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Following in Her Footprints

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Following in Her Footprints

Following in Her Footprints.png
Quest giver
Amh Araeng (X:28.9, Y:27.2)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 216,000
Gil 1,007
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Desert Crossing
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestCulling Their Ranks

Main Scenario Progress: 549 / 953 (57.6%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 8 / 157 (5.1%)


Tesleen casts her gaze around the Inn, hoping to spot Alisaie.

— In-game description


  • Look for signs of Alisaie near the Derrick.
  • Investigate the small footprints.
  • Follow the small footprints.
  • Follow the small footprints.
  • Investigate the small footprints.
  • Speak with Alisaie.


  • Tesleen casts her gaze around the Inn, hoping to spot Alisaie.
  • Seeing no sign of Alisaie inside the Inn, Tesleen suggests you venture out to the watchtower, where your mutual friend usually begins her patrol.
  • Though Alisaie is nowhere to be seen, you do find some familiar footprints. If you follow them, you may yet catch up with her...
  • The tracks head northwest, and so you must do the same.
  • More footprints lead off into the distance, drawing you ever further northwest...
  • Just as you are beginning to wonder how far this “patrol route” will take you from the Inn, the tracks curve around to the west.
  • Without warning, the trail comes to an abrupt stop, leaving you at a loss as to how to proceed. As you attempt to divine what could have happened, you witness Alisaie leaping off a nearby building in pursuit of a fleeing sin eater. You approach as she finishes off her prey, and your long-awaited reunion quickly becomes an eager exchange of news.
  • Alisaie paints a grim picture of Amh Araeng and the threat posed by the sin eaters. It seems that she intends for you to learn about the situation at the edge of the world firsthand...


Quest Acceptance

Tesleen: Now, where is she...?
Tesleen: ...Hm. I think she might be out on patrol. You could wait, I suppose─but why not go and surprise her!? She usually takes a look at things from the watchtower first, so you might be able to catch her there. It's not far─head out the south side and you'll soon see it. I'll stay behind, in case she comes back while you're gone.

Look for signs of Alisaie near the Derrick

Alisaie is nowhere to be seen, but you spot fresh footprints on the ground...and they look to be about the right size.

Investigate the small footprints

The small footprints lead off to the northwest.

Follow the small footprints

The footprints continue on to the northwest.

Follow the small footprints

The footprints curve around to the west.

Investigate the small footprints

There are more tracks here, but they end in a mess of disturbed sand...
???: Get back here!
Alisaie: Is that!? It can't be...  (Alisaie noticed the Warrior of Light)
What will you say? Impressive! / You almost lost that one. -> Impressive!
Alisaie: Just a lesser sin eater. Nothing to write home about.  I knew you'd turn up sooner or later, but I had been hoping for sooner.  How are you?
Alisaie:  (Warrior of Light and Alisaie are walking towards some graves): We've fought them to a standstill, then...  The Exarch did say that the Empire seemed to have drawn back when he last looked in on the Source. But without knowing for sure how fast time was passing there, I couldn't help worrying that a lot might have happened since then.  I'm heartily relieved to hear that it hasn't─just as Alphinaud must have been. As you can imagine, both he and Urianger were desperate to hear the news from home when I arrived. I haven't actually seen Thancred and Y'shtola yet, but they will have heard all the latest developments from the Exarch by now─or should have, at least.  When I think of how frantic Tataru and the others must be, I want nothing more than to rush back and reassure them...
Alisaie: But we still haven't found a way to reverse the summoning. And even if we had, we couldn't just ignore Urianger's vision.  He may use ten words where one would suffice─and they may often obscure as much as they reveal...
Alisaie: But on this matter, he was as clear as day. I do not doubt for one moment that he saw what he claims. Nor how difficult it must have been to speak about them. The Eighth Umbral Calamity and your death aren't exactly topics for idle conversation. As much as I might want to go home, I don't want to go home to that. We can't allow the Rejoining to happen, which means we have to save the First from the sin eaters.
Alisaie: That great wall of white is a remnant of the Flood. A hundred years ago, the balance in the First tipped decisively in favor of Light. From that moment, it rose and swelled with each passing day─and then, without warning, it burst forth like water from a broken dam.
Alisaie: ...A colossal wave of pure Light, drowning everything in its wake. Only Norvrandt was spared.  For the most part, living things are composed of aether of various different aspects. But when exposed to such a flood, their aetheric harmony is shattered, and their natural form breaks down.  Then they either perish...or are warped into mindless abominations.
Alisaie: (looking at a sin eater that is fading away) Yes, that's how the sin eaters came to be. They were once living creatures─or people─that were caught in the path of the Flood. Once the change is wrought, there is no going back. In that instant, they are gripped by an insatiable appetite for aether, and will happily gorge themselves on any living thing within reach.  But even that is not the worst of it. The stronger sin eaters can plant Light in us like seeds in soil, corrupting our aether, and triggering the birth of new monstrosities. They are creatures of base instinct that exist only to feed and to multiply. They feel no pity, know no remorse, and are utterly deaf to reason. Which is why they must be destroyed. Every last one of them. The infirmary is full of the sin eaters' victims, left here to spend their final hours waiting for the change to overtake them...

Speak with Alisaie

Alisaie: It's just a matter of time─more for some, less for others. Those patients will all become monsters in the end. And to add insult to injury, the afflicted are feared. Shunned. Cast out of society, and exiled here to the edge of the world...
Alisaie: The only good thing I have to say about this hellish place is that it has served me well as a training ground. Tesleen and the others have also been kind enough to share their knowledge of the sin eaters. Which is knowledge I can now share with you...while you help me finish my patrol, of course.