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Going Underground

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Going Underground

Going Underground.png
Quest giver
Old Sharlayan (X:11.3, Y:6.5)
Quest line
Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 501,600
Gil 1,797
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Main Scenario QuestOutside Help
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Main Scenario QuestNo Job Too Small

Main Scenario Progress: 783 / 953 (82.2%)


Endwalker Progress: 85 / 155 (54.8%)


Fourchenault's ability to maintain a stiff upper lip is being sorely tested.

— In-game description





  • Fourchenault's ability to maintain a stiff upper lip is being sorely tested.
  • Alphinaud's proposal to aid the Forum in improving their starship in exchange for being allowed to borrow it for some unspecified undertaking was, surprisingly, accepted by the majority. Fourchenault, who was on the losing side of the vote, now finds himself forced to comply with the wishes of the Forum and guide the Scions to the secret location where the ark is undergoing its final adjustments.
  • The descent into the lower reaches of Labyrinthos begins at the Archeion, though you are required to obtain permission to ride the lift before proceeding farther. Having seen to the arrangements, Fourchenault leads the way to the Medial Circuit.
  • You follow Fourchenault past the many and varied facilities of the Medial Circuit, before arriving at Logistikon Alpha.
  • Alphinaud regales you with a tale from his childhood in which his father taught him the fundamentals of precipitation. Though somewhat unrelated to your present endeavor, the anecdote serves to remind you that relations between Alphinaud and Fourchenault were not always as strained as they have been in recent years...
  • You ride the lift down to the Central Circuit, where the Forum's greatest secrets are apparently kept. Despite the many hurdles you were required to overcome to even set foot here, Fourchenault permits you free rein of the area. However, as time is of the essence, you decide that you had best save your wandering for another time.
  • Fourchenault explains that the aetherburner is being constructed in a nearby location under the supervision of one Kokkol Dankkol. He then leads the way down the path, followed closely by your fellow Scions.
  • After finally rousing Kokkol Dankkol from his pondering, the eccentric engineer explains that in order to render the ark capable of achieving the required speeds, he must obtain large quantities of refined adamantite. Though you are no stranger to seeking out rare materials, this particular alloy is believed to be found only in certain highly coveted Allagan artifacts, such as those hidden in the depths of Dalamud's shards. Given the inherent risk in venturing inside these sites, Kokkol has refrained from sending gleaners to procure the adamantite. Luckily for him and the Scions, you have an extensive network of able-bodied warriors ready and willing to undertake such expeditions. With an impromptu linkpearl conversation, Alphinaud arranges for quantities of the metal to be delivered from every corner of the world─along with a Far Eastern relic or two from Othard─which should resolve Kokkol's predicament.
  • With so many visitors expected to be pouring into Sharlayan in the near future, Krile decides to return to the surface to make the necessary arrangements. She also hints that she may have her own means of acquiring refined adamantite, but decides to keep her source a secret for the time being.