Earthenshire Awaits
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Earthenshire Awaits
- Quest giver
- Liplu
- Location
- Kozama'uka (X:38, Y:16)
- Quest line
- Pelupelu Main Quests
- Level
- 90
- Required quest
- Required items
- 5 Lush Green Reeds
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Tentative First Tour
- Next quest
Recruitment Drive
- Patch
- 7.1
“Liplu looks positively delighted.
※The difficulty of this quest will be synced to your current level.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Liplu.
- Speak with Liplu again.
- Speak with Gonahanu.
- Harvest lush green reeds. 0/5
- Deliver the lush green reeds to Lanuhali.
- Speak with Liplu.
- Not content to rest on her laurels, Liplu has already identified a new area into which she might expand the Turali Travel Agency: Earthenshire. Behind the scenes, the enterprising Pelu has been sounding out the Moblins regarding her plan. You are to attend a meeting with Liplu at Zanuhali's residence, where the results of these discussions will be revealed.
- ※Please note that the difficulty of this quest has been synced to your current level. Furthermore, you may not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted this quest.
- At the meeting, Rediroq the Moblin expresses her enthusiasm for the prospect of visitors flocking to Earthenshire, yet questions the logistics of such a plan. In response, Zanuhali offers an unexpected solution: an ancient rite to imbue punutiys with the power of flight, thereby making the upper reaches of Kozama'uka more readily accessible. Eager to begin preparations, Liplu bids you speak with her again.
- Before leaving for Tuliyollal in search of beastkeepers and punutiys, Liplu assigns you the unglamorous task of gathering reeds for the Hanu's flight-giving effigy. Gonahanu awaits your arrival in the Fields of Gold.
- The friendly Hanu gives you unfettered access to the paddies, insisting you take as many reeds as you need. You prepare to harvest a suitable quantity.
- Having selected a fine crop of the lushest reeds you could find, it is time to visit Lanuhali in Kozanuakiy to make your delivery.
- You hand over the freshly harvested reeds to Lanuhali, who explains that she and her fellow Hanu will be responsible for completing the effigy. Liplu will no doubt be keen to hear of your progress.
- Thanks to the Hanuhanu and their wind magicks, the punutiys are now capable of flight. With the gentle airborne giants permanently housed at Dock Poga, the Turali Travel Agency is poised to expand into upstream Kozama'uka. More ground to cover will no doubt entail more responsibilities for the agency's special advisor, but you steel yourself for the challenges ahead.
Accepting the Quest
Liplu: Did you hear? Business is booming at the Turali Travel Agency! Thanks to you and the Hanu, we've been seeing stellar sales. Liplu: And our new policies and training are all paying off─not a single one of our customers has been accosted by fiends. Needless to say, they find the presence of their guides-turned-protectors thoroughly reassuring! Liplu: Still, a few issues have come to light. First and foremost, our reach. Liplu: So far, our tours have been limited to downstream Kozama'uka, but many guests have expressed a desire to see the region's upper reaches. Liplu: With that in mind, I contacted Mablu and asked her to gauge how receptive the Moblins might be to the whole tourism concept. Liplu: We're about to hold a meeting to discuss the matter, and I'd love to have you join us! When you're ready, head to Elder Zanuhali's residence in Ok'hanu!
Speak with Liplu
Liplu: There you are! The meeting will be held on the second floor. Liplu: Earthenshire's Rediroq will be joining us. I look forward to hearing about the potsworn's position on tourists coming to visit. Liplu: Mablu seemed to think the artisans were enthused. Still...I can't help but feel nervous.
Zanuhali: What an honor this is. Rediroq, Liplu, and Forename him/herself! Thank you for coming.
Rediroq: Pfff... Pfffkohhh... Rediroq didn't know you were involved in lookytour busydeals! How delightful it is to meet again! Rediroq: The peddler mentioned your proposal to bring tourists to Earthenshire, and we should be glad to welcome them with open arms! The potsworn were very supportive too.
Liplu: That's fantastic! Thank you! Liplu: Though I have to ask─what if our customers distract your artisans from their work? I'd hate for this arrangement to negatively impact Earthenshire's trade.
Rediroq: No need for worryfrowns! Many potsworn themselves think contact with outsiders will provide fresh inspiration! Rediroq: We are happy to guidewalk visitors, too. Until recently, many helphands were recovering from hurtyfeels, but the situation has greatly improved! Rediroq: Besides, it will bring more opportunities to sell craftygoods! Mobbies will make sure the potsworn can keep working unhindered, even during the lookytours!
Zanuhali: It should indeed. Our wares are proving popular with visitors to Ok'hanu, and the proceeds have enriched the community. Everyone stands to benefit.
Liplu: It fills me with joy to hear stories of happiness spread through trade!
Rediroq: Rediroq does have one question! The great stairs are still impassable as repairs are ongoing, so how will visitors reach Earthenshire?
Zanuhali: Liplu and I have discussed the matter at length...
Liplu: We'll send them over on flying punutiys!
What will you say? > Wait, punutiys fly now? > ...I don't know how to respond to that. > Sure, why not. Sounds feasible.
