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Heroes of the Hour

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Heroes of the Hour

Quest giver
Foundation (X:11.3, Y:13.3)
Quest line
Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
Experience 5,000
Gil 583
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAn End to the Song
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestLitany of Peace

Main Scenario Progress: 359 / 953 (37.7%)


Heavensward Progress: 118 / 138 (85.5%)


Alphinaud seems distracted.

— In-game description



  • Alphinaud praises you for your epochal victory over Nidhogg, but admits that freeing Estinien felt the greater accomplishment. Yet even with the excision of the wyrm's eyes and their insidious influence, Alphinaud is concerned with how Estinien's spirit has endured the harrowing separation. Make your way to the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly, and inquire with Lucia as to the Azure Dragoon's condition.
  • After thanking you for your deeds in service to Ishgard, Lucia informs you that Estinien has yet to regain consciousness. Promising that Ser Aymeric will send word as soon as the dragoon awakens, she suggests that you occupy yourself by paying a visit to Count Edmont and his sons. Head to Fortemps Manor with Alphinaud and announce your return to the city.
  • After treating you to a hero's welcome, Lord Edmont generously offers you the use of his guest quarters, that you might rest and recover. Alphinaud politely declines, however, begging leave to visit the Temple Knights' infirmary. Follow your young friend to the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly.
  • You arrive at the Temple Knights' headquarters but find no sign of Alphinaud. Upon speaking with Ser Aymeric, you learn that your fellow Scion has stationed himself at the ailing Estinien's bedside, and seems determined to remain there unto the bitter end...


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: Your battle with Nidhogg's shade will beget many an epic ballad, [Forename], and rightly so. It was, without a doubt, one of your more epochal victories—though I must admit that I took greater joy in seeing you emerge from the experience unscathed. 
Alphinaud: ...And not only for your own sake. Had you not been there to aid me, those infernal eyes would still be fused to Estinien's mail...
Alphinaud: Yet even with Nidhogg gone, I cannot help but wonder how much of our friend remains... Let us pay a visit to Lucia, and beg news of his condition. 

Optional Dialogue

Alphinaud: Let us speak with Lucia. She will know how Estinien fares.
Vidofnir: ...Thous hast conquered the shade, warrior of warriors. I praise thee for thine efforts.
Vidofnir: Yet though he did plunge a lance into my back, I take no joy in Nidhogg's death. He was a wyrm of the first brood, and one by one their irreplaceable number doth dwindle.
Vidofnir: We must make certain of this piece betwixt our kinds, lest the rivers of blood shed by either side stain the ground in vain.
Tataru: [Forename]! I knew you could do it! I just knew it!
Gibrillont: When I heard the Horde was at the gates, I let folk take shelter here at the Knight. Those were a tense few hours—even a few cups of wine couldn't dull the edge of fear for some...
Gibrillont: And then came the news of your victory over Nidhogg. My ears still ring from the deafening cheer that went up from every throat in the room. I swear they meant you to hear it out there on the bridge!
House Fortemps Steward: Praise Halone! You have returned to us!
House Fortemps Manservant: I had my spear at the ready, Mistress/Master [Surname], and I am proud to say that my hand only trembled ever so slightly...
Symme: So...it's over then, is it?
Eudestand: Seems we both lived through this one, eh?
Hilda: [Forename]! They say you skewered old Nidhogg himself! We'll be raisin' a pint or two in your honor, you can be sure of that!

Speaking with Lucia

Lucia: [Forename], Master Alphinaud...my honored friends... As if winning Hraesvelgr to our case were not good enough, you took it upon yourselves to rid us of his blood-brother... I know not how to thank you. 
Alphinaud: My own contribution was hardly noteworthy. The true saviors of the day were [Forename] and Estinien. One triumphed over Nidhogg's shade through strength of arms and the other through strength of will.  
Alphinaud: ...And speaking of Estinien, what news of his recovery? 
Lucia: The Azure Dragoon was conveyed to the infirmary, where he now resides under the care of our hospitalier captain. I am told he has yet to regain consciousness. 
Lucia: But as you know, Estinien's mind and body were held hostage for many days. We must be patient, and allow the process of healing to begin. In the meantime, you would do well to rest and recover from your own ordeals.
Alphinaud: But surely—
Lucia: Ser Aymeric is never long from Estinien's bedside, and will send word the moment there are any developments. Now, if I have satisfied your concerns, I believe Lord Edmont and his sons are most eager to celebrate your return.
Alphinaud: ...Very well, First Commander. 
Alphinaud: Come, [Forename]—'twould seem that we are awaited at Fortemps Manor.
Lucia: Pray call upon Lord Edmont. I gather Fortemps Manor holds its breath for your return.

Entering Fortemps Manor (Cutscene)

Count Edmont de Fortemps: The heroes of the hour return! 
Alphinaud: We but did our duty, my lord. It was the memories of fallen friends and not our heroism which saw us through at the last. 
Artoirel: I gave every onze of my strength, but mine efforts would have counted for naught had the Warrior of Light not arrived to challenge the great wyrm. As a sworn knight of Ishgard, I had hoped to do more for my city...
Emmanellain: Well, we cannot all be heroes, dear brother. Let us put away our pride for a moment, and revel in the valiant deeds of our comrade! For your sterling service to Ishgard, we salute you! 
Emmanellain: And while we're on the subject of valiant deeds, I believe I myself have earned some small measure of recognition: under my watchful command, the ballistas of the outer ward struck down a veritable swarm of Dravanian invaders. 
Honoroit: My lord's command was certainly watchful. He bravely watched as the siege crews took aim, and continued to watch as countless wyverns met their end. Indeed, the ward's defenders proved so well drilled that my lord had little occasion to stop watching. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: There will be time enough to determine who is most deserving of recognition later. Our friends are doubtless weary from their exertions. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: I had chambers prepared in expectation of your return. You are welcome to retire at your leisure.
Alphinaud: I am most grateful for your hospitality, my lord, but I believe I shall pay a visit to the Temple Knights' infirmary. Pray excuse me. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: How Master Alphinaud has grown. The plight of his stricken brother-in-arms pains him more than his own hurts. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: ...In which respect, he has come to resemble you, Warrior of Light. Go then—visit the Azure Dragoon, and grant him what comfort you may. 

Optional Dialogue

Count Edmont de Fortemps: Go, Warrior of Light. We will not begrudge you time spent at a comrade's sickbed.
Artoirel: At long last, Nidhogg is gone... No true son of Ishgard could wish for more. Yet scores of my brother knights fell in the battle, and I find my joy tempered by their loss...
Emmanellain: Without the guiding hand of yours truly, House Haillenarte's famous dragonkillers wouldn't have killed half so many dragons just now─as I shall be sure to tell my lady when next we meet...
Honoroit: If my lord's irrepressible optimism were ever to fix upon something about which he had cause to be optimistic, I dare not think what he might achieve.
Lucia: Estinien is resting in our infirmary. The sickbeds are our front line now, and the battle to save the wounded continues unabated...

Inquiring after Alphinaud at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly

Aymeric: [Forename], my friend. What can I do for the savior of Ishgard? 
...You seek Master Alphinaud? Ah. He came to relieve me of my vigil a short while ago. 
Aymeric: When he begged to sit at Estinien's side, I could not well refuse him. 
Aymeric: Though he would sooner faint than admit it, the boy must be exhausted by Hraesvelgr's trial and all that followed... 
Estinien is blessed to have such devoted comrades.