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Main Scenario Quest icon.png


Quest giver
Coerthas Western Highlands (X:32, Y:37)
Quest line
Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Letter to Hilda Icon.png  Letter to Hilda
Experience 5,000
Gil 1,087
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestConsequences
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Spectacle for the Ages

Main Scenario Progress: 351 / 953 (36.8%)


Heavensward Progress: 110 / 138 (79.7%)


Thancred has lost all patience with Lord Emmanellain.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


Emmanellain is located at (x:7.6, y:10.3) in the Pillars.



  • Thancred, unwilling to wait for Lord Emmanellain to gather himself, declares that you and he have more important matters to attend to in Ishgard before taking his leave. Indeed, he is correct, for Ser Aymeric is still waiting for you to deliver Lucia's report in her stead.
  • Change, however well intentioned, is often met with resistance. With resignation and pride both, Ser Aymeric admits that Ishgard is a nation built on centuries of warfare. To pursue peace in denial of this history is a doomed venture; rather, the people must be encouraged to embrace their identity, and take pride in one another's achievements, that they might be moved to common purpose. Happily, they will not want for suitable encouragement. The other members of the Eorzean Alliance have recently proposed joint military exercises, which Ser Aymeric believes could be presented as a “grand melee” to the public. Should Ishgard's forces triumph over those of the other city-states, it would doubtless do much to restore the nation's morale. Lord Edmont acknowledges that there is merit to the lord commander's plan, and his only request is that his younger son take part in the melee, that he might make amends for his mistakes in Falcon's Nest. Though Ser Aymeric agrees in principle, he remains to be convinced that Emmanellain's wishes are in alignment with those of his lord father.
  • Thancred is amused by the suggestion of an Ishgardian grand melee, wondering aloud what part you will be expected to play in the affair -- and whether or not you will feel moved to oblige. As Ser Aymeric's grand scheme calls for a diverse force of Ishgardians to take the field, he departs to seek Hilda's opinion on the subject, leaving you to speak with Lucia alone.
  • As you detail Ser Aymeric's plan, Lucia cannot help but let her reservations show. Doubtless, as a Garlean citizen, she bore witness to similar spectacles intended to rally the people to the imperial cause -- for weal or for woe. Nevertheless, out of loyalty to Ser Aymeric, she sets about selecting candidates from both the Temple Knights and the watch, preparing a list of the latter to be delivered to Hilda.
  • Hilda accepts the first commander's suggestions with grace, observing that she has an eye for talent. The watch successfully recruited, Thancred's thoughts turn, rather grudgingly, to the task of finding Lord Emmanellain. He suggests you try searching for him in the Pillars.
  • Born into privilege, Lord Emmanellain has never known true freedom. Like his brothers, his path in life was decided from birth. Yet as the old order crumbles and many are forced to choose a new path, he finds himself bewildered and lost. Terrified of making the wrong choice, he has let his father and brother order him about. To refrain from choosing is nevertheless a choice, however, and with regret he now sees what his indecision has wrought. Though his father may have had good reason to volunteer him for the melee, he cannot simply accept his command, and resolves to speak with Ser Aymeric himself, that for once he might make his own decision.
  • What drives a man to fight against all odds, against all opposition, and pursue a path that the world would deny him? In Ser Aymeric, Lord Emmanellain sees a man with unwavering conviction and faith, possessed of an almost supernatural strength. So inspired, he begs leave to participate in the grand melee, with a humility so unexpected that even Lord Edmont cannot contain his surprise. Ser Aymeric accepts, and the Ishgardian force is complete, save for a singular individual whom the lord commander would personally invite to join the fray: you. After a moment's introspection, you agree to fight for Ishgard, and a jubilant Ser Aymeric declares that you shall give the people a spectacle for the ages.
  • Thancred cannot help pointing out that your involvement in the melee could be considered unfair -- you being the Warrior of Light. He confesses, however, that Ser Aymeric's honesty inspired even him to briefly contemplate joining the cause -- though he quickly clarifies that it would not be his place to do so.


Accepting the Quest

Thancred: I have no desire to wait for the lordling to emerge from his puddle of self-pity. We have important matters to attend to in Ishgard. 

