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Male ♂
Hyur (Midlander)
Builder, Architect
The Doman Enclave (8.1, 9.1)
Quest NPC

Hachisuba is a Hyur found in The Doman Enclave.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Doman Reconstruction: Ishibushi Other quest 70 Kozakura
Doman Reconstruction: Tauyaku Other quest 70 Kozakura
Lighting the Way Feature quest 70 Kozakura


Small Talk

After completion of all Doman Reconstruction Quests

Hachisuba: Although Master Ishibushi has taught me so much already, I feel like it will take decades before I even begin to approach his level of competence.

Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Tauyaku

Gil 215,000 donated

Hachisuba: Please, allow me to apologize on behalf of Master Ishibushi! He does not mean to be rude, he is simply brusque by nature. In fact, I am sure he is very pleased to see you at our construction site.
Hachisuba: You see, like everyone else in the enclave, we too have benefited from your magnanimity.
Hachisuba: Were it not for your donations, we would have no tools or resources with which to go about our work.
Hachisuba: As such, we owe you a debt of gratitude for this opportunity to improve the lives of our fellow Domans.
Hachisuba: Is that what you meant to say?
Hachisuba: We would have thanked you sooner had we not been so busy here. Even working day and night, it took an awfully long time to bring down the old tower.
Hachisuba: I will say one thing for those Garleans─they certainly know how to build. We were getting nowhere with the tools we had, so we had to import ones better suited to taking apart steel structures. And explosives. Lots of explosives.
Hachisuba: Now we are making swift progress on building our own tower. Isn't that right, Master?
Hachisuba: Ack! My mother always says I should become an orator instead of a builder...
Hachisuba: Yes, we still need to decide how to build the uppermost section.
Hachisuba: Seeing as your donations are funding this endeavor, perhaps we should ask you, [Forename]. What do you think should be placed at the top of the tower?
< Why not give it a beacon and turn it into a lighthouse? >
Hachisuba: Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?
Hachisuba: Not only will it serve to guide ships traveling at night, but the increased visibility will make it easier for the guards to keep an eye on the enclave.
< What this place needs is a massive statue of Lord Hien. >
Hachisuba: A statue!? I think that is a little beyond our level of expertise. And I doubt that Lord Hien would be pleased by something so ostentatious.
Hachisuba: Perhaps practicality should take precedence over aesthetics. I know! How about turning the watchtower into a lighthouse? That way, the port can receive merchant ships even at night!
Hachisuba: What say you, Master?
Hachisuba: Excellent! Now, if you will excuse us─we have work to do!

Gil 240,000 donated

Hachisuba: I think what he means to say is “Due to your continued donations, the project is now complete, and we can all marvel at this fine example of modern Doman architecture!”
Hachisuba: And if you think it looks impressive from down here, you should see the view from the top!
Hachisuba: You can see the entire enclave─from the classes being held at Rissai-juku, to the steam rising from fresh dumplings in the Ten Thousand Stalls.
Hachisuba: I even saw all the way to the demesne, where the field hands are bringing in their first harvest. From now on, I shall enjoy observing the change of seasons from our lofty perch.
Hachisuba: The enclave guard are sure to be pleased with the new watchtower. I know I am!
Hachisuba: I hope you are not referring to me! May I remind you, negotiations are an essential part of any successful business, and we are no exception!
Hachisuba: You mean it? Thank you, Master! I knew I chose the right profession!
Hachisuba: Such effusive praise... I am at a loss for words.
Hachisuba: Ho ho! No rest for the wicked, eh?

Other QuestDoman Reconstruction: Tauyaku

Gil 270,000 donated

Hachisuba: [Forename], Kozakura!
Hachisuba: The One Garden is ready! You should come and see what we have done with the place.
Hachisuba: You will not be disappointed─I guarantee it! Now, I must find Master Ishibushi and share the news!
Hachisuba: Actually, Tauyaku came up with the overall design, while I saw to its construction. Though I have to say, even I am pleasantly surprised by the end result.
Hachisuba: I am curious, Tauyaku─ How did you become such a gardening expert?
Hachisuba: Surely, the imperial occupation all but brought an end to such leisurely pursuits?
Hachisuba: No doubt many others feel the same way. I know I do. We should encourage them to come together for quiet reflection, to ease the grief that lingers in their hearts. Maybe we can hold an event of some kind.
Hachisuba: Finding something suitable is a rather tricky proposition, though. I have heard of several Doman festivals and they all seem to be too loud and boisterous. On the other hand, we do not want to make the mood too somber.
Hachisuba: I would not have it any other way!

Additional Information