no choice but to resort to morally questionable means. 
Hancock: We'll make a pragmatist of you yet, Master Alphinaud!


Gyodo: I have given you everything that you have asked for, yes, yes? Then there is no need for me to remain your prisoner?
Alphinaud: (One of these days, I may just punch that man in the face...)
Lyse: I hope I never have to carry a Namazu again. He's not heavy, but gods, the smell...
Alisaie: I'm glad we finally learned what happened to him, but did we really need to stir up all that trouble to do so?
Tataru: Hmmm... I didn't think to include "bribes" when I was calculating our budget for this trip.
Soroban: I have never laid eyes upon the sacred treasures of Eorzea. My heart fair trembles with excitement at the thought!

Speaking with Hancock

Hancock: You are free to wait here while I speak with the relevant official, but if you would rather wait for Gosetsu outside the barracks, we can go together. 
Alisaie: I wouldn't put it past the imperials to try something again, so mayhap it would be best if Lyse, [Forename], and I joined you. 
Lyse: All right, but what about Gyodo? 
Alphinaud: I will keep an eye on him for the time being. We can release him after you return with Gosetsu. He will doubtless have some choice words to say to the little fellow. Soroban─mayhap it would be prudent to prepare your ship for our immediate departure. 
Soroban: As you wish! 
Hancock: Everything is in order? Then let us be off. The Sekiseigumi Barracks are to the north.


Tataru: Talking tortoises, talking catfish... I tell you, though—it's when the bears start talking that you need to worry. That, my friend, spells the end of civilization as we know it!
Alphinaud: You need not worry. I swear I will not let him out of my sight. In fact, I may have some more questions of my own...
Gyodo: No more lies, no more betrayals! Yes, yes, I swear by all the kami in creation!
Alisaie: I hope Hancock is as good as his word...
Lyse: This looks a bit fancy for a barracks, don't you think?

Following Hancock to the Sekiseigumi Barracks

Hancock: I must ask that you wait here. You may be assured that this will not take long.

Waiting outside the barracks

Lyse: ...Is it really going to be as simple as he says, do you think?

Continuing waiting outside the barracks

Lyse: ...He said it wouldn't take long, right? Because this feels a bit long to me. 
Alisaie: Calm down, Lyse. Everything is going to be all right. Much as I hate to admit it, I share Hancock's dim view of government officials and their supposed incorruptibility. 
Alisaie: From what I've gleaned of the Far East, they're probably exchanging lengthy pleasantries. There seems to be a correct way to do everything here, bribery being no exception. I say we leave them to it. Right, [Forename]?

Speaking with Lyse

Lyse: Right, right. Everything's fine. Probably. I mean, it couldn't be as bad as the last time we stood around waiting for something to happen...


Gosetsu: >> Have at you! AAAHHH! <<
Lyse: Was that...? 
Lyse: That was Gosetsu! I'm sure of it! He's in trouble! 
Alisaie: Lyse, wai─ <sigh> ...I suppose we should follow her, then. 
Sekiseigumi Blade: Victory to the samurai! 
Gosetsu: Hah hah hah hah hah! How many is that, now? Ten in a row? 
Lyse: Gosetsu! 
Gosetsu: Oho! This is a surprise! What in blue blazes are you three doing here? 
Lyse: I could ask you the same thing! We've been looking all over for you─and then I suddenly heard you screaming! 
Gosetsu: Hmm... It would seem there has been a misunderstanding.
Allow me to explain... 
Alisaie: ...So, in summary: you started a brawl with some off-duty imperial soldiers and were subsequently arrested by the Sekiseigumi, whom you somehow befriended and convinced to set you free if you could defeat a given number of them in single combat? 
Gosetsu: Ten bouts for my freedom, aye!
'Tis but a pity you came too late to witness the last one. 
Gosetsu: And with that, I am free to go, yes? 
Sekiseigumi Blade: Our word, once given, may not be broken─but we pray you make every effort to avoid future altercations. 
Sekiseigumi Blade: Circumstances notwithstanding, my lord, we are honored and grateful to have witnessed firsthand the skill of a Doman samurai. 
Hancock: Ah. And we had just concluded negotiations.
I gather my assistance was not required?