Optional Dialogue

Artoirel: I heard what happened. You need not wait for Emmanellain and Honoroit.
Lucia: I will return to the capital as soon as I am able. Go, there is no need for you to remain.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: We received troubling reports from Falcon's Nest. What befell you there?
Handeloup: We must have the strength to stand unwavering in the face of the enemy. 'Tis the only way we will weather this storm and deliver our people into a new era.

Speaking with Aymeric at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly (Cutscene)

Aymeric: Word of the demonstration and its resolution outstripped you, [Forename]. Every man, woman, and child of Ishgard has heard the tale. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: 'Tis rumored that my youngest's lack of judgment was to blame. Of course...such stories are prone to exaggeration. What exactly came to pass? 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: ...I see. So that is the truth of it. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Regardless of his intent, the result is undeniable. He has furthered the cause of these misguided few who cannot let go of the past. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: In an instant, the delicate peace we were poised to forge is once more beyond us.  
Aymeric: To dwell so deeply on the war and the vengeance it begets, only for that too to be taken away—is it any wonder that they were left bereft? 
Aymeric: For what was this sacrifice? Have we naught to show for our suffering? I thought peace was a sufficient salve, but mayhap I was mistaken. 
Aymeric: We are warriors, Lord Edmont, and ours is a nation built on centuries of warfare. Right or wrong, this is who we are, and we deny it at our peril. 
Aymeric: To hold on to the past, without being beholden to it...Aye, we must needs find a way to honor the sacrifice of our forefathers without glorying in their excesses.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: A difficult path, to be sure. We dare not deny the scars which mar our nation's soul, lest we spur other disillusioned souls to retrace them... 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: ...But, as you say, we dare not revel in past glories either, for they are tainted all. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: A clear, unambiguous enemy, and an undeniably righteous cause... 'Tis a bitter reflection, but lies though they were, they did long serve to unite us. 
Aymeric: No truth will ever serve as well, I fear. Yet...we are not without options. 
Aymeric: At our last meeting, a proposal was tabled by the other members of the Eorzean Alliance for joint military exercises—to strengthen the ties between our nations, and test our readiness to meet with a common threat. 
Aymeric: I had thought to delay these exercises until after the peace conference, but mayhap a grand melee would be just the thing to lift our beleaguered spirits. 
Aymeric: Better still, an occasion for the Temple Knights and the watch to take the field as allies—a unified Ishgardian force filled with men and woman from all walks of life, which would stand against a coalition of the allied nations' finest! 
Aymeric: Hosted by Ishgard, in the shadow of the Gates of Judgement! A victory under such circumstances would serve as a reaffirmation - nay, a declaration to all and sundry that we are as strong and united as ever! 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Such a victory would do much to fan the flames of patriotism, it is true. But if we should be defeated...? Though...even to hold our own against the cream of three nations might be presented as a triumph...
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Very well. You may count on my support, for what little it is worth. However, I have a request: I would have my son Emmanellain take part in the grand melee. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: By his deeds has he brought shame upon Ishgard, and so by his deeds I would have him bring our nation honor. 
Aymeric: ...As you wish, my lord. If that is his desire, then it shall be so. 
Aymeric: Now then, we have no time to lose. [Forename], would you be so kind as to deliver my instructions to Lucia? 
Aymeric: I shall write to the Alliance leaders at once and begin making arrangements for the grand melee. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: Should you chance to see my son, pray inform him of his duty. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: If he has not already returned, he will soon enough - making every effort to avoid me. 

Optional Dialogue

Lucia: Forgive me, [Forename]. I arrived but a moment ago, and must needs unpack my things. We will speak anon.
House Fortemps Steward: I pray you do not judge Lord Emmanellain too harshly. He... His heart is in the right place, but he is still struggling to find himself.

