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Have a Heart

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Have a Heart

Quest giver
Amh Araeng (X:14.6, Y:23.0)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Glittering Rock.png  Leonine
Experience 226,080
Gil 992
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Main Scenario Progress: 618 / 953 (64.8%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 77 / 157 (49%)


Guthjon is still reeling from your miraculous find.

— In-game description



  • Guthjon is still reeling from your miraculous find.


Thancred: I had hoped we would find leonine, but to find that particular specimen is nothing short of a miracle.

Quest Acceptance

Guthjon: I wouldn't believe it had I not seen it for myself. Before you set it in the Talos, would you take it to Magnus? For three long years he's believed she died for nothing. He must know the truth─that her sacrifice was not in vain.
Thancred: We'll take it straight to him. You have my word. Thank you, Guthjon, for all your help. Right, then. Let's not keep everyone waiting.

Speak with Magnus

Magnus: ...What? Oh, it's you. If you've come to complain about the trolley, you'll find no sympathy from me. I told you before it won't run, and you wouldn't listen.
Thancred: Oh, but it will. Now that we have this. (Thancred holds out the stone) Your name is engraved on it, along with your son's. It was a gift from your wife, Magnus. From Agna. (Magnus immediately stands up)
Magnus: No... No, she couldn't have...
Magnus: Agna... (Magnus looks down, and then tries to hand the stone back to Thancred) Take it. Do with it what you will.
Thancred: Are you certain? It would delay our plans, but─
Magnus: I said take it. It was you who found it, you who needs it. Looking at that stone, all I can see (Magnus sits back down at the graves). Please, just leave me be.
Thancred: I hope you'll be there when the Talos stirs to life. I'm sure she'd want you to see it. Would you do the honors of delivering this to Urianger? (Thancred hands the rock to the Warrior of Light)
Magnus: Hmmm...
Thaffe: You what!? By the gods, I didn't think it possible.
Jeryk: You found leonine? Truly? Then what are we waiting for─let's get that trolley moving!
Thancred: Finally we can move on to Nabaath Areng. Assuming this works, of course.
Minfilia: Sorry I couldn't be of more help. By the sounds of it, you have a knack for handling strange requests. On the bright side, Urianger taught me a lot about the Talos and their hearts. I think I can help if they need further repairs.
Urianger: Thou art returned, and with leonine it would seem. As promised, the Talos hath been made ready to receive its heart, thanks in no small part to Jeryk, Thaffe, and Minfilia. At last we shall return time to the timeless, this sentinel of stone, that we may press on towards Nabaath Areng.

Deliver the chunk of leonine to Urianger

Urianger: Very good. Now, let us begin.
Urianger: Preparations for the enchantment are complete. When the heart hath been suffused with a sufficient quantity of aether, the golem should be restored to life.
Thaffe: All right then. Whenever you're ready. (Urianger nods, and focuses before infusing the golem. The golem rises) It's working! It's working! (Magnus is looking on, and walks over) M...Magnus.
Magnus: You left me for this...this wretched heap of stone and rubble... (Magnus drops his bottle, puts his forehead on the golem's leg and pounds it with his hand) This worthless pile of earth. And yet...I can't... I can't... (Minfilia looks downtrodden, and runs off. Urianger notices)

Elsewhere, with Minfilia

Urianger: What troubleth thee, child?
Minfilia: I shouldn't be here. I don't deserve to be. I don't deserve any of the things you've done for me! I'm just a burden, helpless and hopeless. If tomorrow came and I was gone, it would be better for everyone! (Urianger kneels close to where Minfilia is sitting) Thancred most of all. He'll never admit it, but I can see it in his eyes... (Minfilia closes her eyes and speaks sadly) I wish he'd just say it─just say that he hates me! That he wishes I was dead so that she could return... (Urianger pats Minfilia's head)
Urianger: None of this is thy doing, child. 'Twas I who set the Oracle on her path unto the First. I who condemned you all to suffer these torments. 'Tis my sin alone, and one that will haunt me unto my dying day.  Yet I dare not dwell overlong on my many regrets, for the world is a tapestry of fates, interwoven and inseparable, and we who strive to better it cannot choose but make difficult decisions. For naught of worth was ever achieved without sacrifice. And thus must man ever struggle to weigh life against loss. (Minfilia looks up) The one for whom thou mournest beareth no grudge. Were she here, she would not suffer thee to languish in sorrow. She would tell thee to seek thine own path, thine own purpose. It is a truth which I myself was slow to learn. Yet a truth it remaineth. (Urianger pats Minfilia again)
The warrior of light is with Thancred, looking on
What will you say? Go to her. / Have you no words for her? -> Go to her.
Thancred: Not today.
Meanwhile, in the Crystarium...
Emet-Selch walks in to the Exarch's room, Exarch is not facing Emet
Crystal Exarch: To what do I owe the pleasure that is your extended stay?
Emet-Selch: Oh, to the tediousness of our heroes' present endeavors. That, and the insufferable abundance of Light in Amh Araeng. I should be glad to keep my distance. (Emet-Selch stretches) I'm rather fond of sleep, you know. Wonderful way to pass the time. Not that my compeers would agree, mind you. Always on the move, the lot of them. Like Lahabrea, constantly jumping from vessel to vessel. Such fire, such determination! So much passion, fleeting and forgotten...
Emet-Selch: Come to think of it, Exarch, I don't believe I've ever seen you retire to your chambers for so much as forty winks. However do you keep your eyes from closing? The cold shoulder. You wound me, sir. Always so guarded in our every interaction─interactions you curiously refrain from sharing with the Scions and their champion...
Crystal Exarch: And risk souring your budding relationship? I think not. Much as I dislike you, there are more useful targets for [his/her] energies. And I am not in the habit of pointing [him/her] at my enemies like a weapon.
Emet-Selch: Is that right? Fond of [him/her], are you? You continue to fascinate me, Exarch. But tell me: who are you? The once-great nation whose ingenuity gave birth to this tower was shaped by my hand. As such, I know full well the wonders it can facilitate...and those it cannot. There is nothing in these walls which could have aided you in summoning our dear friend across time and space.  Much less in possession of her mortal flesh! Not even I could have performed such a feat.
Crystal Exarch: I see... You had a hand in Allag as well. (Exarch turns around) You would know what I am?
Crystal Exarch: I am the adjudicator of the sacred history with which you dared trifle. I am keeper of this tower's boundless wisdom. The wisdom of ages without age. Of everywhere and nowhere. The great work of those who tamed the wings of time, and grasped the nature of the rift. 'Tis a boon born of sacrifices yet unmade... The parting gift of brave heroes who will one day give their lives for a brighter future. I will not see their hopes and dreams squandered. The history which led us here will be unwritten. I promise you that.
Emet-Selch: Well, it seems we are both eager to fulfill our duties, then.
Crystal Exarch: On that much we are in agreement.
Minfilia: <sniff> I'm fine. Really. It's just been a long day.
Thancred: I only want what's best for her. If only she could see that...

Speak with Urianger

Urianger: Mine apologies for the delay. Minfilia and I had a private matter to discuss. Which bringeth me to the question─how didst thou find Thancred during your search? (Warrior of Light beckons)
Urianger: He spoke of Minfilia? Of his own accord? I see...
Urianger: 'Tis well that he did, and with such candor. I attempted to broach the subject before. Mine intention was to ensure no words remained unspoken between them, lest tragedy intercede. A regret I myself know all too well. Alas, in the end he refused to heed my counsel. A time will come when they must face the reality of their circumstances. But I have faith that all will be well in time...
Urianger: Now, let us not tarry any longer. The Talos and Nabaath Areng await.