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For the Living and the Dead

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For the Living and the Dead

Main Scenario Progress: 487 / 953 (51.1%)


Stormblood Progress: 108 / 162 (66.7%)


The question of how to move forward in Conrad's absence looms large in Alphinaud's mind.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • The question of how to move forward in Conrad's absence looms large in Alphinaud's mind.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: All Alliance and Resistance units have now withdrawn from Specula Imperatoris. It is time we spoke with General Aldynn.


Serpent Officer: Grim though it is, the conjurers have had no choice but to impose a rigid triage system when treating the wounded. Under the circumstances, we have to be realistic.
Storm Officer: Mark my words: when this is over, I will take the heads of every officer in Castrum Abania. I'll swing the bloody axe myself if I have to!
Pipin: We lost a lot of men inside the tower. Casualties are still mounting among those who survived.

Speaking with Raubahn (Cutscene)

Raubahn: ...These deaths weigh heavy on my soul. Commander Kemp's most of all. 
Raubahn: He was a wise leader. He was a patriot. But above all else, he was a good man who will be sorely missed. One of many lost this day. I ask for a moment's silence to pray for the souls of the departed. 
Raubahn: We have suffered a grievous defeat. But we can not and will not renounce this cause. The die has been cast. 
Raubahn: Hold tight to this grief, this anger, and let it drive you forward. Let it be your strength and your shield when you next face the enemy. 
Alphinaud: It will carry us far, General. Of that I have no doubt. 
Alphinaud: Ere we take another step towards Ala Mhigo, however, we must first address the question of how to deal with Castrum Abania's cannon. If the imperials are willing to employ the weapon without thought for their own soldiers' safety, we may struggle to approach them. 
Alisaie: A frontal assault is out of the question. We'd lose countless men before we even reached the walls. 
Pipin: Would we? Recall that the imperials could have obliterated our forces had they kept firing, but neglected to do so. 
Pipin: They had no strategic reason to cease fire, which begs the question: why did they? 
Alphinaud: ...You suspect they were unable to fire the cannon again. Mayhap due to a malfunction? 
Pipin: Or one of their officers found his conscience after the first barrage. Or a heretofore unknown Resistance faction chose that moment to disable it. 
Pipin: There are many possibilities, but the fact remains that they stopped when logic dictated they continue. 
Lyse: Then I'll just have to go and see for myself if the cannon is still operational. 
M'naago: Are you mad? Conrad put you in charge of the Resistance! We can't risk losing another commander so soon! 
Lyse: I know how you feel, Naago, I do. but I need you to understand...
Lyse: It wasn't long after Papalymo and I arrived at Rhaglr's Reach that Conrad first asked me to join the Resistance. And then he kept on asking. 
Lyse: Every time I said no, I told myself it was because of the Scions. But even then, I knew deep down that it was an excuse. That I was still afraid of following my heart, because I couldn't be sure if it was for me or for Yda. 
Lyse: But then I met someone, on the other side of the world, who had struggled with the same worries. And as we traveled and fought together I saw him grow and become the leader his people needed to be. 
Lyse: And now it's my turn to do the same. 
Lyse: There's not a lot of us left, and of the ones that are, many are still wounded. We have to make do with what we've got, and I'm the best qualified. It's as simple as that. But don't worry, Naago. I'll come back, I promise. 
Raubahn: While I acknowledge Commander Hext's right to carry out this mission, I see no reason why she should do so alone. [Immortal Flames GC Rank]/[Forename], would you go with her? 
< What will you say? >
< Would've done it even if you hadn't asked, sir. >
< I suppose someone's got to keep her out of harm's way... >
Raubahn: Then it is settled. We will await your return. 


Pipin: One can but wonder how the rank and file of the XIIth Legion will view their leadership upon hearing about the fate of Specula Imperatoris.
Raubahn: (More than a keeper, she needs a friend now. Stay close to her.)
M'naago: Conrad confided in me that he was considering naming her as his successor, so it didn't come as a complete shock. I mean, I was still surprised, but I've never once doubted his judgment. None of us have. If he thought Lyse was the best choice, then she is.
Alphinaud: I understand M'naago's concern. If they were to lose another leader so soon after losing Conrad, the Resistance might never recover.
Alisaie: (When did Lyse become leader of the Resistance? That...that is... Hm. I suppose we have Hien to thank for this too.)

Speaking with Lyse

Lyse: ...Sorry to drag you into this, [Forename]. 
Lyse: It may not be the decision Conrad would've made...but I'm not Conrad. I never will be. I don't know what kind of leader he was hoping for, but right now, all I can do is be myself...