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Fire and Blood

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Fire and Blood

Fire and Blood Image.png
Quest giver
Foundation (X:13, Y:11)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
Experience 52,260
Gil 939
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestBloodlines
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Main Scenario QuestA Knight's Calling

Main Scenario Progress: 305 / 953 (32%)


Heavensward Progress: 64 / 138 (46.4%)


Alphinaud is considering how best to proceed with the hunt for the Mongrel.

— In-game description


Solo Duty

Upon speaking with Hilda at the Forgotten Knight, you will enter a duty where you will fight against Ser Charibert and his soldiers.

  • As an arcanist, Alphinaud can heal you greatly during the fight, but stay cautious of your HP as the fight can become difficult. Hilda, the Mongrel, will contribute DPS as a machinist. As the duty progresses, you will also gain the aid of Haurchefant.
  • Your first target should be the healer, the Ishgardian Chirurgeon. Eliminate him quickly, as his healing can restore more than half of enemies' HP. Target the other soldiers only after the healer is down, and worry about Ser Charibert last. Repeat this process when additional enemies join the battle.
  • Stay cautious of Ser Charibert the Stern's Black Mage AoE attack Flare, which deals damage and has the unique property of leaving a lasting field of fire in the affected area. Touching the burning field will cause a 10 second DoT on you and your NPC allies, so spread out as much as you can as he will cast it multiple times.
  • As Ser Charibert's HP is reduced, he will use an new attack: he will summon an untargetable Ball of Fire which will slowly follow you around the arena. Avoid it by running away until it disappears; getting hit will bind you and deal damage.



  • In the midst of considering your next course of action, Alphinaud suddenly realizes that Tataru is nowhere to be seen. Fearing that she may have run afoul of the revolutionaries, he rushes towards the doors leading to the Brume, motioning for you to follow.
  • You cast about for Tataru, but find no sign of her. Head to another vantage point and continue your search.
  • You spot Tataru being pursued by two men, and immediately give chase. Soon after, the strangers corner the trembling girl and seem set to do something unspeakable when Alphinaud accosts them from afar. His attempts to defuse the situation only serve to rile the men further, however, and violence appears inevitable -- until a raven-haired woman with ruby eyes appears, and commands Tataru's tormentors to desist. It would seem her name is Hilda. In the taut silence which follows, she regards you with interest, waiting for you to state your reason for coming.
  • Before you can speak, Hilda suggests you accompany her to the Forgotten Knight, where you may discuss matters in private. Follow her to the tavern up above and continue your conversation there.
  • At Hilda's request, Gibrillont orders his staff to clear the Forgotten Knight and grant you privacy, after which you explain your reasons for coming in full. As Alphinaud attempts to win the revolutionaries' cooperation -- seemingly in vain -- Ser Charibert, a knight of the Heavens' Ward, strides into the tavern, accusing you and the others of plotting insurrection. With no other options left to you, you accept his offer to step outside and face him in battle.

    Joined by Lord Haurchefant and Lucia, you manage to overwhelm Ser Charibert, who withdraws. The joy of victory swiftly dissipates, however, when you learn that Ser Aymeric has been imprisoned, and the Heavens' Ward placed in command of the Temple Knights. Recognizing that the situation has come to a head, Hilda agrees to assist with the rescue mission.

  • Recognizing your curiosity, Hilda explains that she took to calling herself “the Mongrel” out of a newfound pride for her mixed heritage, in spite of the discrimination she and others like her suffer. In the end, she declares, her followers have come to believe that the differences between lowborn and highborn are far greater than those between pureblood and mongrel. Thus united in purpose and pledged to Ser Aymeric's cause, they hope to bring about long overdue and lasting change.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: There must be a way we can draw the Mongrel out into the open. Hmm... Mayhap we should discuss this with Tataru. 
Alphinaud: Speaking of which, where is Tataru? She... Oh, confound it. She went below to make inquiries on her own, didn't she? We must find her quickly, [Forename]─I have a premonition this is not going to end well.

