Coming to Ishgard
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Coming to Ishgard
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Intercessory (X:6.0, Y:6.1)
- Quest line
- Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Before the Dawn
- Next quest
Taking in the Sights
The Way of the Dodo
A Dark Spectacle
So You Want to Be a Machinist
What's Your Sign
- Patch
- 3.0
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 242 / 960 (25.2%)
Heavensward Progress: 1 / 138 (0.7%)
“The time for action has come, and Alphinaud knows what he must do.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
The intercessory, where players accept the quest, can be entered by talking to the House Fortemps guard in Coerthas Central Highlands at (x:26, y:17).
- Speak with Haurchefant.
- Speak with the Temple Knight gateguard at the Gates of Judgement.
- Speak with the House Fortemps manservant.
- Speak with Haurchefant outside Fortemps Manor in the Pillars.
- The time for action has come, and Alphinaud knows what he must do.
- The Scions of the Seventh Dawn, once proclaimed the saviors of Eorzea, are now condemned as murderers─betrayed by the Crystal Braves and forced to flee the banquet held to celebrate the very victory they helped to bring about. One by one, your comrades remained behind in a bid to aid your escape, until you alone emerged from the tunnels beneath Ul'dah to be reunited with Alphinaud and seek refuge in Coerthas. But will you ever find sanctuary behind the walls of Ishgard? Having bided your time in Camp Dragonhead for what feels like an age, you finally have your answer: yes. As wards of House Fortemps, you will be granted admission to the city proper. Haurchefant will tell you more.
- In the end, it is as simple as speaking with a sentry at the Gates of Judgement. All has been arranged, and none will deny you passage.
- Eyeing you warily, the sentry motions for you to enter. The Steps of Faith await─and beyond, Ishgard.
- As you arrive in Foundation, you find that the destruction wrought by the wyverns is still fresh. Nearby, a well-dressed man beckons to you─presumably the manservant of whom Lord Haurchefant spoke.
- The House Fortemps manservant welcomes you to Ishgard, and bids you follow him to the family manor in the Pillars above, where Haurchefant awaits.
- At the manor, Haurchefant presents you to Count Edmont de Fortemps, who invites you to treat his home as your own. When Alphinaud expresses concern over the possible repercussions of harboring foreign fugitives, Edmont reassures you that your reputation does not concern him, and expresses confidence that his fellow Ishgardians will come to accept your presence given time.
Optional Dialogue
Tataru: No matter how long it takes, I have faith we will find the other! With Lady Yugiri's shinobi, Urianger's intelligence, and my...versatility, there's nothing we cannot do!
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: The dawn's light will shine again... Alphinaud: So long as we have these specious accusations hanging over us, we will struggle to achieve anything. Alphinaud: You must go to Ishgard, as Tataru proposed. I will return to Ul'dah and set things right.
Haurchefant: Pray do not be so hasty, Master Alphinaud.
Alphinaud: Lord Haurchefant?
Haurchefant: Full well do I understand your desire to clear your names. Haurchefant: But now is not the time for drastic action. You yet have allies upon whom you can rely. There is no need to act alone.
Alphinaud: Yes...yes, of course. Pray forgive my impatience.
Haurchefant: I bring tidings. Count Edmont has decreed that the three of you be taken in as wards of House Fortemps. Under our patronage, you shall be granted access to the city proper. Haurchefant: Pray consider our manor your new headquarters, from which you may gather information and plan how best to proceed. Haurchefant: Needless to say, should any of your missing allies be found─as I am certain they shall─they will of course be welcome to join you there.
Alphinaud: You are more than generous, my friend. On behalf of my fellows, I humbly accept your offer of hospitality.
Haurchefant: The count is a good man and just. He will treat you with the kindness and respect that a hero─and dear friend─deserves.
Alphinaud: To Ishgard, then─together. Alphinaud: There we shall carry on the Scions' legacy. There we shall begin anew.
Tataru: Hear, hear!
Optional Dialogue
Alphinaud: Not at all the circumstances under which I had hoped to visit Ishgard for the first time, but so be it.
Tataru: They say the winds can be rather fierce on the Steps of Faith. Be sure to wrap up before we go!
