Fishing Log: Summerford

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Fishing Log: Summerford

Summerford fishing log.jpeg

Ocean fishing
Middle La Noscea (X:14, Y:15)


Fish Preferred Bait Bite Hookset Weather Time Other Conditions/Notes Required Tomes
Merlthor goby icon1.png  Merlthor Goby Lugworm icon1.png  Lugworm ! Precision Hookset.png  
Finger shrimp icon1.png  Finger Shrimp Lugworm icon1.png  Lugworm ! Precision Hookset.png  
White coral icon1.png  White Coral Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug ! Precision Hookset.png  
Ocean cloud icon1.png  Ocean Cloud Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug ! Precision Hookset.png  
Harbor herring icon1.png  Harbor Herring Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug !! Powerful Hookset.png  
Vongola clam icon1.png  Vongola Clam Pill bug icon1.png  Pill Bug ! Precision Hookset.png  
Blue octopus icon1.png  Blue Octopus Merlthor goby icon1.png  Merlthor Goby
(Mooch: Lugworm icon1.png  > Merlthor goby icon1.png )
!! Powerful Hookset.png   Mooch required
(Merlthor goby icon1.png  or Ocean cloud icon1.png  or Harbor herring icon1.png )
Ogre barracuda icon1.png  Ogre Barracuda Harbor herring icon1.png  Harbor Herring
(Mooch: Pill bug icon1.png  > Harbor herring icon1.png )
!! Powerful Hookset.png   Mooch required
Silver shark icon1.png  Silver Shark Merlthor goby icon1.png  Merlthor Goby
(Mooch: Lugworm icon1.png  > Merlthor goby icon1.png )
!! Powerful Hookset.png   Mooch required
(Merlthor goby icon1.png  or Harbor herring icon1.png  or Ogre barracuda icon1.png )
Gigantshark icon1.png  Gigantshark Ogre barracuda icon1.png  Ogre Barracuda
(Mooch: Pill bug icon1.png  > Harbor herring icon1.png  > Ogre barracuda icon1.png )
!!! Powerful Hookset.png   Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Mooch required
(Merlthor goby icon1.png  or Harbor herring icon1.png  or Ogre barracuda icon1.png )

Bait Used