Speaking with Thancred

Thancred: So that is their solution. A "grand melee" to unite the people...
Thancred: And what part would they have you play in this affair, I wonder. You, whom they have taken into their confidence, upon whom they have come so heavily to rely. 
Thancred: And will you oblige them, when the proposition is made? Will you stand for Ishgard once more? 
< What will you say? >
< We have come this far, have we not? > 
< I will stand for my friends and comrades, not a nation. >
< It is getting to be a bit much, isn't it... >
< We have come this far, have we not? >
Thancred: Well, when you put it like that, I suppose it would be a shame not to see it through to the bitter end.
< I will stand for my friends and comrades, not a nation. >
Thancred: A poor choice of words. For friends tried and true, then. The living and the lost.
< It is getting to be a bit much, isn't it... >
Thancred: You say that, and yet here you are. Here we are. This is, after all, the life we chose. 
Thancred: In any event, let us not forget that the Ascians sought to profit from this war. To put an end to it is to put an end to their plot, and that, my friend, is ever a worthy cause. 
Thancred: So, for this grand melee of his, Ser Aymeric wishes to field a force comprising both his Temple Knights and Hilda's watch, yes? I can only imagine what she will have to say about that.
Thancred: In fact, curiosity compels me to go and see for myself. 

Optional Dialogue

Symme: Huzzah! We've been spoiling for a fight! We won't let Ser Aymeric down, you'll see!
Eudestand: (Bloody fool doesn't realize he'll have to sit this one out. If all the watch ran off with Ser Aymeric to play soldier, who'd be left to keep an eye on things here?)
Thancred: Hm? I thought you had something to discuss with the first commander?
Hilda: ...Because of course he had to deliver the news in person, eh?

Speaking with Lucia

Lucia: Well met, [Forename]. Have you spoken with Ser Aymeric? 
Lucia: ...I was aware of the Alliance's request. So—Ser Aymeric would turn these exercises into a spectacle for the masses. 
Lucia: It is not that I doubt the efficacy of such a plan. Indeed, I know its effectiveness only too well, having witnessed it firsthand...
Lucia: Nevertheless, he has not once given me reason to doubt his intentions—and these are desperate times indeed. 
Lucia: I will select knights for the event forthwith. As for the watch— 
Lucia: ...Did he now? How considerate of Master Thancred to seek out our young watch commander of his own volition. 
Lucia: Alas, he acted prematurely. Pray deliver this list of watch candidates to Hilda. I would have her best men, not her most dispensable. 
Lucia: Forgive me, but I have much to do. Send Hilda my regards.

Delivering the letter to Hilda

Hilda: Thancred's been tellin' me all about Ser Aymeric's grand soirée. Seems we're expected to join in. 
Hilda: It's nice of him to invite us and all, but I hope he knows what he's doin'- 'cause we ain't dressed to dance with professional bleedin' soldiers. 
<Hand Over Letter to Hilda>
Hilda: ...Well, well—seems the first commander's gone and handpicked her guests. Can't say I disagree with her choices, though. She's got a good eye. 
Hilda: Will you be fightin' too? Reckon it'd inspire the lads if you were. Might take their minds off gettin' their hides tanned, and all. Think about it, eh?
Thancred: I hate to ask, but you haven't seen our favorite lordling, have you? 
Thancred: <sigh> I thought not. On the assumption that he is not to be found in his father's loving embrace, I suggest we split up and look for him. I will search Foundation, and you the Pillars. 

Optional Dialogue

Thancred: ...Do not look at me like that. I will begin my search in due time.
Hilda: I still can't believe he actually hit the daft bastard. Gods, I wish I'd been there to see it!

Searching for Emmanellain in the Pillars (Cutscene)

Emmanellain: ...I carried Honoroit to the manor. 
Emmanellain: Our best chirurgeons are tending to him as we speak. He has yet to wake, but surely...surely he will. 
Emmanellain: So father has volunteered me for this "grand melee" of theirs? 
Emmanellain: <sigh> My beloved family. Always making my decisions for me. 
Emmanellain: No, it's not like that! It's just...Oh, you wouldn't understand. How could you? You are free to be the woman/man you want to be, whereas I...I...
Emmanellain: I am a son of House Fortemps, don't you see? My future was determined before I was born. What I could and could not do. 
Emmanellain: Right or wrong, that was the way of it—until the old order began to crumble. Now we wander amidst the rubble, searching for a purpose, a place... 
Emmanellain: All around me, brave men and women rise to the occasion. With faith and conviction they dedicate themselves to their causes. But not I. 
Emmanellain: I was terrified of making the wrong choice, which is why I let better men make them for me. Do this, do that, take this duty, guard this conference—
Emmanellain: I suppose I had convinced myself I was above it...until your friend showed me otherwise. 
Emmanellain: When I saw Honoroit, I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to blame! But, in the end, there was only me. Only me. 
Emmanellain: So you see, I cannot meekly bow my head and accept Father's command. Such cowardice is what brought me to this point. 
Emmanellain: I will go to Ser Aymeric, and I will make my own decision.

