Coming to Terms

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Coming to Terms

Coming to Terms Image.png
Quest giver
The Rising Stones (X:6.7, Y:6.1)
Quest line
Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
Experience 2,340
Gil 901
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Main Scenario QuestThe Intercession of Saints

Main Scenario Progress: 202 / 953 (21.2%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 202 / 241 (83.8%)


An influential Ishgardian wishes to meet the Warrior of Light, and Alphinaud would like nothing more than to oblige him.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:



  • Ever since the Battle of Silvertear Skies, the city–state of Ishgard has kept her neighbors at arm's length. Not even the threat posed by the VIIth Legion was enough to coax the reclusive nation back to the negotiating table. Now, however, after two decades of near silence, they have reached out─but to what end? Regardless of Ser Aymeric's agenda, Alphinaud is resolved to advance his own. Travel with him to Camp Dragonhead and speak with Lord Haurchefant upon your arrival.
  • As always, you receive a warm welcome in Camp Dragonhead, and are informed that Ser Aymeric is already present and ready to meet with you and Alphinaud. Weary though you may be from your travels, make your way to the intercessory and prepare to meet the Ishgardian ambassador.
  • After favoring you with a few kind words, Ser Aymeric and Alphinaud proceed to debate Ishgardian policies at length. Alas, the ambassador is not easily swayed, and it becomes apparent that the Holy See has no intention of rejoining the Eorzean Alliance. However, Ser Aymeric eventually reveals that he came to the meeting with a different purpose in mind... You learn that the astrologians of Ishgard have foretold the return of Midgardsormr─the fallen guardian of Silvertear Falls─and that Ser Aymeric wishes to enlist the Scions' aid in keeping watch over the great wyrm's remains. In exchange, he will ensure that the shipments of aid from House Fortemps to Revenant's Toll will continue unabated. Content with the arrangement, Alphinaud agrees─only to learn moments after that the latest shipment has been waylaid by Iceheart and her followers...


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: We have been blessed with a rare opportunity, [Forename]─an audience with an ambassador of the Holy See of Ishgard.
Alphinaud: We are to treat with Ser Aymeric, lord commander of the Temple Knights, in Camp Dragonhead.
Alphinaud: It is considered a great honor to serve the Holy See directly as a Temple Knight. Needless to say, their leader wields tremendous political influence. We would be wise to court his favor.
Alphinaud: For that reason, I consider your attendance essential. If Ser Aymeric wishes to meet the woman/man behind the legend, I would not deny him the pleasure of your company.
Alphinaud: The Antecedent should see the wisdom of this plan when you request her permission to accompany me to Coerthas.
Alphinaud: ...Mayhap you feel this to be a waste of your talents, which could doubtless be put to nobler use? If so, I should remind you that more good can be accomplished with the stroke of a pen than the thrust of a sword.
Alphinaud: If my many “adventures” in diplomacy have taught me anything, it is the importance of humoring those who have something one wants.
Alphinaud: Not every victory is won on a battlefield, my friend. 'Tis the lot of legendary heroes to be paraded about from time to time.

Speaking with Minfilia

Minfilia: ...A meeting with an Ishgardian ambassador? By all means, I think it a wonderful idea.
Minfilia: We have received no reports of aetheric disturbances or unusual beast tribe activity of late.
Minfilia: If Alphinaud believes your presence may help him to secure more favorable terms, I see no reason to deny him.


