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Bonds of Trust

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Bonds of Trust

Bonds of Trust.png
Quest giver
Garlemald (X:31.6, Y:17.3)
Quest line
Post-Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
Experience 49,728
Gil 1,389
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Fallen Empire
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestLunar Rendezvous

Main Scenario Progress: 839 / 953 (88%)


Endwalker Progress: 141 / 155 (91%)


Concern is writ on Jullus's face.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


  • Find Mettius, and defeat any enemies which threaten him.
  • Aid Mettius.
  • Speak with Zero.


  • Incensed that Gnaeus would even consider trading Garlean technology to a foreign nation for currency and supplies, Mettius storms out of Tertium before talks can begin in earnest. Knowing that it is not safe for a civilian to traverse the wastes unattended, you and your allies venture forth to search for the magistrate.
  • Your timing is impeccable, as you find Mettius cowering before an advancing warmachina clearly intent upon doing him serious harm. You make short work of the contraption and save the magistrate's life. but it remains to be seen if he suffered more than mere scrapes and bruises in his panic to escape.
  • Even after such a harrowing experience, Mettius regards you and your comrades with disdain. Seeing this, Jullus implores the proud patriot to look beyond the glories of the past and accept the reality of their situation, that the Garlean people might build stronger ties with outsiders and improve their lot. Moved by this heartfelt appeal, Mettius apologizes for his behavior, and resolves to rejoin the talks at Tertium. But the magistrate is not the only one with whom Jullus's words appear to have struck a chord, as Zero bids the soldier explain how he wielded trust so deftly and “bound the magistrate.” Puzzled, Jullus corrects her misconception, and credits his success to the infectious nature of trust. “When someone believes in you, it makes you want to believe in them. In others. In yourself.”
  • Zero recalls a moment from her own past when a mage and knight once implored her to trust in them and join in their fight to end the Contramemoria. Alas, she could not bring herself to do so, and instead refused them outright. Though she fears she may lack the capacity to place her faith in another, Jullus states that what she could not do yesterday, she may yet do today─that so long as we yet live, there is cause to hope. For has she not already learned to forge bonds with you and your comrades? And a friend by any other name would be as deserving of trust. Thus does Jullus extend his hand to her in friendship, and reaffirm that he regards her as a comrade.
  • Upon returning to Tertium, you find the station filled with representatives of the various settlements scattered throughout Garlemald. With Mettius's consent, Gnaeus announces to all in attendance that they will enter into a trade agreement with Radz–at–Han. By virtue of this partnership, you and your allies will be afforded permission to access the Tower of Babil, bringing you one step closer to reaching the void, and saving Azdaja.