Empty Nest
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Empty Nest
- Quest giver
- Jannequinard
- Location
- The Pillars (X:15.2, Y:10.0)
- Job
- Astrologian
- Level
- 52
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Sharlayan Ascending
- Next quest
- Patch
- 3.0
“Word at the Athenaeum Astrologicum is that Jannequinard has begun preparations for a journey.
— In-game description
- Speak with Jannequinard in Falcon's Nest.
- Tell the people of Falcon's Nest about the symposium.
- Cast Aspected Benefic on the wounded knight.
- Find the slow-footed knight and slay the heretics harrying him.
- Cast Aspected Benefic on the slow-footed knight.
- Speak with Jannequinard in Falcon's Nest.
- Speak with the wounded knight.
- Speak with Leveva.
- Speak with Jannequinard.
- Word at the Athenaeum Astrologicum is that Jannequinard has begun preparations for a journey.
- Jannequinard and Leveva's symposium on Sharlayan astrology is to be held in Falcon's Nest─a small fortified hamlet in the Coerthas western highlands. Travel to the remote location beyond Snowcloak and find Jannequinard.
- No one in the hamlet was made aware of the symposium, and now you and your companions must scramble to find someone─anyone─willing to attend.
- While speaking with an aged resident of Falcon's Nest, a terribly wounded knight returns from a scouting mission. Use Aspected Benefic on the man before he succumbs to his injuries.
- Your spell has an almost immediate effect; however, it seems that the knight's companions are still out in the field. There is no time to wait for a mustering of the garrison. You will have to find the wounded knights yourself and heal them before the heretics who attacked finish the job.
- You find one of the knight's comrades surrounded by heretics, but are quick in driving the men off. Use Aspected Benefic to heal the wounded knight so that he may survive to fight another day.
- The knight makes a miraculous recovery and is able to return to the hamlet on his own. Find Jannequinard and tell him of your adventures.
- Jannequinard is delighted to hear that the garrison mean to attend the symposium. He wonders, however, where they might be. Seek out the guards and tell them the event is about to commence.
- You find the knights you aided, but they stumble over their words as they conjure up a pitiful excuse as to why they cannot attend. Proceed to the location of the symposium and let Leveva know the garrison will not be coming.
- Leveva cancels her speech upon learning that no one will be present to hear it. Jannequinard─an expert at failure─is not as disconcerted by the turn of events as the lady, and feebly tries to comfort the group before packing up his things and returning to the Athenaeum.
- Perhaps he has an idea of what your next step should be.
- You speak with Jannequinard at the Athenaeum about Leveva's father. He, in turn, tells you about the murdered astrologian of whom the elder resident of Falcon's Nest spoke, and how that man was Jannequinard's friend and one of the reasons he still fights to spread Sharlayan astrology throughout Ishgard.
Accepting the Quest
Jannequinard: I have good news and bad news... The good news is, preparations for the symposium on Sharlayan astrology have been progressing smoothly, as we have expectedly encountered very little resistance from the Vault. They have even gone to the trouble of securing us a spacious venue for the event. Jannequinard: The bad news is...the spacious venue in question lies in Falcon's Nest. Lest you wonder, I speak of the same frigid building site in the middle of nowhere that you will doubtless have heard so many good things about. Yes, my friend─that Falcon's Nest. Yet I suppose this may be a blessing in disguise... I am just not certain what that blessing may be. Perhaps we should all make for the hamlet and see! (Optional) Jannequinard: I hear the roast yeti they serve in Falcon's Nest is sublime...so there is that.
Optional Dialogue in Falcon's Nest
Quimperain: Falcon's Nest is populated with knights and masons. Unless Sharlayan astrology can warm frostbitten toes or fill an empty belly, I do not believe we shall find many people who will even give us a quarter bell of their time.
Leveva: The Vault has set us up for failure... Damn them! Damn them all!
Speak with Jannequinard in Falcon's Nest
(Jannequinard: Greetings, [Forename]. It appears...that not only is our symposium to be held in a tiny hamlet malms away from civilization crawling with people who cannot even spell astrology, let alone grasp how it works...but that no one in the whole town has even been informed of our arrival. The three of us have been spending the last bell speaking with whomever will listen, inviting them to attend the event so at least we won't be speaking to an empty forum. Oh, worry not, my friend. We have saved the northern district just for you. <wink> (Optional) (Jannequinard: None of us have come across even a single astrologian...but then again, perhaps they are all hiding in the northern part of the hamlet? No, I did not think so, either.
Tell the people of Falcon's Nest about the symposium (Cutscene)
Falcon's Nest Elder: Sharlayan astrology, eh? You a heretic? Because you're talkin' like one. There's only one kind of astrology in Ishgard, and it ain't the heathen kind. Falcon's Nest Elder: Considerin' as you are an unbeliever, I suppose the knights might allow you to yap and yammer...but cause too much commotion, you'll be disappeared like that other lad. Now when was that...? Wounded Knight: Bloody...heretics... Falcon's Nest Elder: An outrider! And his wounds look deep! Is there a cutter nearby!? (Optional) Falcon's Nest Elder: This one won't make it without a cutter to tend to his wounds. He's already lost too much blood as it is. Wounded Knight: Please... I have five...children...