Alphinaud: Antecedent. I take it [Forename] has explained the situation?
Minfilia: She/he has. Yet welcome though these overtures are, I cannot help but wonder what prompted them. The Ishgardians have spurned all contact with the other city–states for decades. Why reach out now?
Alphinaud: Would that I knew... The question of their motives is one to which I have given no small amount of thought. Alas, I know no more than is generally known.
Alphinaud: The notoriously reclusive nation of Ishgard, situated at the center of Abalathia's Spine...
Alphinaud: ...Ruled by the Ishgardian Orthodox Church, at the head of which presides the archbishop.
Alphinaud: ...Members of the original Eorzean Alliance, formed in the wake of Ala Mhigo's fall some two decades ago.
Alphinaud: ...Friends of convenience who withdrew from the Alliance as soon as the imperial fleet was routed at the Battle of Silvertear Skies.
Minfilia: ...Since which time, their borders have remained closed to all outsiders.
Alphinaud: They have rejected every one of their former allies' calls to reopen dialogue, turning a deaf ear to their neighbors' pleas even when the Calamity loomed large.
Alphinaud: And on the fields of Carteneau, where brave men and women laid down their lives in defense of the realm, their banners were conspicuously absent...
Alphinaud: I have tried to convince Ishgard to rejoin the Alliance at every opportunity.
Alphinaud: I have explained over and over again that unless Eorzea stands united, we cannot hope to preserve our freedom. One by one, our nations will fall, as once fell Ala Mhigo...
Alphinaud: ...And what have mine efforts yielded? Why, naught.
Minfilia: Surely this can be considered a step in the right direction?
Alphinaud: I should hope so. Rather than the lowly messengers we have been fobbed off with in the past, this time we shall meet with a man of genuine influence.
Alphinaud: Of course, I am not so naive as to think that they come to us out of the goodness of their hearts. We have something they desire, though I have yet to find out what.
Alphinaud: But such is the nature of diplomacy. They will bring their agendas to the negotiating table, and so will I─along with a handful of incontrovertible truths.
Minfilia: The Empire will soon be at our doorstep once more.
Alphinaud: Indeed. You may be assured that I will expound upon this point and others.
Alphinaud: Let us depart for Camp Dragonhead, [Forename]. Our old friend Lord Haurchefant is expecting us.
Alphinaud: Since our quest to recover the Enterprise, I understand you have further ingratiated yourself with the man. Excellent work. His fondness may prove useful to our cause.
Minfilia: Though I know but little of Ser Aymeric, I have faith that Alphinaud's efforts are about to bear fruit.

Speaking with Haurchefant at Camp Dragonhead (Cutscene)

Haurchefant: Ah, [Forename]! Ever a welcome sight!
Haurchefant: Our hearths have been stoked to blazing in preparation for your arrival. It would not do for such a distinguished personage to catch cold whilst enjoying our hospitality.
Alphinaud: The gesture is much appreciated. I fear I shall ever struggle in cold climes.
Haurchefant: ...Ah, good Master Alphinaud. An honor, as always.
Alphinaud: Likewise, Lord Haurchefant. Forgive us yet another imposition─I fear we have relied overmuch on your aid since you so generously assisted us in locating the Enterprise.
Haurchefant: Nonsense! Any debts incurred have long since been repaid. Besides, who can say what the future may bring?
Haurchefant: House Fortemps may even seek the aid of your newly formed Crystal Braves.
Haurchefant: In any case, I am simply delighted that the Holy See is at last willing to grant you an audience.
Haurchefant: No doubt your discoveries at Snowcloak helped to justify the decision. This recent resurgence in heretical activity is of grave concern to us all.
Haurchefant: But to the matter at hand: Ser Aymeric arrived in Camp Dragonhead earlier, and I am told he is eager to meet with you at your first convenience.
Haurchefant: You are doubtless weary from your journey and desirous to rest awhile by the warmth of our hearth...
Haurchefant: ...But if you are willing to forgo such comforts, pray inform the knight stationed outside the intercessory. He will grant you entrance and send word to the other attendees.
Alphinaud: As inviting as your hearth sounds, I think it best we proceed to the intercessory forthwith.

Optional Dialogue

Haurchefant: You will find the entrance to the intercessory outside. It's just around the corner to the right. Speak with the guard stationed there when you are ready to begin the meeting.
Alphinaud: I see no reason to keep Ser Aymeric waiting, do you? Let us proceed to the intercessory.

