“Executes a weaponskill depending on current number of Sen stored in Sen Gauge.
1 Sen: Higanbana
2 Sen: Tenka Goken
3 Sen: Midare Setsugekka
While under the effect of Tendo, Tenka Goken changes to Tendo Goken, and Midare Setsugekka changes to Tendo Setsugekka.— In-game description
Iaijutsu is an action unlocked at level 30. It is available for Samurai.
Related traits
- Enhanced Iaijutsu (Lv. 74) - Reduces Iaijutsu cast time to 1.3 seconds.
Also grants Tsubame-gaeshi Ready after executing iaijutsu excluding Higanbana - Enhanced Meikyo Shisui II (Lv. 100) - Grants Tendo upon executing Meikyo Shisui.
Related actions
- Higanbana
- Tenka Goken
- Midare Setsugekka
- Meikyo Shisui
- Tsubame-gaeshi
- Shoha
- Tendo Goken
- Tendo Setsugekka
Iaijutsu are generated through several abilities, which fill the Sen Gauge :
- Gekko – Gained via the Hakaze → Jinpu → Gekko combo. Grants the Getsu Sen.
- Kasha – Gained via the Hakaze → Shifu → Kasha combo. Grants the Ka Sen.
- Yukikaze – Gained via the Hakaze → Yukikaze combo. Grants the Setsu Sen.
- Mangetsu – Gained via the Fuga → Mangetsu combo. Grants the Getsu Sen.
- Oka – Gained via the Fuga → Oka combo. Grants the Ka Sen.
“These techniques are performed by building aether in a sheathed katana, and then unleashing the entire store of energy the instant the blade is drawn. Executing Iaijutsu correctly requires complete control over one’s state of mind—a feat achieved by entering a battle trance known as “Sen.” Samurai attain such meditative mastery only through intense discipline and training.
— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume II, p. 185
Patch 7.0 (2024-07-02): The effect "While under the effect of Tendo, Tenka Goken changes to Tendo Goken, and Midare Setsugekka changes to Tendo Setsugekka." has been added upon learning Enhanced Meikyo Shisui II.
Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Cast time has been reduced from 1.8 to 1.3 seconds upon learning the Enhanced Iaijutsu trait.
Patch 4.0 (2017-06-20): Added.
- Iaijutsu 居合術(いあいじゅつ)means "quick-draw sword technique".