Searching for Tataru in the Brume

System: You cast your gaze over the streets below, but see no sign of Tataru...
Alphinaud: Where could she have gone? Ah, [Forename]—try looking for her over there.

Searching for Tataru in the Brume (2) Cutscene

Alphinaud: She must be around here somewhere... I take it you've had no luck either? 
Tataru: >> Uwaaah! I'm sorry, forget I said anything! <<
Alphinaud: Wait─down there! Isn't that Tataru? 
Alphinaud: <gasp> Those men are chasing her! Quickly, [Forename]─after them!
Beggarly Fellow: Where d'you think you're goin', missy? 

Tataru: I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend! 
Alphinaud: What's going on here!? 
Beggarly Fellow: What's it to you, boy!? Piss off!
Filthy Fellow: Hold on! I've seen them around. They're in and out of House Fortemps's manor all the time. 
Beggarly Fellow: Ohhh, I see. Skulkin' about at your highborn masters' biddin', eh? Bloodhounds hopin' to catch a whiff of heresy, is that it? 
Alphinaud: You are quite mistaken, I assure you. We came here to help. And if you know what's good for you, you will let us pass! 
Beggarly Fellow: Haha! Listen to the pup's yappin'! Come here, boy─I'll give you cause to yelp! 
???: Enough! Leave threatenin' women and children to our “betters”! We don't have the knack! 
Filthy Fellow: Hilda!? 
Hilda: Lay a finger on the blue bloods' pups and you're like to lose the hand. 
Hilda: It ain't often I get called on by glorious heroes like yourself. So tell me: what have I done to deserve you?

Optional Dialogue

Beggarly Fellow: Whatever it is you've got to say, say it!
Filthy Fellow: I've got my eye on you...
Tataru: Th-They didn't much care for my story about the weathered cane...
Alphinaud: For once, it would seem the fates are smiling upon us. Had those ruffians forced our hand, I dare not think what would have ensued.

Speaking with Hilda

Hilda: Before you start─let's go somewhere a bit more private, eh? The Forgotten Knight, say.

Optional Dialogue

Tataru: If you're nervous, I could try parleying with them on our behalf. Perhaps they'd be interested in techniques for working lauan logs... or maybe the tale of the cursed gladius? Oh, I know—the legendary skillet! Everyone loves that one!
Alphinaud: I think it best if you take the lead this time, [Forename].

Speaking with Hilda at the Forgotten Knight (Cutscene)

Hilda: ...So while you were on your way to kill Nidhogg, you stumbled on some dirty secrets that the Holy See has been hidin' for centuries. 
Beggarly Fellow: Eh? What are they on about? 
Hilda: The High Houses, and what makes a nobleman so bleedin' noble. They trace their blood back to King Thordan and his knights twelve─the founders of Ishgard. 
Hilda: But our friends here reckon we're all descended from the heroes of eld─highborn and lowborn alike. 
Hilda: And so Ser Aymeric, lord commander of the Temple Knights, has gone to ask the archbishop if he wouldn't mind lettin' everyone know. 
Filthy Fellow: Is he simple!? The old bastard'll have him executed for heresy! 
Hilda: Well, seems to me that's what the good ser wants. Seems he thinks a noble sacrifice will serve to prove his claims. 
Alphinaud: We cannot stand idly by and allow Ser Aymeric to do this. Ishgard has need of him. 
Hilda: Look, you've a good heart. I can see that. Willin' to risk your neck for someone else, even when his troubles ain't yours. But what's this got to do with me? 
Alphinaud: If Ser Aymeric is imprisoned in the Vault, we will need all the help we can muster to breach their defenses and rescue him. 
Hilda: What in the hells─!? 
Charibert: <sniff> Ahhh, the unmistakable scent of heresy... 
Charibert: And what do we have here? The honored guests of House Fortemps consorting with the queen of rats? 
Charibert: Oooh. Plotting insurrection I shouldn't wonder! Tsk-tsk. That won't do. 
Charibert: Sickness is wont to fester and spread. It must be burned out ere the infection takes hold. 
Hilda: I reckon ser'd be happy to wield the irons himself. Well, so happens I've got irons of my own. 
Charibert: Ahahaha! Such simple creatures, rats. Certain to attack when cornered. 
Charibert: Let us step outside, milady. In here, your toys could hurt someone.

