Heroes and Pretenders
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Heroes and Pretenders
- Quest giver
- Tepeke
- Location
- Thavnair (X:25.7, Y:34.0)
- Quest line
- Dawntrail Role Quests
- Level
- 100
- Required quest
Behind the Helm
- Requirements
Magical Ranged DPS
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Behind the Helm
- Next quest
Picking Up the Torch
- Patch
- 7.0
- Links
“Tepeke is ready to tear down a false hero.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Unbound: Virazahn the Deceiver
You will be accompanied by Tepeke the Contrite during this battle.
- Perch of the Apex: Spawns multiple sets of circle AoE telegraphs. These will show up throughout the battle.
- Unbound Arrow: Telegraphed AoE tankbuster on Tepeke.
- Aqua Vitae: Restores 5% of Virazahn's max HP.
- Art of Nature: Spawns 3 Cultivated Moss Fungus, 3 Cultivated Moss Seedling, and 1 Cultivated Ochu. Defeat these adds. Virazahn will become untargetable and continue to heal himself with Aqua Vitae.
- Gold Dust: The Ochu will target Tepeke with a stack marker AoE dealing magical damage.
- Acid Rain: The Ochu will target both you and Tepeke with spread AoEs dealing magical damage.
After defeating the adds, Virazahn will become targetable again. Damage him some more to break his armor.
- Perch of the Apex: Summons a proximity AoE marker (Promised Fall) at the middle of the arena, followed by four exaflare telegraphs that will travel inward.
- This is immediately followed by Unbound Arrow on Tepeke while more circle AoE telegraphs spawn, so move away from her.
- Art of Nature: Now summons 2 Cultivated Moss Fungus, 2 Cultivated Moss Seedling, and 1 Cultivated Ochu. Defeat these adds while dodging the exaflares where Tepeke is standing. Virazahn will become untargetable again.
- Two proximity AoE markers will spawn on opposite sides and Virazahn will summon more adds.
- Six exaflare telegraphs will spawn with these adds, which can be dodged by following Tepeke.
Virazahn will enter the arena again and be stunned by Tepeke. However, the Perch of the Apex will lose control and begin to emit roomwide AoEs (Apex Judgment) dealing unique damage, gaining stacks of Damage Up. The artifact will become targetable and must be defeated. During this, circle AoE telegraphs will also spawn around the room.
- Speak with Tepeke at the Giantsgall Grounds.
- Speak with Tepeke.
- Speak with Tsuuhe at Tuliyollal.
- Tepeke is ready to tear down a false hero.
- The stage has been set for your final battle with Virazahn, for Tepeke informs you that the Radiant Host has arranged an arena in the mountain pass toward Khadga that is suitably epic in atmosphere. Word has been spread that you shall await him there, and Tepeke is confident that he will be unable t leave the challenge unanswered. She asks you to meet her at the Giantsgall Grounds, where the entrance to the pass is located.
- As Tepeke foresaw, you do not wait long until Virazahn appears. After a characteristically pompous speech, he draws his weapon and combat ensues. While the Perch of the Apex rains down massive stones from the sky, you and Tepeke manage to navigate the barrage and pummel Virazahn into submission. With your enemy beaten, the time is come to return to the Giantsgall Grounds.
- Sensing defeat closing in, Virazahn attempts to run, only to be knocked senseless by a rock falling from the sky. The Radiant Host soon arrives to take Virazahn away, and Tepeke reclaims her village's stolen treasure. She looks eager to share in this triumphant moment.
- With her mission complete, Tepeke expresses her desire to return home and bring the Perch of the Apex to its rightful place. Before she does, however, she must thank all those who helped her. She asks you to meet her at Tuliyollal, where her parents await, for a final farewell.
- You arrive at Xbalyav Ty'e before Tepeke does, and in the meantime relate all that happened to her proud parents. She joins the conversation soon after and makes a surprising suggestion that her people should learn how to use the perch safely instead of locking it away to be shrouded in legend again. While the feasibility of the prospect is still in question, Tepeke and Nettse are optimistic that the villagers will listen to the words of the one who succeeded in retrieving the treasure. Tepeke and her family say their farewells, and you hope that one day your paths may cross again.
