Facing Your Demons

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Facing Your Demons

Thaumaturge quest image.png
Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X:6.2, Y:12.8)
Experience 12,480
Gil 0
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Cocobuki wishes to enlist your aid in tracking down Cocobusi.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


The level 20 Main Scenario Quest Main Scenario QuestSylph-management is required for the next quest to unlock.

The Vesper Bay locals are at:

  • (x:13.2, y:13.7)
  • (x:12.3, y:14.9)
  • (x:12.5, y:14.9) inside the building (Folclind)



  • Cocobuki wishes to enlist your aid in tracking down Cocobusi.
  • Cocobusi has been spotted in the vicinity of Vesper Bay. Take the descriptions that Cocobuki has written of the voidsent-possessed Lalafell, and hand them out to a few Vesper Bay locals.
  • Your investigations have revealed that Cocobusi is in the company of a marauder and a thaumaturge. You also learn that the succubus was seen leaving a local alehouse with several smitten maidens. Report your findings to Cocobuki, who is waiting at the center of Vesper Bay.
  • After explaining Mormo's grim purpose for the women she has seduced, Cocobuki bids you seek out the Lominsan adventurers said to be accompanying the treacherous voidsent. Begin your search to the north of Vesper Bay.
  • You have stumbled across one of the missing adventurers, and defeated an imp's attempted ambush. Speak with the wounded marauder to find out where Cocobusi may be heading.
  • You learn from the marauder that his thaumaturge companion has been dragged further north, into the caverns of Moondrip. Locate Cocobuki directly outside the cave, and speak with him when you are ready to put an end to the voidsent's murderous villainy.
  • With the aid of the four fearful yet determined brothers, you have succeeded in defeating the terrible Mormo. Return to the Thaumaturges' Guild and speak with Cocobuki.
  • Cocobuki attributes his family's renewed perspective on their sorcerous discipline to your valiant and masterful displays of magecraft. It is with great eagerness that the emboldened guildmaster awaits talesof your future endeavors in thaumaturgy.


Accepting the quest

Cocobuki: Hm hm hm... Fortune has favored us, [Player]: Cocobusi has been spotted at Vesper Bay.
Cocobuki: We cannot let this opportunity pass us by! Head there with all due haste. And with you, take these descriptions of my brother's likeness and Mormo's mannerisms. Relay this information to some of the local residents and see what you can find.

Handing out reports

Handing report to Bashful Geyser

Bashful Geyser: What's that, son/[?]? You say you're looking for someone?
Bashful Geyser: Hmmm, I believe I saw your Lalafell in the company of a couple adventurers hailing from Limsa Lominsa——a marauder and a thaumaturge, were I to hazard a guess. I think they were talking about seeing the area north of here...

Handing report to Folclind

Folclind: Welcome to the Pissed Peiste, love! What can I get ye?
Folclind: Ah, information, is it? Aye, that little bloke was in here, bringin' a blush to all the young maidens' cheeks. What he lacked in height, he certainly made up for in boldness! Left with more than one lass on his arm, he did.

Handing report to Gebhard

Gebhard: Hm? Somethin' I can do for you, stranger?
Gebhard: Now that you mention it, I did see a Lalafell who matches this description. He was watchin' the ferries come in with more than a passin' interest. Lookin' to hire some adventurers or some such, I reckon.

Reporting back to Cocobuki

Cocobuki: Hm hm hm... So, Mormo has chosen this as her new hunting ground.
Cocobuki: The maidens seduced by the succubus will be prepared as vessels to hold her fully restored power; I fear they will have already been slain. As for the adventurers, well, I think you can imagine what Mormo intends for the thaumaturge.
Cocobuki: We must find and warn those unwitting Lominsans before the voidsent strikes again. You were told that they might be headed north, yes? It would be best for you to follow suit.

Speaking to the Maimed Marauder

Maimed Marauder: <groan> Still here... It's still here...somewhere close...

Speaking to the Maimed Marauder again - cutscene

Maimed Marauder: Me thanks, lad/[?]. Ugh, me head... That little bastard said he would give us the grand tour of Ul'dah.
Maimed Marauder: <cough> Aye, it's been grand, all right. Please... He took me mate further north. Think he was mutterin' somethin' 'bout Moondrip.
Cocobani: [Player]! What has befallen!?
Cocobuki: I sensed the presence of voidsent, but it appears you have things well in hand.
Cocobygo: <shudder> Mormo is in Moondrip...? A fitting place for the battle to come.
Cocobuki: It is time to finish this, my brothers——Cocobusi will be a slave to that fiend no longer.

Speaking to Cocobuki

Cocobuki: I shall approach Mormo first, as we discussed. If the bargaining proceeds smoothly, and the voidsent feasts on my proffered mana, then she should soon manifest in her demonic form.
Cocobuki: Once Mormo is fully present within this realm, that is when you unleash the seething power of the abyss!
Cocobuki: ...Though after lecturing for so long on how a thaumaturge should avoid such threats, I yet hold doubts as to whether such a direct conflict is the correct path.
Cocobuki: [Player], in your experience, what do you consider to be a thaumaturge's greatest strength?

