Believe in Your Sylph

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Believe in Your Sylph

Believe in Your Sylph Image.png
Quest giver
East Shroud (X:21.9, Y:25.6)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Letter from the Elder Icon.png  Letter from the Elder
Experience 7,920
Gil 1,201
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestA Simple Gift
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestBack from the Wood

Main Scenario Progress: 61 / 953 (6.4%)


A Realm Reborn Progress: 61 / 241 (25.3%)


Komuxio wants you to discuss peace with Frixio.

— In-game description



  • Komuxio has asked you to observe his tempered kindred in the sylph homeland, hoping that your testimony might serve to reassure the Gridanians that they have nothing to fear from his people. Take yourself to the location he has marked on your map, and /lookout for tempered sylphs.
  • Commander Heuloix is relieved to learn that the sylphs have no desire for conflict with Gridania. In no small part due to your efforts, man and sylph may continue to live in peace.


Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Komuxio: This one has been expecting walking one! This one fetches elder one!
Frixio: This one is pleased to see walking one again. Welcome to the home of these ones.
Papalymo: Ah, there you are, [First name]. We have just been hearing tell of your deeds of derring-do. Well done!
Frixio: Ah, the walking ones who aided Noraxia! This one is grateful!
Papalymo: A pleasure to have been of service. If you do not mind my asking, how did your misadventure come about?
Frixio: This one does not mind. The misadventures, as walking one calls them, of this one began when imperial ones entered the wood. Fearing trouble, these ones decided to watch imperial ones closely.
Frixio: But these ones watched too closely, and imperial ones noticed and tried to catch these ones.
Frixio: Having nowhere else to hide, this one fled into Toto–Rak. Would that this one had not. In Toto–Rak, a sinister one robed in black tried to feed this one to a many-legged one! 
Yda: A sinister one robed in black...? Why do I have the feeling I should be more worried about that than I am?
Papalymo: Elder Frixio, we come to you as emissaries of the nation of Gridania. This missive bears the words of the Elder Seedseer.
Frixio: This one sees... So walking ones of Gridania are fearful of Lord Ramuh.
Papalymo: Plainly put, yes. Your people summoned the Lord of Levin but once, yet that single occurrence occasioned great alarm.
Yda: But it's not as if the Gridanians dislike you or anything. Actually, it's just the opposite. They think of you as friends, and they don't want anything to get in the way of that. That's why the Elder Seedseer wrote to you.
Frixio: Hmmm... This one well knows and respects horned one Kan–E–Senna. Be assured: like walking ones of Gridania, these ones have no desire for conflict.
Frixio: These ones resorted to summoning Lord Ramuh to protect the wood from imperial ones. This one counseled against doing so, but was not heeded.
Frixio: Against this one's wishes, Lord Ramuh was summoned...and all those ones who took part became touched ones.
Frixio: These ones want so desperately to turn touched ones back to normal ones, but did not know how─and still do not know.
Frixio: Touched ones, meanwhile, wanted to turn these ones into touched ones, and did know how... So this one fled to Little Solace with all those ones who did not wish to be bound to Lord Ramuh.
Frixio: But walking ones of Gridania need not fear touched ones or Lord Ramuh. Unlike other primal ones, Lord Ramuh is not callous and cruel.
Frixio: So long as walking ones do not trespass on these ones' ancestral homeland, where touched ones reside, walking ones will not suffer thunderous judgment.
Frixio: But this one has spoken enough of touched ones. This one would speak instead of these ones. As this one said, these ones desire peace with walking ones of Gridania. And so these ones ask for a chance to set things right.
Papalymo: By way of an addendum, mortals who are tempered come to take on the qualities embodied by the primal in question. In the case of the sylphs, Ramuh's influence has made them fiercely protective of their homeland.
Yda: That explains why they're so hostile towards trespassers, but what about the abductions?
Papalymo: A fine question, Yda! The abductions are, I believe, an expression of the tempered sylphs' desire for reconciliation─another quality traditionally associated with Ramuh. In the crudest manner imaginable, they seek to bring their fellows back into the fold. A timely reminder that the challenges posed by each primal are unique.
Papalymo: Elder Frixio, we thank you for making your will known to us. The people of Gridania will rest easier in the knowledge that they and the sylphs are united in their desire for peace.
Frixio: Wishing to cooperate, this one has written down the feelings of these ones. Please see that these feelings are conveyed to horned one Kan–E–Senna.
Papalymo: And with that, I believe we can lay the matter of Ramuh to rest.
Yda: That sylph elder's very reasonable, I must say. You could learn a lot from him.
Papalymo: ...Hm!? Was that a jibe? If so, I feel it only fair to observe that one of us wouldn't recognize reason if it punched her on the nose. Did I say fair? I meant: reasonable.
Yda: Anyway, we're going to head back to the Waking Sands and tell Minfilia all about it.
Papalymo: Fear not─we will be sure to mention the instrumental part you played in all of this. And while we see to that, we should appreciate it if you would deliver Frixio's missive to the Adders' Nest.
Papalymo: Elder Frixio, we humbly thank you for your time. It has been an honor.
Frixio: The honor is this one's. Together, let the walking ones of Gridania and these ones find a way to live in peace.
Frixio: Please wait, walking one [First name].
Frixio: This one has yet to give walking one a token of this one's appreciation.
Frixio: When these ones summoned Lord Ramuh, these ones were gifted this crystal. This one would now bestow the crystal upon walking one as a symbol of these ones' trust.
Frixio: <gasp> This one was not mistaken about walking one.
Frixio: Walking one is destined to walk a fate far crueler than this one can imagine.
Frixio: A brilliant light from within walking one enveloped the crystal─this one saw.
Frixio: Mark this one well: that crystal will one day be of use to walking one. Walking one must keep that crystal safe at all times.
Komuxio: Before walking one returns to Gridania, this one would ask walking one to watch touched ones.
Komuxio: So long as touched ones are not troubled, touched ones will not make trouble.
Komuxio: If walking one witnesses touched ones making no trouble, mayhap walking one can testify to walking ones of Gridania that these ones mean no harm.
Komuxio: These ones' homeland is fraught with danger. This one marks down safe places to look out for touched ones.

Looking Out

System: There are tempered sylphs in the distance. You do not sense that they pose a danger if left alone. 

Delivering Frixio's missive to Vorsaile Heuloix

(If not part of Twin Adders)
Vorsaile Heuloix: Ah, if it isn't [First name]. How went the meeting with the sylphs?
(If part of Twin Adders)
Vorsaile Heuloix: Ah, if it isn't [Rank][Last Name]. How went the meeting with the sylphs?
Vorsaile Heuloix: A missive from the sylph elder himself!? If I may...
Vorsaile Heuloix: So the sylphs have no desire for conflict, nor do they intend to summon Ramuh.
Vorsaile Heuloix: And so long as we leave the tempered ones be, we need not fear any aggression on their part.
Vorsaile Heuloix: The Elder Seedseer will be overjoyed to hear that the sylphs have welcomed our overtures. And in the knowledge that they bear us no ill will, we may channel our resources towards tackling the more conspicuous threats to our security.
(If not part of Twin Adders)
Vorsaile Heuloix: You have done this nation a great service, my friend. On behalf of all Gridanians, I give you my thanks.
(If part of Twin Adders)
Vorsaile Heuloix: You have done our nation a great service, [Rank][Last name]. It will not be forgotten.