Optional Dialogue

Emmanellain: No more excuses. This will be my choice, and mine alone.
Thancred: ...Found him, did you?
Lucia: Hilda did not object to my selections, then? Good.

Speaking with Aymeric at the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly

Temple Knight Guard: The lord commander is not to be disturbed. May I ask what matter demands his personal attention?
Temple Knight Guard: ...I see. Very well—you may enter. 

Cutscene start

Emmanellain: Lord Commander, if I may. I wish to speak with you before the grand melee.
Emmanellain: How do you do it, my lord? How do you lead with such certainty when so many of our countrymen will not hear of peace with the Dravanians? 
Emmanellain: Some of them hate you almost as much as the dragons themselves. They decry you as a patricide in the streets. They even tried to kill you, for gods' sakes! Yet still you march on, undaunted, where no archbishop dared to tread. What is your secret? Where do you find the strength? 
Aymeric: For centuries, our nation has been punished for the sins of our forefathers. 
Aymeric: If our punishment is to end, I believe we must right the wrongs of antiquity and move forward as a nation united. Needless to say, my father did not share this opinion. 
Aymeric: He did not believe the people strong enough to bring about their own deliverance, trusting only in himself. Tyranny seemed to him the only solution.  
Aymeric: But I have faith in the people, Lord Emmanellain. I have faith that they will weather this storm, and overcome every trial we set before them. 
Aymeric: Many have fought and died to see this blight upon our nation's history cleansed, and I would not let their sacrifices be in vain. Though we invite reprisals, the risk is worth the reward. 
Emmanellain: I want to believe...I do... 
Emmanellain: Lord Commander—through my careless orders, a pall has been cast over these proceedings, and I beg the opportunity to make amends.
Emmanellain: I, Emmanellain de Fortemps, do hereby request leave to take part in the grand melee!
Aymeric: Who am I to deny such a heartfelt plea? We would be honored to have you join the fray, my lord.
Count Edmont de Fortemps: You will take charge of the Ishgardian forces? 
Aymeric: For all my other responsibilities, I am still lord commander of the Temple Knights, and I would not soon yield this duty to another. 
Count Edmont de Fortemps: The esteemed Ser Aymeric, leading the Temple Knights and the watch into battle, along with my youngest. I could wish for no more. 
Aymeric: Then you wish for too little, my lord! There is another who might yet join the fray. An indispensable ally to whom we owe much and more. 
Aymeric: An adventurer beholden to none, who nevertheless chose to champion our cause. Who has shared in our suffering, and in our glory. 
Aymeric: A warrior without equal, whom I am privileged to call a friend. There is no one I would rather have fighting by my side. 
Aymeric: I ask this in full knowledge of your obligations, and will not think less of you should you refuse. But if your conscience will allow it, might you oblige me, my friend? One more time? 
Aymeric: Ha! Together, we shall give people a spectacle for the ages—a celebration to mark the dawning of a new era! 

Optional Dialogue inside the Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly

Lucia: We would not have come this far were it not for you, [Forename].
Lucia: It has been an honor and a privilege.

Speaking with Thancred

Thancred: Gods help me, I think it might be love. 
Thancred: I daresay it might be cheating, too. Your mere presence is enough to turn the tide of most battles. 
Thancred: And did you see the way his eyes lit up when you nodded? 'Twas a look of boundless relief and joy. One would think a politician more practiced at concealing his emotion. 
Thancred: Still, his honesty does him credit. For a moment, I was fair inspired to pledge myself to the cause. But that would be improper. This is their fight—and yours—but not mine.