What is a thaumaturge's greatest strength?

  • Overwhelming destructive might!
Cocobuki: Yes, there are none who can match our propensity for fiery ruin. We need not run from danger, but rather employ our unrivaled powers to incinerate all that seek to do us harm.
  • ...Introspection.
Cocobuki: Hm hm hm... Yes, indeed, it is perhaps only by looking within that we may find the answers we seek.
Cocobuki: I am decided. My fate awaits me. I have faith that, no matter what becomes of me, you shall succeed in destroying Mormo, ending her threat to this realm.


Cocobuki: Enough, Mormo!
Cocobusi: Well, well. If it isn't the eldest of the COWARDLY thaumaturge brothers. I thought you'd be busy whimpering under your bed, wishing that I'd just DISAPPEAR.
Cocobuki: I've come to offer you a deal. I know you seek the aetheric energy needed to substantiate your true form...but how much time do you intend to waste, feeding on these lesser mages?
Cocobuki: Compared to these stripling sorcerers and their trembling arcane flames, my power is as a blazing sun. Would you not prefer to take what I can give you?
Cocobuki: Drain my strength, and assume your rightful appearance. I am sure you think me a coward, but that is of no consequence. I only wish Cocobusi returned to us unharmed.
Cocobusi: Hee hee hee! You are WISE to acquiesce, mage!
Mormo: Hee hee hee! At LAST! At long last, my true body——my true POWER——is mine once more! I believe a stretching of the old arcane muscles is in order...
Cocoboha: Oh! Oh no you don't, v-voidsent!
Cocobezi: We won't let you leave here alive!
Mormo: Hee hee hee! So, you risk your LIVES in a valiant rescue attempt? You should not bet what you are not prepared to LOSE! I shall tear the aether from your very MARROW!

Solo duty

Mormo: Mwahahaha! Your screams are my SUSTENANCE!
Cocobygo the Craven: <tremble> I-I will keep Mormo focused on me!
Stay well back! Cocobani the Cold: I-I shall lend Cocobygo my support! Cocobezi the Contemplative: M-My thaumaturgy will rend the very air! Cocoboha the Curt: F-Frightened? Hah! I fry fiends for fun! Mormo: Hee hee! It's all coming back to me.
Why don't you come a little CLOSER!? Cocobani the Cold: What in the name of the gods was that!? Cocobezi the Contemplative: Intimacy!
She weaves our threats as spells! Cocoboha the Curt: My spells were silenced...
But we must muster our magicks! Cocobygo the Craven: L-Let's all keep calm, now!
She seeks to perplex and confound us! Mormo: Resilient little NUISANCES!
The stones will drink your BLOOD! Cocobygo the Craven: She conjures minions from the void! Mormo: No! For CENTURIES, I dreamed of escape!
I will not be...denied...


Cocobygo: ...We won?
Cocobani: We won! Victory is ours! Cocobusi! Cocobuki! Mormo is dead!
Cocobusi: <groan> What...? Where am I?
Cocobezi: Thank Thal, you're awake. Cocobuki! Cocobusi is returned to us!
Cocoboha: Our...our sibling has yet to stir from his somnolent stupor.
Cocobusi: Buki!?
Cocobusi: His aetheric channels have contracted——they are barely sufficient to sustain the flow of his life force. If we do not increase his capacity for aether soon, his vitality will drain away completely.
Cocobusi: ...My mana-amplifying potion. Its potency is limited, but it just might be enough!
Cocobuki: I see the battle ended...as I expected...
Cocobygo: Y-You did it, Cocobusi! Your alchemy saved him!
Cocobygo: And we would not have prevailed without you, [Player]! We will bear our brother back to the Ossuary——pray meet us there that we might properly express our gratitude!

Reporting back to Cocobuki - cutscene

Cocobuki: Thank you, [Player]. After seeking refuge in the comforting shadows of the abyss for so long, I had lost sight of the blazing glory of which thaumaturgy is capable.
Cocobuki: The raw power and audacity of your magecraft has freed my brothers and me from our self-imposed cowardice.
Cocoboha: I thought Thal Himself had His fingers at my throat... But this sensation of hard-won supremacy is strangely satisfying!
Cocobuki: As for you, Cocobusi: you are our brother and our respected colleague. I hope you never again underestimate the precious power you wield.
Cocobuki: [Player], you have exceeded all my expectations. In recognition of your outstanding growth as a thaumaturge, I shall impart to you one of the guild's most closely guarded techniques:
Cocobuki: Manaward. It is a defensive weaving of energies that blunts the force of any attack made against you.
Cocobuki: Hm hm hm... I am sure you can understand why we do not teach this secret to every stray hedge wizard who chooses to join our ranks.
Cocobuki: Now that you have experienced the deadliest threats——and the joy that comes with their obliteration——I am certain you are eager to explore just how deep you might descend into the chasm of thaumaturgy.
Cocobuki: May your struggles bring wisdom, and your wisdom bring courage. I, for one, look forward to hearing of your future thaumaturgical endeavors. Hm hm hm...