Liplu: A handful of punutiy barges ply the waters between upstream Kozama'uka and Tuliyollal, but there's no direct route to the downstream region. Liplu: The massive waterfall that lies between complicates matters. Traveling by boat, you have to head downstream, then join Ihuykatumu and double back. It's quite convoluted.
Zanuhali: But there is an alternative. Though seldom used since the Flight of We Wingless was built, we Hanu once imbued punutiys with the gift of flight, enabling them to transport passengers over the falls. Zanuhali: The method requires vast quantities of reeds, hence why we were unable to employ it during the rite of succession. But this might be the perfect occasion to revive the old ways.
Rediroq: Quickjump between Earthenshire and downstream Kozama'uka! Rediroq likes the sound of that!
Liplu: Of course, we'll need staff well versed in punutiy care. Which is why I've already reached out to some beastkeepers! Part of me balks at the idea of spending all that pel... Liplu: But my inner abacus assures me that this is yet another worthwhile investment! Liplu: There isn't a moment to lose. It's time to make airborne punutiy travel a reality once more!
Optional Dialogue
Genuhanu: I couldn't stand the idea of leaving all the work to our special advisor, so I came along to help. The others should be here shortly.
Speak with Liplu again
Liplu: I'm glad our plans for expansion look set to succeed! For their cooperation, I'll see to it that our Moblin and Hanu partners get their fair share of the profits! Liplu: But let's first ensure that there will be additional profits to share in the first place...
Genuhanu: We'll need a large effigy to channel our wind magicks into the punutiys, and for that we'll need plenty of reeds, not to mention reams of cloth stitched with aether-enriched flight feathers... But you can leave preparations for the latter to us Hanu.
Liplu: I have business in the capital, so I'll procure the punutiys. Come to think of it, I'll have to commission Wuk Evu to build an enclosure for them too. Liplu: Which leaves the reeds... I realize this is grunt work, Forename, but permit me to entrust the harvest to you.
Genuhanu: Speak with Gonahanu in the Fields of Gold. He'll point you in the right direction.
Liplu: Anyhow, I'd best be off! Let's reconvene later!
Speak with Gonahanu
Gonahanu: Well met! Zanuhali said you require some reeds. Gonahanu: The plants nearby are ready to harvest. Feel free to take as much as you need. After all, we have you and your friends to thank for the bumper crop! Gonahanu: You know, these days, we get plenty of visitors to the fields. Some even ask to help with the harvest! Gonahanu: It's a joy to see, that's for sure. Anyway, it won't be long until the next Ihih'hana. I hope you can join us again! Gonahanu: Ah, sorry─I should let you get to work instead of talking your ear off! Once you have what you need, deliver the reeds to Lanuhali in Kozanuakiy.
Optional Dialogue
Gonahanu: As I said, once you've finished gathering your share, take it to Kozanuakiy and give it over to Lanuhali. My colleagues and I will handle the remainder of the harvest.
Deliver the lush green reeds to Lanuhali
Lanuhali: Hello there. I hear you might have some reeds for me!
Lanuhali: I wasn't expecting such a haul! Thank you. Together with the reeds my fellow Hanu have collected, we should have enough to construct the effigy. Lanuhali: The first step will be to dry the reeds with a little help from our wind magicks. Once the effigy itself is complete, all that will be left to do is swaddle it in special cloth. Lanuhali: You needn't worry about the details, though. We'll see to the rest! Return to the travel agency in case they have need of you there.
Optional Dialogue
Lanuhali: We often see visitors here in Kozanuakiy. They listen to our tales of Kixaihih with such interest. Being able to share our culture is a joyful thing indeed.
Speak with Liplu
Liplu: Ah, there you are! I just got back myself. The beastkeepers are on their way with the punutiys as we speak. Liplu: Once the creatures are capable of flight, it'll be a quick hop to Earthenshire. I'm planning to offer bespoke tours for customers wishing to purchase potsworn crafts straight from the source! Liplu: Thankfully, Wuk Evu agreed to work on the enclosure. Once the effigy is finished, we'll just need to wait for Zanuhali to arrive!
Zanuhali: Divine wind, lay claim to the effigy! Grant these waterbound beasts the gift of flight!
System: Thanks to the efforts of all involved, the Turali Travel Agency is now replete with its own punutiy enclosure and wind effigy! System: With the aid of the flight-imbued aquatic creatures, visitors may now experience the upper reaches of Kozama'uka. Yet as the agency continues to broaden its horizons, it will need you to ensure that business keeps pace! System: Your reputation has increased to Respected. System: You have achieved Respected reputation with the Turali Travel Agency. System: New Pelupelu society daily quests are now available from Yubli at Dock Poga. System: Furthermore, you will be able to undertake three additional quests from Yubli as a reputation bonus. This bonus is available until the daily reset time for allied society quests. System: These additional quests will become available after accepting all current daily quests from Yubli. Please be advised that you cannot undertake these quests if you have no remaining allowances. System: You now have access to a wider selection of wares from Pavli.