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Emergent Splendor

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Emergent Splendor

Emergent Splendor Image.png
Quest giver
Eulmore (X:11.7, Y:11.7)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 216,000
Gil 934
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Blessed Instrument
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Lightwardens

Main Scenario Progress: 553 / 953 (58%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 12 / 157 (7.6%)


Alphinaud seems egar to discuss the significance of your discoveries.

— In-game description



  • Alphinaud seems eager to discuss the significance of your discoveries.
  • Alphinaud's contemplation of your findings is interrupted by an angry Chai-Nuzz, whose admonishing words are cut short in turn by a sudden scream from above. The jongleurs duly appear to explain matters, declaring that a “villain” is to be sentenced by Lord Vauthry, and that everyone is invited to attend the event. Your patrons give you leave to witness the proceedings, directing you to a lift which should convey you to the Offer.
  • You ascend to the Offer, and are shocked to find Kai-Shirr lying bleeding in the middle of the floor. Aghast at the youth's barbaric punishment, Alphinaud confronts Lord Vauthry, sending him into a fit of rage. Your welcome thus outstayed, you take to your heels with Kai-Shirr in tow, and depart for the relative safety of the Derelicts.
  • Still fuming at Lord Vauthry's cruelty, Alphinaud says his farewells to Kai-Shirr and the Chais. He promises to return, but for now, it is time to find an amaro and leave Kholusia behind.
  • You reach the beach where the amaro have been patiently waiting to bear you back to the Crystarium. Alphinaud declares that it is time to speak with the Exarch, that you might chart a new course.
  • From what you have learned of Lord Vauthry and his subjects, it is plain that the city will not assist in your efforts to battle the sin eaters. In fact, any organized aggression towards the abominations is like to earn you Eulmore's enmity...


Quest Acceptance

Chai-Nuzz: Hmph. I take my eye off you for one moment and you're chattering away with that assistant of yours. Am I to assume the outline is done, then?  Wh-What in the blazes...!?  It's! Explain yourself, Alphinaud!  Where is your artistic interpretation!? It should evoke images of affluence and nobility, and overwhelm the viewer with its boundless beauty!
Alphinaud: Lord Chai─you stated that this portrait was to commemorate your anniversary. Yours being a joyous union, it seemed to me that a realistic portrayal─
Chai-Nuzz: Realistic!? I don't want realism! I want perfection! A spectacle to slacken jaws and weaken knees! To make people cry out in amazement! Now, fetch a blank canvas and─
Screaming Man: Ah...ugh... Aaarrrggghhh!
Chai-Nuzz: I say... Did that come from above...?
Red Jongleur: Ladies and gentlemen, your attention pleeease: a tale to make you quiver and your noble blood freeze! There was a villain on the loose, set to ruin our fair city...
Blue Jongleur: ...But our lord has got him now, and his fate will not be pretty! Yes, the hammer of justice is poised to come crrrashing down! And one and all who'd watch it fall are invited to join his lordship in the Offer!
Dulia-Chai: A malcontent? How dreadful...
Alphinaud: And this man is to face sentencing...?
Chai-Nuzz: That's right. In fact...if you're curious, it might be worth you going along for the experience. The Offer they mentioned is part of the Emergent─the level above us where Lord Vauthry resides. Ordinarily, you would be barred from entering, but it seems they'll be opening its doors for the next little while. The Crown Lift will take you up there.
Alphinaud: ...We had better not dawdle, then.

Speak with Chadden

Chadden: Joining the crowd up there?
Alphinaud: That's him. That's Vauthry! He is attended by sin eaters...? But how does he keep them from attacking?
???: Mercy... Mercy...
Alphinaud: By the Twelve! Kai-Shirr! What happened to you!?
Vauthry: Who are these impudent louts? I do not recall requesting their presence.
Alphinaud: Lord Vauthry! What is the meaning of this? Why is this poor man bleeding to death on your floor!?
Vauthry: Why? You ask me why? Because criminals must be punished, and this man is guilty of fraud. He came to us claiming to be a man of business, yet his subsequent conduct has shown him to be anything but!
Vauthry: Eulmore is a city built on love for one's fellow man. Those who have naught to give and live only to take are a blight upon our society!  To atone for this crime, I ordered that he fling himself from the balcony.  And he had the temerity to weep!  “Please, my lord! Anything but that!” What then is a man of mercy to do, but offer the sinner another way to show his contrition?
Alphinaud: "Another way“ meaning what, exactly!?
Vauthry: Sin eaters are part of Eulmore's society. But they must be fed with aether─living aether.  So─I demanded an offering of flesh! Carved by his own hand, from his own hide!  And still! Still, he could not do as I asked! A wholly unsatisfactory performance!
Alphinaud: 'Tis true that Kai-Shirr won his place here by fraud. But his actions were driven only by a desire to share in your paradise. That you would cast him out I could almost accept, but to humiliate him thus? To demand his very life!? Is this truly the way of Eulmore!?
Vauthry: Oh, you dim, deluded child... Have you ever paused to consider what it takes to maintain such a paradise in this barren, broken world of ours?  The guarantee of safety and stability. The knowledge that if one only abides by the rules, one has naught to fear.  I alone can offer these things, for I alone can command the sin eaters.  And thus am I alone the voice of justice─and any who oppose me villains to be punished!
Alphinaud: And people call this paradise...
Vauthry: You were granted a place in my city for a particular skill. What was it?
Alphinaud: ...Painting.
Vauthry: Oho, an artiste! Then you shall paint a picture for me. Of Eulmore.  If I find your art pleasing, then I may excuse this display of insolence. (Alphinaud begins healing Kai-Shirr): Who gave you permission to tend to that criminal's wounds!? I told you to paint me a picture!
Alphinaud: (Looking back at Vauthry, seething) What you need is a mirror, not a painting. It will capture the horror I see before me far better than I ever could. (Alphinaud exits)
Vauthry: Did...did that little worm just insult me? I─I─I'll kill them! I'll─I'll kill them all! I'll enslave their minds! I'll─I'll torment them─torture them! Then tear out their hearts! (Someone is watching)

