Fish Eyes
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“Open your five senses to the surrounding environment, detecting fish in a given body of water without regard for their normal hours of activity. Has no effect on certain fish.
Duration: 60s— In-game description
Fish Eyes is an action unlocked at level 57. It is available for Fisher.
- This action has no effect on legendary fish, fish found when ocean fishing, or any fish introduced from Endwalker onward.
- The 6.0 description for Fish Eyes in the English patch notes was misleading, as it had been proven to work on Stormblood fish.[1] The Japanese 6.0 patch notes describes that it worked up until 4.0 areas, meaning only Shadowbringers and Endwalker areas were excluded.
Patch 7.0 (2024-07-02):
- Now applies to fish from Shadowbringers. This change was not documented in the patch notes.
Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07):
- This action has no effect on legendary fish, fish found when ocean fishing, or any fish introduced from Stormblood[sic] onward.
- Erroneous text has been corrected.
Patch 5.4 (2020-12-08):
- The effects of this action have been changed. Rather than targeting specific fish in a given area, this action now ignores the time requirement of fish for the duration of its effect.
- GP cost has been increased from 350 to 550.
- Now has an effect duration of 60 seconds.
Patch 3.0 (2015-06-23): Added with the following description: "Open your five senses to the surrounding environment, uncovering heretofore hidden fish."