First Contact

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

First Contact

First Contact Image.png
Quest giver
Rolfe Hawthorne
East Shroud (X:16.7, Y:27.1)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Milkroot Icon.png  Milkroot
1 Letter to the Elder Icon.png  Letter to the Elder
Experience 7,200
Gil 1,109
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestFirst Impressions
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestDance Dance Diplomacy

Main Scenario Progress: 47 / 953 (4.9%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 47 / 241 (19.5%)


Rolfe Hawthorne has gift-wrapped your offering in preparation for your journey into the sylphs' demesne.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


You must use the plain Dance.png  Dance emote and have the sylph targeted for it to count.



  • Rolfe has kindly gift wrapped the milkroot for the sylphs, and wishes you luck in your envoy endeavors. Before you leave, however, he bids you speak with Amelain.
  • You have found Komuxio in Little Solace, but he seems unmoved by your words of greeting alone. Perform a sprightly /dance for him as a show of goodwill.
  • Despite accepting your gifts, Komuxio remains unconvinced as to your intentions. Is there no way to gain the sylph's trust and secure an audience with the elder of Little Solace?


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Rolfe Hawthorne: I've taken the liberty of wrapping your milkroot well and good. This should keep it nice and fresh, not to mention spare you from that gods-awful stench. 
Rolfe Hawthorne: The sylphs love the stuff, but me, I'd rather bury my nose in chocobo dung. I daresay the reek even rivals the breath of the morbol that put an end to my adventuring days! 
Rolfe Hawthorne: But I can tell you that story another time. You've more important matters to attend to today, yes? The sylphs are an eccentric bunch, but I've shared their company enough to know they're kind at heart. They'll not shun one whose intentions are true. 
Rolfe Hawthorne: May your parley be a fruitful one, friend. And do stop by on your return─there's a flagon of Fullflower mead with your name on it if you'd regale me with your adventuring tales. 
Rolfe Hawthorne: Ah, and afore I forget, don't go traipsing off just yet. Amelain here would have a word with you. Travel in safety, friend, and do pass along my regards to the winged ones. 

Speaking with Amelain

Amelain: It's good to see your knowledge of sylphic culture has matured. I see no reason to delay your mission any further. 
Amelain: Upon your arrival at Little Solace, seek out a young sylph by the name of Komuxio. He has served as an intermediary between our peoples on many an occasion, and has the close ear of his tribe's elder. 
Amelain: I see that Hawthorne has furnished you with some of that malodorous root the sylphs so adore. I have something of far greater import for you to deliver─a missive from the Elder Seedseer herself. 
Amelain: To summarize the letter's contents in brief, it vouches for the integrity of our envoy─that would be you─and restates Gridania's desire to maintain a harmonious relationship with our long-standing friends of the forest. 
Amelain: The war with the Ixal has taken a toll on our resources; we can ill afford to get mired in another conflict. I need not impress upon you any further the importance of this mission. May the Twelve see you return with good tidings. 

Speaking with Komuxio

Komuxio: Walking one is not familiar to this one. This one does not trust strange walking ones. Strange dancing ones might be a different story, but this one expects no such thing. Walking one should go home, and leave this one be. 
Komuxio: This one would welcome walking one who moves like these ones. If walking one would talk to this one, this one will answer. This one is a busy one, so walking one should speak with quick tongue.
Komuxio: Walking one would bring gift to this one? Walking one is most kind.
Komuxio: Walking one brings milkroot! Milkroot fills this one with great joy! 
Komuxio: This one gives thanks. Gives many, many thanks. 


Komuxio: Walking one carries message for elder one? This one will deliver the message to elder one. Walking one should not worry. 
Yda: Hello there! We're envoys from Gridania, and we're here to treat with your people! 
Papalymo: Aye. We come to pay our respects to your elder, and to learn from him more of your Lord Ramuh. 
Komuxio: Who are these ones? These walking ones come from Gridania? 
Komuxio: Walking one became a dancing one and brought milkroot, but walking one tricks this one! This one does not like tricks! 
Komuxio: This one will speak no more. Elder one is busy. Walking ones should go home. 
Yda: G-Go home, you say!? But the sylphs of Little Solace have always welcomed Gridanian envoys with open wings! 
Papalymo: The letter carried by [First name] here is an oath of peace penned by the Elder Seedseer herself! Still you would refuse us? 
Komuxio: This one's reasons are no business of walking ones. Elder one has no words for Gridania. Walking ones waste every one's time. 
Yda: Well, I never! Turned away at the gates! Whatever did we do to deserve such a rude welcome? Was [First name]'s jig insufficiently jiggy? 
Papalymo: I'm as baffled as you, but something tells me recent events have our erstwhile fluttery friends feeling uncommonly wary. It would seem we've no choice but to ask around and see how we might earn their trust.