Legacy Exploration Achievements

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Main article: Legacy Achievements
Name Points Task Reward Patch
Been there, done that icon1.png  Been There, Done That 10 Complete the “Taking in the Sights” achievements for La Noscea, the Black Shroud, Thanalan, Coerthas, and Mor Dhona. Achievement title icon.png The Wanderer's Shadow 1.0
Taking in the sights black shroud icon1.png  Taking in the Sights: Black Shroud 5 Attune with all 23 aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates in the Black Shroud. - 1.0
Taking in the sights coerthas icon1.png  Taking in the Sights: Coerthas 5 Attune with all 19 aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates in Coerthas. - 1.0
Taking in the sights la noscea icon1.png  Taking in the Sights: La Noscea 5 Attune with all 19 aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates in La Noscea. - 1.0
Taking in the sights mor dhona icon1.png  Taking in the Sights: Mor Dhona 5 Attune with the 4 aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates in Mor Dhona at Revenant's Toll, Brittlebark, the Fogfens, and the Singing Shards. - 1.0
Taking in the sights thanalan icon1.png  Taking in the Sights: Thanalan 5 Attune with all 22 aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates in Thanalan. - 1.0