Speaking with the House Fortemps Guard

House Fortemps Guard: We have been expecting you, madam/sir. Pray take your ease inside and I shall summon the others.
<Proceed to the intercessory?>


Haurchefant: Have faith, my friend. You need only state your case with confidence and clarity. 
???: Commander Leveilleur. It is both an honor and a pleasure to meet you. 
Aymeric: I am Aymeric, lord commander of the Temple Knights. 
Alphinaud: Alphinaud Leveilleur, at your service. 
Alphinaud: Your reputation precedes you, Ser Aymeric. I think we will find that we have much in common. 
Aymeric: Speaking of reputations, yours towers over us all. Does it not? 
Taciturn Temple Knight: It does indeed, Lord Commander. 
Aymeric: I am not too proud to admit that I have followed your activities with an interest bordering on fascination. 
Aymeric: Full glad was I to learn that you would be joining us. 
Aymeric: Now then, shall we begin?
Alphinaud: We know full well that the Garleans will return in force ere long. 
Alphinaud: What is more, we have yet to achieve a lasting victory over the primal menace. The beast tribes continue to summon their gods, and each incarnation is stronger than the last. 
Alphinaud: Ishgard is not immune to these threats. I must reiterate that it would behoove your nation to rejoin the Eorzean Alliance. 
Aymeric: Once again, I must respectfully disagree. 
Alphinaud: On what grounds? 
Aymeric: Despite their presence in Coerthas, the Ixal do not concern us. Their territorial claims pertain to Gridanian lands, and it is the people of Gridania whom they harry. 
Aymeric: Consequently, the Holy See judges this to be a Gridanian affair, and Ishgard does not intervene in the internal affairs of other nations. 
Aymeric: Even were that not the case, our forces are wholly committed to the Dravanian conflict. We have not the knights to spare. 
Aymeric: As for the Garleans, we are not ignorant of history. We have observed the rise and expansion of the Empire, and we agree that it is only a matter of time before they resume their campaign in Eorzea. 
Alphinaud: Then surely it would be in our best interests to present a united front? 
Aymeric: Mayhap one day, but not yet. 
Aymeric: Gaius van Baelsar is dead, and the legion of conscripts he left behind lacks the will to fight. We think it highly unlikely that they will emerge from behind the walls of their castra for some time. 
Alphinaud: Forgive me, but if Ishgard's position has not changed, why did you agree to this meeting? 
Aymeric: It was not only as a representative of Ishgard that I came here. 
Alphinaud: Pardon? 
Aymeric: It is not within my power to change Ishgardian policy, regardless of my personal feelings. There is, however, one area in which I may exert a measure of influence. 
Aymeric: Concerns have been raised over the supplies House Fortemps has offered to Revenant's Toll. These have led to calls for restrictions on the provision of aid to foreign powers. 
Aymeric: I can ensure that the shipments continue unabated. 
Haurchefant: Ser Aymeric, we would be in your debt! 
Aymeric: No, you would not, for I require something in exchange. 
Aymeric: Of late there has been a flurry of Dravanian activity, the purpose of which was not immediately clear. 
Aymeric: However, our astrologians have since observed alarming changes in the heavens. The dragon star waxes unnaturally bright, and there are whispers that it portends the resurrection of Midgardsormr. 
Alphinaud: The fallen guardian of Silvertear Falls? That's absurd. 
Aymeric: Full many times have I gazed upon the dragon's corpse, still wound around the Agrius, and wondered how different our world might be if it yet lived to plague the skies. 
Aymeric: I do not know, and I do not wish to know. Nor does any son of Ishgard. Yet the mere presence of Dravanian forces is not sufficient grounds to send knights to Mor Dhona, whatever our astrologians say. As I told you before, we have not the forces to spare. 
Alphinaud: ...But we do. So, you will intervene on our behalf if we agree to watch over the Keeper of the Lake. 
Aymeric: Do you accept these terms? 
Alphinaud: I do. I will see that you are kept abreast of any developments.  
Alphinaud: I regret that we could not come to a similar agreement on other matters, but I understand that you are not at liberty to make such decisions. 
Alphinaud: Nevertheless, I hope that what we have accomplished here today will serve to demonstrate to your countrymen that we can work together towards a common goal. Mayhap one day we shall look back on this moment as the first step towards a united Eorzea. 
Aymeric: Mayhap we shall, Commander. 
Haurchefant: >> What is the meaning of this!? <<
House Fortemps Knight: >> The caravan, my lord! It's been attacked! <<
House Fortemps Knight: >> It was Iceheart, my lord! <<
Haurchefant: What!? By the Fury! All our precautions were for naught!?