Speak with Tepeke
Tepeke: You'll be pleased to know the Radiant Host were most helpful in finding a place fit for a duel. When I saw it, even I began to believe our encounter would be one for the songs. Tepeke: Speaking of which, it seems your name is on the lips of all and sundry. The people already consider you the true savior of Radz-at-Han, and believe you will bring Virazahn the deceitful to justice. Tepeke: We apologize for putting so much weight on your shoulders, but something tells me you're used to it. Tepeke: The final showdown shall take place in the mountain pass leading to Khadga, where great crystals will stand as witnesses to its conclusion. Suitably romantic, and suitably isolated. Tepeke: The Radiant Host have spread word throughout Thavnair that a hero has arisen to challenge Virazahn, and his pride will force him to answer. The entrance to the pass is at the Giantsgall Grounds─let's head there at once to await his arrival!
Speak with Tepeke at the Giantsgall Grounds
Tepeke: Sramul here has opened the way towards Khadga. I'm certain Virazahn will arrive before long, and then we'll wipe that arrogant grin off his face! Tepeke: But first, we should check our gear and gird our loins for battle. Are you ready, Forename?
Tepeke: There he is.
Virazahn: Through the cragged peaks of Khadga, desolate winds blow over the field of battle... Oh, what a fitting location you have chosen for the conclusion of this legendary rivalry! Virazahn: I was right not to face you before, in environs unsuited to a struggle between titans. Now my patience has been rewarded, and my heart races in anticipation!
Tepeke: I knew you would answer our challenge. You would never be able to stomach the people calling you craven!
Virazahn: Such boldness in the face of impending doom. Have you not realized by now that so long as I wield the Perch of the Apex, I am invincible?
Tepeke: We'll soon put that to the test. Tepeke: You rely too much upon stolen power─it deludes you. You claim to be a savior to the people, but they have seen through your lies. Even your own father can scarcely bear to look at you! Tepeke: You're nothing but a small, small man, hiding within the hollow facade of a hero. And today we tear that facade down!
Virazahn: Will you now? You may have the mettle, but have you puissance to claim the mantle of hero? My mantle!?
Tepeke: The time for words is passed. Follow my lead!
Solo Instance
Virazahn the Deceiver: Today we learn who the true hero is. Virazahn the Deceiver: Hehe... The Perch of the Apex awakens! Virazahn the Deceiver: Run! Run or be crushed under a hail of stones! Virazahn the Deceiver: Impressive footwork...but all legs must tire in time! Virazahn the Deceiver: Heh, you are as fierce as they say. Yet I wield potions concocted by Thavnair's finest alchemists!
Virazahn's vitality is restored!
Virazahn the Deceiver: You have done well, but your fight ends here. My alchemical minions shall be your downfall! Virazahn the Deceiver: Stop them, now! Virazahn the Deceiver: A salve to heal my wounds!
Tepeke the Contrite: He's a coward through and through!
Virazahn the Deceiver: You...you defeated them already!? Uh... But of course, who would wish this duel to end so quickly!?
Tepeke the Contrite: Don't you ever shut up! Tepeke the Contrite: Hyaaah!
Virazahn the Deceiver: Gyah! Virazahn the Deceiver: What!? My armor! MY ARMOR! Virazahn the Deceiver: The artifact... I've never seen it shine so... Virazahn the Deceiver: Hahaha! Such power as I've never witnessed before! The apex roars with fury untold!
Tepeke the Contrite: Is the apex's power growing?
Virazahn the Deceiver: Why won't you fall!? Virazahn the Deceiver: This...this cannot be! I am meant to be king...I will not fall ere I ascend the throne! Virazahn the Deceiver: My precious potions...they're almost gone! Virazahn the Deceiver: Get out here, you bloody things! Just...just stop them, now! Virazahn the Deceiver: Ungh... I cannot lose... Virazahn the Deceiver: We...we both suffer grievous wounds. Perhaps we should...consider this a draw...
Tepeke the Contrite: You've lost, Virazahn. Lay down your weapon! Tepeke the Contrite: Hyaaah!
Virazahn the Deceiver: Nnngh...!? Virazahn the Deceiver: I'm utterly defenseless... This rotten piece of wood was supposed to make me invincible! Virazahn the Deceiver: I can't...I can't move... The artifact, it's...
Tepeke the Contrite: It's...it's out of control!
Virazahn the Deceiver: Wh-What!?
The apex's power grows...
Tepeke the Contrite: Virazahn can't suppress the fear in his heart, and the apex has responded in kind. We have to stop it!
Virazahn the Deceiver: Ungh... It can't...it can't end like this. I won't let it... I won't let it!
The apex's power grows...