Solo Duty Dialogue

The Mongrel: If it's a fight you want, then come and get it! 
Ser Charibert the Stern: My, such fury! Patience, my queen. We've only just begun. 
Temple Banneret: Defend Ser Charibert! Kill the rebels! 

The Mongrel: Damn! There's no end to them! 
Ser Charibert the Stern: It seems you are beyond reason. How marvelous... 
Alphinaud: I suppose now is as good a time as any... 

Haurchefant of the Silver Fuller: Stop this, all of you! It is madness! Why are you fighting!? 
Alphinaud: Lord Haurchefant! Over here! 
Ser Charibert the Stern: Hmph. How fitting. The noble bastard and the mongrel bitch. 
The Mongrel: This mongrel bitch is going to put a bullet between your eyes!

Post duty Cutscene

Charibert: There's no denying your gifts... A well-deserved reputation indeed. 
Lucia: Enough! 
Charibert: Hmph. 
Hilda: Gah! Lucky bastard. 
Alphinaud: Nay...'tis we who are lucky. Had we fought on, 'twas but a matter of time before our conflict claimed the life of an innocent bystander. 
Lucia: I thought the Heavens' Ward might come here as well. 
Haurchefant: They came to the Temple Knights' headquarters? 
Lucia: Aye. Ser Grinnaux announced that the lord commander had been imprisoned under suspicion of heresy, and that the Heavens' Ward had been granted full authority in his stead. 
Haurchefant: Then the Heavens' Ward now commands the Temple Knights... 
Lucia: Those still loyal to Ser Aymeric answer to me. Alas, that amounts to but half our number. 
Lucia: The other half, who opposed his promotion to lord commander, have gathered at the Vault as ordered. 
Hilda: Bolsterin' the guard already, eh? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're expected. 
Lucia: I take it you're in charge around here? 
Hilda: Hilda, and yes. The young master was just persuadin' me to join his lost cause. Convincin' little beggar, isn't he? 
Hilda: Aye, your passion moved me─a bit. That, and the fact that we're sick of livin' off the leavin's of our “betters.” 
Hilda: If you've a mind to change things around here, then we've a mind to join you!

Optional Dialogue

Beggarly Fellow: Bugger me if you ain't everythin' they say! How in the hells did you do that thing with the other thing!?
Filthy Fellow: Hoo hoo hoo! You didn't half give that highborn scum what for! That was a sight for sore eyes, that was!
Alphinaud: I had not reckoned with the Temple Knights' Involvement... Not as enemies, at any rate.
Tataru: First Ser Grinnaux and Ser Paulecrain, and now this Charibert character... I mean, it makes you wonder, doesn't it? Are all the knights of the Heavens' Ward this bad?
Lucia: I never liked him, not since his days as an inquisitor. He took far too much pleasure in his work.
Haurchefant: Time is of the essence, [Forename]. We must move quickly, before they discern our intent!

Speaking with Hilda (Cutscene)

Hilda: Let me guess: you're wondering why I chose “the Mongrel,” right? 
Hilda: Because it's what I am, and I'm not ashamed of it. Not anymore. 
Hilda: Besides, even my pureblood pups have more in common with me than the lords and ladies up on high. They none of 'em are well bred. Hells, some of their mothers were cast out after a spot of fun, same as mine. 
Hilda: Story old as time─and one we're sick of hearing, which is why we took up arms. 
Hilda: Not that we mean to hold all the blue bloods to account. Some have done right by us, I'll allow, like them in House Haillenarte. 'Course, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you?
Hilda: But enough talk. Your friend's still rotting in a cell. Let's not keep him waiting.