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Brick by Brick, Tank by Tank

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Brick by Brick, Tank by Tank

Quest giver
Garlemald (X:31.8, Y:18.8)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestStrange Bedfellows
Experience 168,300-190,575
Gil 735

Dossennus is looking battered and bruised after a scrape with some automated adversary.

— In-game description


After accepting the quest, the player will be required to interact with four Dormant Warmachina in Regio Urbanissima at the following coordinates: (X:28.7, Y:15.2); (X:27.3, Y:13.7); (X:27.0, Y:14.1); (X:26.7, Y:12.3). Two of these warmachina will yield no ceruleum tanks, while one will yield a singular ceruleum tank, and another will transform into an aggressive Booted Death Machine. Killing the Booted Death Machine is not required for quest completion; the player may run far away enough from the enemy for it to de-aggro, and continue interacting with the other Dormant Warmachina if desired.



  • Dossennus is looking battered and bruised after a scrape with some automated adversary.


Accepting the Quest

Dossennus: What do you want? Hmm, hold on─ You seem a rather dextrous sort. Perhaps I can persuade you to take on a task for me?
Dossennus: I trust you are aware that ceruleum tanks can be salvaged from downed magitek weaponry, yes? Excellent. As it so happens, I have just finished scouting the perimeter of the station, looking for any machina that aren't yet completely destroyed.
Dossennus: I thought my work done, but word has reached me that some warmachina have recently come to a grinding halt nearby. As much as I would like to investigate this report, I worry the things may not be completely out of commission─that they may have life enough left to strike a killing blow.
Dossennus: If you're willing, search the area northwest of the station for dormant warmachina and pilfer their tanks of ceruleum for me. See if you can succeed where I've so egregiously failed.
Dossennus: Find inactive warmachina and salvage their ceruleum tanks for me, will you? You should find some northwest of the station.

Completing the Quest

Dossennus: Why, just look at you─ Not so much as a scratch. Now then, have you the tanks I requested?
Dossennus: I knew you'd come through! Without this ceruleum, we might well have frozen to death. There may not be much, but we're grateful for it, believe me.
Dossennus: Still, what we have here is but a small bandage atop a very large wound. While this amount of fuel is only a stopgap measure, its discovery means that more can likely be found farther afield.
Dossennus: <sigh> ...If I am to be honest, I often find myself wishing for a savior, one who will lead us into more promising times, as Emperor Solus once did. Someone who might pluck us from this sad lot.
Dossennus: But no man or woman as great as he will ever appear again─at least, not in our lifetimes. No, we've only to rely on ourselves now, to rebuild our fallen cities brick by brick, stone by stone.
Dossennus: It will prove a grueling task, one that will take us years. Just thinking about it makes my head spin...but you've shown me that if we all pull our weight, it's not so unrealistic a goal. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving me the courage to go on.

Additional Information

  • This quest applies Quest Sync, meaning it will sync to the player's level. The minimum level for this quest is level 80 and the maximum is level 90.