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Futures Rewritten

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the quest. For the patch, see patch 5.4. For the upcoming ultimate raid, see Futures Rewritten (Ultimate).
Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Futures Rewritten

Futures rewritten1.png
Quest giver
Outer La Noscea (X:19.3, Y:16.6)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests II
Experience 22,440
Gil 4,500
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Great Ship Vylbrand
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestUnto the Breach
Feature QuestA New Playing Field

Main Scenario Progress: 689 / 953 (72.3%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 148 / 157 (94.3%)


Alphinaud's face is a picture, equal parts jubilation and relief.

— In-game description





  • Alphinaud's face is a picture, equal parts jubilation and relief.
  • Just as you are about to return to the Rising Stones, a breathless Maelstrom officer rushes up and begs the Admiral to follow him. He duly leads you to the cliffs opposite the Floating City of Nym, where you espy a strange tower which─he claims─was not there when he began his daily patrol. But it is only when the Admiral subsequently receives a linkpearl communication from Maelstrom headquarters that the scale of the problem becomes clear. It seems that many more such structures─apparently of Garlean design─have materialized across the realm. Anticipating trouble, Merlwyb bids you join the Alliance forces on the eastern front, and you set forth for the Ala Mhigan Quarter to offer Commander Hext your support.
  • Lyse has scarcely finished welcoming you when an enormous dragon passes overhead, seemingly bound for the palace. Giving chase, you emerge in the Royal Menagerie, where you come face-to-face with Asahi...or rather an Ascian in his body. With a self-indulgent flourish, your foe introduces himself as Fandaniel, and declares his intent to destroy the world in a recreation of the Final Days, in which the towers will play some unspecified part. When you move to apprehend him, his dragon─the so-called “Lunar Bahamut”─sets the rooftop garden ablaze, allowing the Ascian to take his leave─but not before informing you that his patron, Lord Zenos, awaits you at the heart of the chaos...
  • The mood is subdued as you reassemble before the royal palace. With little information upon which to act, Lyse proposes sending a unit to investigate the nearby tower, and at Raubahn's insistence, you decide to return to the Rising Stones to recuperate while awaiting further developments.
  • You arrive at the Rising Stones to find Y'shtola returned, and exchange news of your recent endeavors. It seems that after recovering her strength, Y'shtola delivered the first litter of porxies to the Immortal Flames in Ul'dah, while Krile investigated reports that towers had been sighted not only across Eorzea, but in Yanxia in the Far East. When thoughts subsequently turn to the new draconic foe you face in Lunar Bahamut, Krile and Tataru declare their intention to seek the aid of Estinien, leaving you and the others to take what rest you can. Though it feels like your efforts to bring lasting peace to Eorzea have been overshadowed, you know that the future of the star is yet unwritten, and that you and your comrades will stop at nothing to protect it.