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Storm Captain
Female ♀
Roegadyn (Sea Wolves)
Lower La Noscea (24.8, 35.2)
Limsa Lominsa
The Maelstrom
Quest NPC

Ghimthota is a Roegadyn found in Lower La Noscea. She is stationed at Moraby Drydocks. Though omitted on her nameplate, her surname is Sthalmoenwyn.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Victory in Peril Main Scenario quest 14 Ghimthota
Men of the Blue Tattoos Main Scenario quest 14 Ghimthota

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Do Angry Pirates Dream Main Scenario quest 13 Ahtbyrm
Say It with Flowers Sidequest 13 Rostnzeh


Ghimthota: The damage caused by the Calamity has seen a great number of artisans pulled away onto restoration projects. Here at the Moraby Drydocks, they've started taking on outsiders and adventurers to round out the roster. And with the extra hands, there's always going to be extra trouble. Pity no one thinks to bolster the ranks of the poor guards...

After completion of Main Scenario quest Victory in Peril

Ghimthota: I would thank you again for rescuing the Victory from an explosive end, but mere words could never fully express my gratitude. The pirates' attempt at sabotaging the hope of Limsa Lominsa may have failed, but they did succeed in exposing the chinks in the armor of our vigilance. If we are to prevent any such incident from happening again, we cannot allow our lack of resources to serve as an excuse for negligence.

Main Scenario quest Do Angry Pirates Dream

Ghimthota: Ah, yes. I had a feeling you would be the one Ahtbyrm sent. Since you first arrived at the Moraby Drydocks, I have had my men watch you. Oh, there's no need to get angry. I make it a point to keep an eye on all those new to the area. It is simply protocol. And you'll be please to know that nothing...incriminating was found. You appear to be a model citizen. That, and the foreman seems to think somewhat highly of you...which I must admit is quite shocking. The man doesn't even trust his own mother. Very well, then. I assume Ahtbyrm informed you of what your task would entail. The pirates we believe are conspiring to raid the Drydocks were last seen making camp near an ancient stone called the mark of the Spinner. I would have you approach the men, posing as a lost adventurer, and see if you cannot somehow learn of their intentions. C'nangho stationed at the rear gates can provide you with an exact location of the camp.
Ghimthota: So the trespassers are indeed pirates, and they are indeed planning something. But what is this talk of getting "me boy back"? Could it be that their target never was the Victory? Something is not right, and I won't sit by idly waiting for those pirates to make the first move. I shall order increased patrols immediately. Thank you again for your help, [Forename]. It appears we were wise to put our trust in you.

Main Scenario quest Men of the Blue Tattoos

Ghimthota: [Forename]. In light of your role in recent events, there are few others to whom I would entrust this task. Since last we spoke, a curious missive has been discovered amongst the personal effects of Ahtzapfyn, the pirate behind the plot to sabotage the Victory. This missive was penned in the most unusual script—a script we believe to be some manner of code. Needless to say, anything which a proven enemy of Limsa Lominsa deems worthy of enciphering is like to be of great interest to the Maelstrom. Unfortunately, none among us can make any sense of the message. In cases such as this, I am told the Yellowjackets are wont to turn to Baderon and his convenient...connections. Thus I would have you deliver this missive to the proprietor of the Drowning Wench. Into his hand, and no other, do you understand?

Main Scenario quest Victory in Peril

Ghimthota: I am concerned, [Forename]. It appears that the pirates I had you investigate are on the move. They creep ever closer to the Drydocks, so I must assume they mean to target the Victory herself. That ship is the symbol of everything Limsa Lominsa strives to become, and I will not allow these base scoundrels to lay a single finger upon her hull. We must apprehend them before they put their plans into motion! And you, [Forename], are just the [man/woman] to do it. Without your capable assistance, I fear the security of the Drydocks cannot be guaranteed. Not moments ago, my guards submitted reports of suspicious activity in the area. Pray begin your efforts by listening to one of their accounts firsthand. It matters not whom you choose to speak with, but be sure to question either Urswyrst at the front gate or C'nangho at the rear. Any suspect saboteurs you encounter during the course of your investigation are to be interrogated. Report any and all findings directly to me.


Ghimthota: So, you've found me one of those pirates, did you? I knew you were the right adventurer to ask for aid. But what could these knaves be planning? "What's to happen is already happening"...?
Ghimthota: Easy now, soldier. Who did this to you?
Ghimthota: Gods below, we are not prepared for this! The pirates, soldier, how many do they number?
Ghimthota: Explosives!? Then there is no time to lose! [Forename], you heard the situation. Make your way to the shipyard and engage these intruders! I will see to this man's wounds, then follow after. Make haste, now!


Ghimthota: Ah! I wondered why Ahtbyrm never spoke of his father. I never would have thought...


Ghimthota: Leave him to us. [Forename], C'nangho, to me!
Ghimthota: I'll take the Mamool Ja. You focus on Ahtzapfyn.
Ghimthota: Protect the ship...

Upon turning in the quest

Ghimthota: How fare you, [Forename]? I cannot begin to thank you for the role you played in preventing this madness. You defended more than a simple ship—you saved the budding hope of Limsa Lominsa from a violent demise. The day was yours. It seems our security regimen will require much in the way of improvements if we are to truly keep the Drydocks safe. ...Ahtbyrm apologizes? Well, I suppose I can understand why he would feel responsible for his father's actions. Of all those involved, this incident was hardest on him. But, in time, I believe he will come to a single conclusion: the most fitting way of moving past his anguish is to see the Victory completed and in the water. Ah, by the by, the pirates we defeated have been handed over to the Yellowjackets. Reyner's men will be taking over the investigation. Before the Yellowjackets moved in, however, we recovered a most unusual object. Should you have the time to spare, I would ask of you another favor...

Sidequest Say It with Flowers

Ghimthota: A gift for me from the candlekeep at Oschon's Torch? But I don't recall ever meeting anyone─
Ghimthota: Ah, a La Noscean lilybell... Yes, it's coming back to me now. Rostnzeh, I believe his name was. I remember specifically commenting on how I despised my patrols through the Gods' Grip for the area is full of La Noscean lilybells, and the terrible weeds always send me into sneezing fits. While I am...uh, flattered, I'm afraid I cannot return the gesture. As head watch of the Moraby Drydocks, it is my responsibility to see that the peace is kept until the Victory's christening. I simply haven't the time to pay would-be suitors any mind, no matter how desperate they may be. Though...perhaps once the ship is complete, I could consider a climb up the peninsula...perhaps.

