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I Dream of Shirogane

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I Dream of Shirogane

I Dream of Shirogane.png
Quest giver
Kugane (X:12.0, Y:9.9)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestBy the Grace of Lord Lolorito
Experience 25,250
Gil 490

Tsurubami is frantically trying to get your attention.

— In-game description





  • Tsurubami is frantically trying to get your attention.
  • Having waved you down, Tsurubami informs you that the lord bugyo of Kugane has established a residential district for foreigners. Though she is keen to see the place, as a local, she fears the embarrassment of being turned away, and so asks that you make inquiries in her stead. To begin with, she suggests approaching the bugyosho official, who is presently at the docks.
  • According to the bugyosho official, the residential district of Shirogane was established in order to accommodate Kugane's growing influx of visitors, and plots of land there are being released exclusively to foreigners. Kimachi at pier number two will take you to Shirogane, where you may speak with the district official as well as inspect the isle itself.
  • After a brief boat ride, you step onto the idyllic isle of Shirogane. The district official should be near on hand to answer any queries you may have.
  • The district official confirms your eligibility to purchase a plot of land on Shirogane upon which to build a home. If you wish to know the particulars of the process, the resident caretaker will be able to assist you. With that, you have seen and learned enough for Tsurubami's purposes. Time to bear the details back to her on Kugane.
  • Hearing your vivid account of Shirogane, Tsurubami is convinced that she would enjoy living there. All that she needs to make this a reality, she says, is a foreign husband...


Accepting the Quest

Tsurubami: Ah, Miss/Sir Ijin, a moment if you would! There is a favor I would ask of you. 
Tsurubami: You see, word has it the lord bugyo of Kugane has established a new residential district especially for foreigners. Having long dreamed of a home to call my own, I couldn't help but find myself wanting to know more.
Tsurubami: I would like very much to see the district for myself, but as I am not a foreigner, I fear I would be turned back before all and sundry. The embarrassment would be too much to bear.
Tsurubami: And so I turn to you, Miss/Sir Ijin. I would be most obliged were you to go to the residential district, Shirogane, and make inquiries in my stead.
Tsurubami: I'm given to understand a representative of the bugyo is presently at the docks. If you speak with him, he should be able to tell you more. Oh, I cannot wait to hear what manner of place it is!

Speaking with the bugyosho official

Bugyosho Official: You are well come, my foreign friend. How may this humble servant of the lord bugyo assist you?
Bugyosho Official: Ah, so you are interested in Shirogane. 'Twould be my pleasure to tell you about the district.
Bugyosho Official: Ever since Kugane opened its arms to the world, the number of visitors continues to grow. And among those who come, no few remain here for extended periods. Such lodgings as are available in the city no longer suffice to meet demand.
Bugyosho Official: In order to address the accommodation shortage, the lord bugyo has established a residential district upon the nearby isle of Shirogane.
Bugyosho Official: Plots of land on the isle are being released exclusively to foreigners, who may build homes upon them as they see fit. A tidy solution, I'm sure you will agree.
Bugyosho Official: If you wish to learn more, I invite you to take this boat to Shirogane. There, you may speak with the district official and inspect the isle at your leisure.
System: Travel to any one of Shirogane's wards to advance the quest.

Speaking with Kimachi and travel to Shirogane

Kimachi: This ferry is bound for Shirogane. Are you coming along?

Speaking with the district official

District Official: Greetings and welcome to Shirogane, Kugane's residential district for foreigners.
District Official: You are a visitor to our shores, if I'm not mistaken? In which case, congratulations─you are eligible to purchase land here and build upon it.
District Official: So long as you have the funds, it matters not whether you do so as an individual or a group. If you wish to know about the process, the resident caretaker yonder would be pleased to assist you.
District Official: And if there are any among your acquaintances who might have an interest, we would be grateful if you could spread the word.

Reporting to Tsurubami in Kugane

Tsurubami: Ah, there you are, Miss/Sir Ijin! So, what were you able to learn about Shirogane?
Tsurubami: Oh my, it sounds like a truly lovely place! Yes, I do believe I would enjoy it there. Your vivid description has quite convinced me of it.
Tsurubami: That locals are barred from purchasing land is no object─I need but find myself a foreign husband. If you know someone, you will introduce me, yes?
System: The residential district Aethernet for Shirogane can be accessed through the Kugane aetheryte.