Speaking with Haurchefant
Haurchefant: I must go on ahead and speak with the count. Fear not, however, for everything has been arranged. Haurchefant: The sentries at the Gates of Judgement have been informed of our decision. You need but state your names, and they will allow you to pass. Haurchefant: My manservant shall be waiting for you at the city gates, ready to escort you to our manor, where we shall meet again. Until then!
Speaking with the Temple Knight gateguard at the Gates of Judgement
Temple Knight Gateguard: Wards of House Fortemps? Ah, yes... You may pass.
<Proceed to Ishgard?> <Yes> <No>
Count Edmont de Fortemps: And so they came, at a friend's behest. Count Edmont de Fortemps: To Ishgard, shining city on the mount, overlooking the dominion of Coerthas... Count Edmont de Fortemps: A great and proud nation devoted to Halone, the Fury, ruled by Thordan VII, Archbishop of the Ishgardian Orthodox Church... Count Edmont de Fortemps: The last bastion of the Faith, her walls ever bristling with the sworn swords and spears of her four High Houses... Count Edmont de Fortemps: A land that after a thousand years of war had forgotten what it was to be at peace. Count Edmont de Fortemps: Through gates long closed the Warrior of Light and her companions passed, entering at last a city whose history was written in blood. Count Edmont de Fortemps: In the midst of the Dragonsong War they came—three weary travelers whose arrival would set in motion great change... Count Edmont de Fortemps: Though none knew then how great... From the memoirs of Count Edmont de Fortemps Heavensward
Optional Dialogue
Alphinaud: From afar, the spires did not seem so tall...
Tataru: Gods... I feel like a child in a giant's castle!
Speaking with the House Fortemps manservant
House Fortemps Manservant: Greetings, Master/Mistress [Surname]. On behalf of House Fortemps, I bid you welcome to Ishgard. House Fortemps Manservant: My lord humbly requests your presence at his residence in the Pillars. House Fortemps Manservant: If you all would come with me...
Optional Dialogue
Alphinaud: To look upon the splendor of these heights, one would little suspect the ruin wrought by the wyverns below...
Tataru: Is it just me, or is the air up here different? You can almost smell the wealth and power! Gods, it's making me feel faint...
House Fortemps Guard: Greetings, sir/miss, and welcome to Fortemps Manor.
Speaking with Haurchefant outside Fortemps Manor in the Pillars
Haurchefant: The Warrior of Light and his/her brave companions, walking the streets of Ishgard at last! What a glorious sight! Haurchefant: I cannot tell you how long I have waited for this day. Allow me to present to you my family home: Fortemps Manor! Haurchefant: I should like nothing more than to show you around, but everyone is gathered to receive you. Haurchefant: Come, my friends! Introductions must be made!
Haurchefant: My lord, I have returned with the Scions.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: I hope your journey was not too taxing. Count Edmont de Fortemps: I, Count Edmont de Fortemps, do bid you welcome. Count Edmont de Fortemps: As wards of House Fortemps, you shall be afforded every courtesy. My home is your home.
Alphinaud: My companions and I are deeply honored, Count Fortemps.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: The honor is mine, Master Alphinaud. Consider it an expression of our gratitude for your service to Ishgard.
Alphinaud: Forgive me, my lord, but...are you not concerned? To accept foreign guests at such a juncture─especially ones with our...reputation...
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Do not worry yourself on my account. 'Tis true that Ishgard's first thought has ever been the war effort, hence the closing of our borders... Count Edmont de Fortemps: ...Yet it is in troubled times most of all that men should seek allies, don't you think? Count Edmont de Fortemps: Granted, my decision will have raised eyebrows in the Vault and in the halls of the other High Houses. Count Edmont de Fortemps: But so long as you continue with your altruistic endeavors, I doubt my honored peers will feel moved to voice their concerns.
Alphinaud: Then there is naught to fear. Though our numbers are much reduced, we are no less determined to carry on our work.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Full glad am I to hear it. Ah, but before you return to your labors, why not take a tour of the city? Count Edmont de Fortemps: You would do well, I think, to acquaint yourselves with your new surroundings. After all, you may be here for some time