Virazahn the Deceiver: But I am...a hero... Someone...someone save me...
The apex's power grows...
Tepeke the Contrite: It'll swallow us if we don't stop it soon!
Tepeke: He's out cold. Now to take back the treasure...
Virazahn: What... This...this can't happen! A hero...never falls... Virazahn: I must retreat... Yes, a tactical retreat... A noble retreat! So that the Justiciar may live to save another day! Virazahn: Huh...?
Tepeke: I suppose the apex wasn't finished yet. Tepeke: And it seems that Virazahn, in his cowardly haste, neglected to look skyward. Was it an unfortunate accident? Tepeke: Or fate delivering his just deserts? Tepeke: He claimed to be Radz-at-Han's savior, yet he sowed only discontent among its people. Perhaps some days in a sunless gaol will give him time to reflect upon the error of his ways. Tepeke: And now, I've finally recovered the Perch of the Apex. Thank you for coming this far with me, Forename!
Speak with Tepeke
Tepeke: The battle was hard-fought, but we made it through. Virazahn is the responsibility of the Radiant Host, now. Tepeke: And now that I've done what I pledged to do, I must return home and bring the good tidings to my mother and father! Tepeke: Yet before doing so, there are many others I must thank. In the meantime, can I count on you to meet my family at Tuliyollal for one final farewell? My parents will surely be glad to see you again.
Optional Dialogue
Nettse: Why, if it isn't Forename! I'm pleased to say I've quite recovered since last we met. Perhaps one day, I'll have the chance to save you in return!
Speak with Tsuuhe in Tuliyollal
Tsuuhe: I didn't expect to see you in Tuliyollal again so soon. Is Tepeke well?
Tsuuhe: She really did it! And the man who stole our sacred treasure will answer for his deeds.
Tepeke: Father! Mother! It's good to see you! Tepeke: I'm sure Forename's already told you what happened. I couldn't have retrieved our treasure without him!
Nettse: So we've heard. Yet Forename also told us your wits and bravery were essential to your success. Nettse: On behalf of our whole village, I thank you for guiding Tepeke in her quest, Forename. Nettse: Now the Perch of the Apex must be returned, and put under careful guard once again. Nettse: The story of the tural vidraal's demise proves that we are not meant to wield its power as our own.
Tepeke: I'm sorry, Father, but I disagree. Once I return to the village, I want to tell everyone what happened in Thavnair. They need to know what the treasure is capable of, or else we risk forgetting once again. Tepeke: I won't deny that the apex's power is dangerous. I saw with my own eyes what happens when it's wielded with abandon. Tepeke: Yet during the course of our search I also saw potential. If we fully understood how it worked, we could use it without risk to ourselves or other people. Tepeke: We could turn something we once feared to our advantage, instead of letting it become obscured in legend.
Nettse: I can see the reason in that. We must be ever ready for danger, even in times of peace. Should our safety be threatened, the treasure may grant us a means to protect ourselves. Nettse: But can we be trusted to use it responsibly? Great power breeds great desire...someone with the same ambitions as Virazahn may arise again, perhaps from among our own.
Tepeke: I daresay that once I've regaled them with the rise and fall of the Justiciar, they'll think twice before following in his misguided footsteps! Tepeke: As our forebears relied on the legend of the tural vidraal's fate to forbid the treasure's use, we can rely on the story of Virazahn's fate to urge caution. And this time we have someone who lived through it to tell the tale! Tepeke: Of course, if I'm going to be guiding people in safe use of a potentially dangerous treasure, I see no choice but to inherit my father's position as its guardian. Tepeke: Some may raise their eyebrows at the prospect of loose-lipped Tepeke serving as the Perch of the Apex's protector, but I've grown from my mistakes. Tepeke: And who better to tell the tale of Virazahn's and Tepeke's failures?
Nettse: Your only mistake was in trusting Virazahn, the same as I and many others. But unlike him, you have the willpower to overcome your own failings. Over the course of your long and arduous journey, you gained a wealth of experiences, and your efforts have finally been rewarded. Nettse: You took responsibility for your actions, and by so doing proved your conviction to our people. They shall listen to this proposition with open minds, I am certain.
Tepeke: Now we must say farewell, as much as it pains me to do so. I owe you a debt I could never hope to repay. Tepeke: Once I return to the village, I'll do my utmost to protect the treasure we worked so hard to retrieve. Until next we meet, may fortune smile upon you!