Speak with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: ...
Alphinaud: Forgive me. In my anger, I seem to have marched us back outside again...though it is probably best we leave the island altogether. I believe we've worn out our welcome in Eulmore.  In any case, I've seen enough of the world's self-proclaimed “capital city” to convince me that our battle against the sin eaters will find few allies in Kholusia.  I will accompany you back to the Crystarium. We need to regroup and think on our strategy anew.
Alphinaud: Kai-Shirr, I have done you a grave disservice.  You were hungry and desperate, and I offered you a solution without once considering the risks inherent in you accepting it. If I had but known the price you would be made to pay...
Kai-Shirr: (Kai-Shirr shakes his head) You gave me everything I needed to make your idea work. It was me who made a mess of things, not you.  But even after all the trouble I caused, you still stepped in and saved me. And now Lord Vauthry wants us all dead...
Alphinaud: Why not come back with us to the Crystarium? I am certain we can find work for you there, if you are willing.
Kai-Shirr: No...that would just be me leaning on your kindness again. I need to do some thinking─learn how to stand on my own two feet.
Alphinaud: ...Very well. But you must promise you'll be careful. The Eulmorans may yet come looking for us.
Kai-Shirr: I'll keep my head down, don't worry. And you take care too. Give me the chance to repay what you've done for me.
???: <huff> Alph... <puff> Alphinaud!
Alphinaud: Lord and Lady Chai...
Chai-Nuzz: What in the blazes did you do!? They have the entire city looking for you!
Dulia-Chai: ...I took a peek at your unfinished portrait, Alphinaud. Now I've had many a beautiful and striking picture painted for me, but there was something about your work... It was as if you had caught the very essence of our love, and rendered it naked upon the canvas.  It was bold, unflinching...and I adored it. Please, you must come back with us and finish what you began! I will speak with Lord Vauthry, and vouch for your character. I'm sure we can smooth over any hard feelings!
Alphinaud: I am sorry, Lady Chai. There are more important matters to which I must attend.
Dulia-Chai: More important? What could be more important than enjoying the days we have left to us to the fullest?
Alphinaud: Pray press me no further. We are leaving. But I would not presume to take the garments you were so kind as to procure for me. One moment─
Dulia-Chai: <gasp> I wouldn't hear of it! Keep the clothes, you silly boy─I insist! And I shall make arrangements so that you can pass through the gate without causing a stir. I expect you to come and visit.
Alphinaud: I will return, I promise you that. The outrage I witnessed must not go unanswered. The next time we meet, I shall be better prepared to confront the corruption which hides behind the glittering facade.

Speak with Alphinaud on Cracked Shell Beach

Alphinaud: Thank you, my friend...for staying at my side through this whole sordid endeavor. Whilst not quite the joyous outcome I had hoped for, our efforts have nevertheless answered a great many questions. Suffice it to say, our plans for saving the First are unlikely to involve the aid of Lord Vauthry and his subjects. Come, we must speak with the Exarch and chart a new course. This is far from over...


Crystal Exarch: I am told you and Alphinaud carried out his scheme to infiltrate Eulmore. I would ask what you thought of its base amusements, but I doubt you are eager to relive the experience...
(if the In Search of Alisaie questline has been completed) Alisaie: I see you've reunited with my brother as well. I'd dearly love to hear how that story went.

Speak with Alphinaud in the Ocular

Alphinaud: is good to be back amongst friends. In such company, I can finally turn my thoughts to the future. But ere we discuss all we have learned and begin planning our next step, I think it best that you visit Alisaie. Her familiarity with Amh Araeng will no doubt provide us invaluable insight, and besides, I know she is as eager to see you as I was.  Bring a smile to her face, Small.