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Loch Seld

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Loch Seld

The Lochs2.jpg
Loch Seld

A saltwater lake of impressive size, Loch Seld is also surprising deep beneath its placid surface. And lying unseen on the lake's murky bed are the ruins of Skalla, a city of stone from the Fifth Astral Era. The calamity's floods filled the ravine in which it was built, scouring the salt from the earth and forming an expansive body of briny water.

— In-game description

Loch Seld is an area in The Lochs, Gyr Abania.


Landmark (map icon).png
The Saltery

This simple village on Loch Seld's western shore is famous for its salt refinery and high-quality salted produce. The Saltery's operations saw a steady decline under the oppressive rule of the Empire, but Ala Mhigo's liberation - and a helping hand from Sultana Nanamo and the East Aldenard Trading Company - has sparked a rapid return to its former prosperity.

Landmark (map icon).png

As the name implies, this Ala Mhigan-built watchtower was constructed to allow an unobstructed view over Loch Seld. History tells that many such sentinels once dotted the roadways, ensuring safe passage for travelers and merchant caravans.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Destroyer

This towering depiction of Rhalgr was second in size only to the massive statue which stands before the Temple of the Fist. Feeling threatened by the monks' faith, however, the mad king Theodoric ordered the Destroyer pulled down, and its shattered remnants now rest at the bottom of Loch Seld.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Divine Audience

A magnificent altar fashioned in the form of a stairway extending high above Loch Seld, at the top of which worshipers may come face-to-face with he statue of the Destroyer. Formerly a place of piety, it earned a bloody reputation with the King of Ruin took to using it as an execution site.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Ruiner

King Theodoric proclaimed himself the mortal agent of Nymeia, She who stands above Rhalgr, and demanded his subjects venerate him in Her stead. A statue was raised in his likeness, and in the twilight days of the mad king's reign, his worshipers, be they driven by fear or piety, flocked to pay homage.

Landmark (map icon).png
The White Aisle

Built upon a corridor of land across the stark white loch, this raised walkway is the shortest route to the gates of the city. Heavily fortified with cannon platforms, its defenses were nevertheless powerless to prevent the advance of the Empire's airships from the northeast.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Queen's Gardens

These gardens were planted at the behest of Queen Edila, a monarch who ruled in Ala Mhigo two centuries past. To encourage the greenery's growth, vast quantities of the city's precious well water was used to dampen the parched ground - a deed which inflated water prices so dramatically that many less-fortunate commoners are said to have perished from thirst.

Gathering Nodes

Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 80 Mature Tree
Oddly specific dark chestnut log icon1.png  Oddly Specific Dark Chestnut Log «6» 80 (X:21.0, Y:19.1)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 80 Mature Tree
Oddly specific leafborne aethersand icon1.png  Oddly Specific Leafborne Aethersand 80 (X:21.0, Y:19.1)
Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Mining unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 ★★★ Legendary Mineral Deposit
Evergleam ore icon1.png  Evergleam Ore «6» 70 10AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania (X:21.7, Y:13.5)
Quarrying unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Unspoiled Rocky Outcrop
Ala mhigan salt crystal icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Salt Crystal «1» 69 12AM/PM (X:21.2, Y:28.9)