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“This fish appears dead on arrival to the untrained eye, and thus would be best sold to someone with a trained eye.
[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
— In-game description
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 89
- Fish Type: Aetherochemical Spills
- Aquarium Type: ????
- Sizes: Smallest - ??im, Largest - ??im
At first blush, this wavekin appears to be naught more than a floating bag of bones. In reality, it has a large, translucent frame─occasionally made visible thanks to the suspect contents of aetherochemical pools─and relatively standard organs concealed within its skull.
Fishing Log: Apohelos 18-β
- Location: Ultima Thule (x9.5,y30.6)
- Hole Level: 89
- Baits: Grey Worm, Versatile Lure
- Mooched From:
- Condition:
- Weather:
Used For
Class: Culinarian (554.00)
Potential Results: