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Main Scenario Progress: 260 / 953 (27.3%)


Heavensward Progress: 19 / 138 (13.8%)


Lord Haurchefant thinks you could do with a well-deserved rest.

— In-game description





  • Although the trial is ended, Lord Haurchefant must attend to some minor formalities before Alphinaud and Tataru can be released. In the meantime, he suggests that you return to the manor, and discuss the day's events with Count Edmont.
  • As usual, your conversation with the count is cut short, this time by the arrival of a message from the Vault. It would seem that His Eminence Archbishop Thordan VII has requested your presence. Hasten to the Holy Vault and speak with the priest outside the entrance to be granted admission.
  • Thordan VII warmly welcomes you and apologizes for the misunderstanding that led to Alphinaud and Tataru's incarceration. Having taken the highly unusual step of dismissing his personal guard, he then reveals to you that he has communicated with the Ascians, going on to explain that he is paying lip service to their wishes while plotting to move against them. He asks for your help in this endeavor, stating that only by wresting Eorzea from their grasp can a lasting peace ever be forged. Return to Fortemps Manor and share this disturbing revelation with Alphinaud.
  • Alphinaud is shocked to learn that the Ascians' influence has also spread to Ishgard. Even as he ponders a course of action, Tataru remembers with a start a troubling rumor she had heard. It would seem that Raubahn is to be executed for crimes against the sultanate. Determined not to lose yet another ally, Alphinaud resolves to do everything in his power to rescue the deposed Flame General.


Accepting the Quest

Haurchefant: Black chocobos are all well and good, but the true reward for your efforts is the exoneration of your comrades. 
Haurchefant: They shall be released upon the completion of certain minor formalities, which I mean to see to personally. In the meantime, pray return to Fortemps Manor. The count has done so already, and will doubtless be eager to discuss the day's events. 

Optional Dialogue

Haurchefant: Rest assured that Master Alphinaud and Mistress Tataru are no longer in danger. They will join you at the manor anon.
Honoroit: It brings me joy to see you in good health, Mistress/Master [Surname].
Emmanellain: Are you trying to become the talk of the city? Because if you are, you're doing an admirable job of it.
Artoirel: I was not present at the trial, but my father told me of your performance. He said you were a wonder to behold!

Speaking with Edmont (Cutscene)

Count Edmont de Fortemps: Halone smiles on us yet again, Mistress/Master [Surname], guiding you to victory and setting your comrades free. 
Artoirel: I confess, I did fear for your safety. Which is not to say I doubted your prowess, you understand... I merely knew the strength of your opponents. Ahem. You do have a habit of exceeding my expectations. 
Emmanellain: Besting two of the Heavens' Ward while the city's elite looked on? By the Fury, anyone who hasn't been paying attention to you will surely do so from now on! 
House Fortemps Steward: M-My lord! 
House Fortemps Steward: We have just received a message from the Vault. His Eminence the archbishop requests the presence of Mistress/Master [Surname]. 
Emmanellain: An invitation from the archbishop!? 
Artoirel: What an honor... 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: A personal summons is indeed a great honor, and given recent events, you would be wise not to delay... 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Go, Mistress/Master [Surname]. We shall speak anon. 
House Fortemps Steward: A priest will be waiting for you outside the Vault. Identify yourself to him and he will escort you inside. 

Optional Dialogue

Count Edmont de Fortemps: Do not worry about Master Alphinaud and Mistress Tataru. We will tend to them when they return from the Tribunal.
House Fortemps Steward: In case you have forgotten, the Vault lies at the opposite end of the Hoplon. Pray do not keep His Eminence waiting.

Speaking with the priest at the Vault

Ishgardian Priest: We are honored to receive you, Mistress/Master [Surname]. This way, please.


Aymeric: Your Eminence, it is my honor to present to you the Warrior of Light. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: I have heard the tales of your many grand endeavors. The lord commander has also been most effusive in his praise. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: I am Thordan VII, Archbishop of the Ishgardian Orthodox Church, and I bade you come here that I might offer my personal apologies. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: You will forgive me for not calling upon you as courtesy would dictate, but as you can see, my more sprightly days are long behind me. But I digress. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Your companions were wrongly accused of heresy and subjected to gross indignities. This, I am sorry to say, was the result of negligence on the part of our nation's protectors─negligence born of an excess of zeal. Is that not so, Ser Zephirin? 
Zephirin: Yes, Your Eminence... Regrettably, it would appear that we of the Heavens' Ward were in receipt of erroneous information. 
Zephirin: Ser Grinnaux has ever been headstrong. He pressed charges before the truth had been ascertained, for which I most sincerely apologize. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: An unfortunate misunderstanding born of an earnest desire to serve Ishgard─but one which should never have occurred... 
Archbishop Thordan VII: For who could doubt the character of those who bested Shiva and drove the Horde from the Steps of Faith? Not I, that much is certain. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: That will be all, Ser Zephirin. I would speak with our guest in private. 
Zephirin: Your Eminence? I─ 
Zephirin: As you wish, Your Eminence. That will be all for today! 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Privacy is a luxury rarely afforded one in my position. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Now, tell me, young lady/man: what do you know of the Ascians? 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Much and more, I shouldn't wonder, being the Bringer of Light. You should know that I myself have met with them─have entertained them as guests, even. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Those harbingers of chaos and strife offered us power, that we might continue our war against the dragons. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: I have no intention of aiding their cause, of course, nor less of being their puppet. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Yet were I to refuse them outright, I should learn naught of their true objectives and remain powerless to stop them. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: Thus have I hearkened to their words with interest, and paid lip service to their beliefs, biding my time and preparing for the inevitable conflict. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: And why do I tell you this? Because there is naught in this world they fear more than the power of the Warrior of Light. 
Archbishop Thordan VII: If we are to rid ourselves of these vile interlopers, we must needs work together. With our combined strength, I have faith that we can wrest Eorzea from their grasp, and pave the way for a lasting peace. Think on it.

Optional Dialogue

House Fortemps Steward: Praise Halone that Master Alphinaud and Mistress Tataru did not come to harm... Ah, pardon me. Is there aught you require?
Tataru: I nearly cried when you stepped forward at the Tribunal, [Forename]! thank you, thank you, thank you!

Speaking with Alphinaud at Fortemps Manor (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: There you are. I confess, I was more than a little concerned when I learned that you had been summoned to the Vault. What did they want with you? 
Alphinaud: Well, well. A formal apology and an admonishment of those responsible? I see my fears were wholly misplaced. 
Alphinaud: By the gods, the archbishop freely admits to consorting with Ascians? So their ambitions extend to Ishgard as well... 
Alphinaud: We will have new primals to contend with ere long, of that you may be certain. 'Tis but a matter of time. Yet shorn of the support of our missing allies, what can we realistically hope to achieve? 
Tataru: Ahhh! In the midst of all the excitement, I completely forgot to tell you! 
Tataru: When I was asking around about the Scions, I heard the most awful rumor! 
Tataru: General Raubahn is to be executed for crimes against the sultanate! 
Alphinaud: If the Flame General dies, we will lose a staunch ally, and the one man capable of holding the sultana's assassins to account. 
Alphinaud: Lord Haurchefant was wise to counsel restraint, but this business will brook no delay. 
Alphinaud: We cannot permit this execution to take place. We must save Raubahn!