Cast Aspected Benefic on the wounded knight
Wounded Knight: What is this sorcery? My cuts... They knit themselves! Are you a healer, adventurer? If so, I have another request of you. Wounded Knight: There were others in my scouting party. We were all wounded. Some of us more gravely than others. I fear that my fellow knights may be in grave danger. Would you seek them out and tend to them as you did me? I will report to Ser Redwald, but fear that by the time he can muster reinforcements, several men will have perished. (Optional) Falcon's Nest Elder: Did you see his wounds, lass? If that poor bugger was the only one of his party to make it back to Falcon's Nest, I shudder to think of the condition of the others. You must hurry, healer. Or the wolves will eat well tonight.
Cast Aspected Benefic on the slow-footed knight
Slow-footed Knight: How did you...? It is as if I was never dealt a single wound! What manner of magicks do you wield, friend? Slow-footed Knight: Astromancy? But I thought the stars served only to grant us insight into the Horde's movements. Why are there not more astrologians in the field? Slow-footed Knight: You and your companions are in Falcon's Nest to discuss that very topic? Perhaps I can persuade others in the garrison to attend. Now I must hurry back to the hamlet. My captain will want a full report of the day's happenings.
Speak with Jannequinard in Falcon's Nest
Jannequinard: Where have you been? When you did not return, we visited the northern gates and found the area astir with knight activity. Jannequinard: You left the hamlet to aid wounded scouts? You could have been killed! Or eaten! Or killed then eaten! Or eaten then killed! Jannequinard: What is this? You say your display of astromancy has impressed the knights into attending our event? Hm... This may work to our advantage. If the knights begin clamoring for astrologians to be assigned to their ranks, then the See may just listen. Let us find these good men and inform them that the symposium is about to commence.
Optional Dialogue in Falcon's Nest
Leveva: I knew it. Empty... Well, except for that poor sod who had the ill fortune of drawing stairwell watch duty. <sigh> We have been made to look the fool.
Speak with the wounded knight
Wounded Knight: Thal's hoarfrosted balls, not a single person came. Wounded Knight: I told you! I told you this was a terrible plan. Use the confusion from the jam-packed symposium to approach the target, she says. You'll have her out of the hamlet before her companions even know she's gone, she says. Even a blind babe could have seen that no one would gather for a talk on astrology in the middle of swiving─ (They turn around to find WoL standing next to them...) Wounded Knight: Ah! The astrologian who tended to my wounds! As you can see, both me and my fellow...knight made swift recoveries. Thanks to your wonderful magicks, of course. Wounded Knight: Hm? Reinforcements from the garrison never arrived? Reinforcemen...toh! Yes. I... I spoke with...er, Ser Redwolfe myself. Perhaps he felt there was no need for reinforcements after I...uh...convinced him what an able healer you were! Yes, that is it. That is most certainly the reason. Yes. Wounded Knight: And...as much as we would like to attend...uh, the captain has already assigned us to another mission. I apologize to you and your companions. Perhaps we can make, uh...the next symposium. Carry on, then!
Speak with Leveva (Cutscene)
Leveva: Well that is that then. The Vault wins. Jannequinard: Do not think of it as such, Lady Leveva. This is but one hurdle we must leap. The Vault wants us to stop and turn around, and they will continue placing hurdles before us until we do. But we cannot let that discourage us. We must carry on until we reach our destination...or they run out of hurdles. Falcon's Nest Elder: Hah. You cry over hurdles. You know not how lucky you were. Jannequinard: Did you come...for the symposium? Falcon's Nest Elder: No. I wouldn't let anyone see me at that gathering. I'd be branded a heretic and sent to Witchdrop. Or worse, they'd just slit my throat and toss me out to the beasts. Like as they did that other astrologian from the Old World. Leveva: The other astrologian? When was this? Falcon's Nest Elder: When you reach my age, all the summers melt together. My hair still had color, so it must have been at least a score...mayhap more, mayhap less. Jannequinard: There was an astrologian who was... But it was long ago. It could not have been anyone you knew. Jannequinard: We cannot dwell on the past. We must needs find a way to interpret the cards we have been dealt, so that they might benefit the present─our present. Leveva: No... It could not have been anyone I knew... I never had the chance to─ Leveva: You are right, Jannequinard. We mustn't let the Vault, or bandits, or closed minds prevent us from achieving what we came here for. The stars will point the way. Jannequinard: And we will help the people of Ishgard see that as well.
Speak with Jannequinard
Jannequinard: Lady Leveva did not take the old man's recollection of the slain astrologian well at all. I understand that hearing of a fellow colleague's death might unnerve someone...but you would think she had lost her father. Jannequinard: Oh... Oh...... Ohhh, Jannequinard, what have you done? I will not live down this offense. Jannequinard: You see. The astrologian of whom the old man spoke─it so happens that I knew him well. His name was Rufin, and he was my friend and confidant when I studied in Sharlayan─my only friend. He followed me back to Ishgard when my stay in the city-state was cut short by the exodus. Jannequinard: His dream was to rekindle interest in the forgotten techniques which gave rise to Ishgardian astrology. But this was a time when the Holy See was even more opposed to foreign ideas than they are now. That evening I discovered him bleeding at his bureau was one of the saddest in my life. But even at the hour of his death, Rufin remained strong, and he made me promise that I would not let his dream fade because of the closed-minded. Jannequinard: <sigh> Not that that has gone particularly well thus far... Yet perhaps if we reach a greater accord with the stars, they will to show us the way forward. Yes, that sounds likely...